Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reference :- Paul Murray tried to humiliate Greta Thunberg , and failed again .

Reference :-    Paul Murray , in his search for reasons to discredit Greta Thunberg, told us that her recent refusal to accept a cash award for her work as an activist was probably just another publicity stunt .

 Look Paul , this tired old technique is starting to become an embarrassment .  If Greta took the award , you could say she , or the people who use her as a their puppet , only did it for the money . Since she didn't take the money , she is just looking for more publicity .  This  argument weakens our case , since it would appear to anyone that we wish to discredit her no matter what she does .  Might I suggest  we could attack her less obviously by saying   " If she is so sure there is climate change why didn't she take the money and use it to plant some trees "   We conservatives aren't much interested in ethics per se , but the actual destination of money does grab our attention .  

 Your comrade , Ken  

Reference:- Andy Bolt ranted about freedom of speech , and civilised discourse , as though he had the slightest notion regarding what they are .

Reference : -    Andy Bolt was very slurred of speech today in his speech about free speech . Apart from being somewhat inarticulate , he also seemed confused . Apparently other people's free speech is abuse , and his abuse is free speech , and it was hard to follow which one was what one and what one was which .

Hello again Andy .   What made you whine about people ( well , you know , not real people , just climate change alarmists  )   demonstrating , and then immediately complain  about our loss of freedom of speech ?   Where do you stand on the issue ?   And then you moaned on about the lack of civilised discourse , and respect for the opinions of others , and yet you do so love to spit out people's names with visible contempt , and attach to them , disrespectful labels.   

You have quite a way of punching out these labels by drawing out their pronunciation , and following up with a sigh and an exasperated hand wave .  For example , you might say something like , "  the climate alarmist greeeeeeeeens who deny the science "  then sigh heavily  as you  extend your forearms to show the palms of you hands .   Is that what you call respectful discourse ?   Of course it isn't .  Look Andy , I am fine with your abusive discourse , and disrespectful labels . They get the job done in any debate . Go for it old son . But don't criticise your own technique for heaven's sake !  Be proud of it . Flaunt it .   If your slurred speech has resulted from hitting the bottle , that would also explain your confusion .  

As I have offered before , you are welcome at my place anytime to dry out  if you need to. My son ,Ken junior is so disappointed with your efforts on Sky News of late that he is close to dusting you altogether .  But if you show up sober , I think we can swing him around .   

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Paul Murray is eager to make our oceans safe from sharks , though his approach certainly lacks depth .

 Reference :-   Paul Murray made us frightened of sharks , after a tourist lost his foot in a shark attack .  Yes , that is a terrible thing to happen .  But what should we do about it ? What are the risks ?
And what price should we pay to reduce them ?

 Hello again Paul.  I see it was easier to stay awake in this interview , the one with Mr Morrison almost had you nodding off.  Government policies kill more people each year than sharks , to be sure , but  somehow that just doesn't seem as dramatic .

So lets check out a few statistics .

People killed by sharks so far this year in Australia .......       zero.

People killed by sharks in Australia  per year ,on average . 

Sharks killed by humans in Australia  per year , on average . ....................approx 1000

People killed by sharks per year world wide , on average ..........................approx 10

Sharks killed by people per year worldwide ...................far more than100 million . (14,000 per hour  )

Shark species facing extinction ....     up to half of all known shark species . 

The sharks look to be losing , slightly, don't they ? By over ten million to one .

Horses , dogs, and other people kill more people each year than sharks by a huge margin .   

You are 400 times more likely to be murdered  in Australia by a member of your own species  , than killed by a shark . 

If we use drum lines to trap sharks , we also kill tens of thousands of other marine animals . Like turtles , dugongs , dolphins and whales , some species of which , are facing extinction .
We run over about 60 children  a year with our own SUV's , in our own driveways . But we enjoy driving those symbols of freedom and adventure, despite their impracticality , so we pay that price .
But let a shark bite somebody who knows the risk they are taking , and we are so horrified that we
will wipe out many thousands of innocent creatures, belonging to many species, in response .

 If killing tens of thousands of innocent members of endangered species would reduce the risk of a coconut falling on your head , would you do it ?   One would hope not . But the risk of a coconut falling on your head is actually higher than your risk of a shark attack .
Its irresponsible media sensationalism that discourages tourists , not sharks .
 And if we damage our populations of dolphins and dugongs , turtles and whales , with drum lines ,that wont be a big win for tourism either .
 One can't help but wonder at the shameful stupidity , Paul , can one  ?   

 Your comrade , Ken 


Reference :- Andy Bolt out-trumped the president of the USA with his courageous and well considered " May he rot in hell !! " remark.

 Reference :-     Emboldened by his recent declaration of war on China (which he announced on Sky News )  Andy Bolt expressed his disgust with those world leaders who exercised restraint with their comments ,following the assassination of the terrorist , and ISIS leader ,  Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi .   Restraint , though often useful ,  is not one of Andy's strong suits .

Yes Andy , it certainly is annoying when we assassinate an evil terrorist , but  then can't enjoy the pleasure of  watching the rabid, ranting , " in your face ISIS you losers " taunting that we feel we have earned   .   Well not you personally Andy , the frontline of the war on terror is not for you , and  you earned nothing , but lets not quibble .   At least Mr Trump has no trouble heaping praise upon himself , so that did give us at least one opportunity to gloat .  Lets just look at a short list of comments , lightly paraphrased , by the leaders of countries in the region . They have quite a vested interest in maintaining calm , I imagine .

Saudi Arabia    "   ... appreciate the effort to subdue terrorism "
Egypt                " .... an important step in the fight against terrorism "
Turkey               "  .....a turning point in an alliance for peace "
Afghanistan       " ...... a welcome outcome to an operation "
Israel                  "........ a milestone on the path to freedom "
Jordan                " ......... a significant step in the war against hate . "

 So how is your war against hate unfolding Andy  ?

 Here is your quote .  "  MAY HE ROT IN HELL !!! "

  I wonder if such a remark could anger a fanatical terrorist army and incite  more violence ?
  Look , I don't want to appear critical, but it's time you learned the usefulness  of restraint .
  You might gain some insight by watching some old black and white western movies . Here is a common scene.
  The ratbag kid brother from an outlaw family comes to town . He becomes drunk and wild , and shoots the barmaid .  The Sheriff ( Gary Cooper ) rushes into the saloon . Ratbag kid is too slow on the draw , and the sheriff guns him down .   Shortly later , the older brothers come to town , and survey the carnage , with guns drawn .   The Sheriff  quietly says .  " He shot the barmaid . "
 The oldest outlaw looks at his dead kid brother , and says   "  I guess he always had it coming. "  and the six shooters are replaced in their holsters .
I wonder how the scene might play out if the sheriff had snarled "  MAY HE ROT IN HELL !!!  "
If you would like to hang out at my place for a few days , and watch some old westerns DVDs  , my door is always open . Ken junior likes watching them too sometimes , and it would be a good opportunity to steer the  little bugger away from the internet .  

 Your comrade , Ken 


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reference:- Paul Murray interviewed Mr Morrison about the drought . A calm and cheery Mr Morrison reassured us that he has his budget surplus out of harm's way locked in a bushfire proof safe .

Reference :-      At one stage it looked like Paul Murray was falling asleep in a gripping interview where Mr Morrison managed to bravely conceal his sympathy for our desperate farmers .

Mr Morrison , Sir .  When everybody is desperate , and teary eyed farmers , and even Alan Jones, beg for help ,we can thank our lucky stars you have kept calm.    And you are most wise to talk to Paul Murray , not Jonesie .   Now is the time for frugal common sense , not wasteful spending on disaster relief .  If we call out the army to help cart water and stock feed , fight fires and the suchlike , what happens if China attacks ?  

   Did you see that Andy Bolt , the knucklehead , took the liberty of declaring war on China via Sky News the other day ?    He is a plucky fellow , and no doubt eager to grab a 303 and head for the front lines , but I think you should have a word with him about it .  As a qualified economist you surely must know how a war with China would scoop the cream off the top of your budget surplus .    Once again , congratulations for sticking to your particular guns and not dipping into the 7 billion quid surplus  just to save the rural sector .  We can always buy food from one of those foreign "developing "  countries that sell us fuel and clothes and cars and all those other manufactured goods .  If our primary industry has to be closed down  , like the Holden factory , so be it .   One last thing .   My cousin Bunty , the plumber , recently unblogged the water closet at Kirribilli House .  He tells me you are so frugal that you never throw anything away if it can be useful .   He says he was admiring your framed degree in economics , mounted tastefully upon the wall, and lo and behold , serving as a lolly tray on the bench  below , was the Cornflakes box it came in .

  Was he pulling my leg , or not ?   

 Your comrade , Ken

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reference :- The massive bushfires have seen Tony Abbott doing his bit to help out , side by side with the firefighters .

Reference :-  Former prime minister Tony Abbott is fit enough to have helped  out with fighting the massive bushfires sweeping the nation .   Better that Tony helps rather than our current prime minister , who looks like a massive coronary infarct brewing beneath an american baseball cap.  We can't spare another ambulance .  Viewers overseas have noted a certain irony , however .

 Top effort Tony . We can always rely on you . But without putting a downer on your courageous efforts , I feel a duty to inform you about the disgusting behaviour of certain overseas climate alarmists .  My dear sister lives in the outer burbs of London , in old blighty , and she tells me people have been laughing at you .  They seem to find some kind of hilarious irony in the sight of a climate change denialist former  PM fighting a nearby fire ,while much of the country endures the worst conflagrations they have ever seen .  It saddens me to be the bearer of such sad tidings , but Tony , forewarned is forearmed , as they say , and you need time to construct a suitable response .

Make sure to include a plug for the fossil fuel industry while you are at it . But don't wave around a lump of anthracite like Mr Morrison .  Rubbing it in the alarmist's faces like that merely lowers us to their level .  If it suits your busy itinerary ,we could do with a bit of help up our way too.  You are most welcome to stay at my place .  I can throw Ken junior out of his room , and give him the sofa .  The lazy sod locks himself in there all day , complaining about the smoke , and doing God knows what .   I will wash the sheets , but they may acquire a smokey bouquet on the clothes line .   I dare not use the drier since the recent escalation in the price of electrons .   But I do keep it on the verandah under a hessian bag , ever hopeful that you will be returned to the top job , and power prices will tumble .  

  Your comrade , Ken

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reference :- A missing link made monkeys of them all.

Reference :-   In an interview , respected climate scientist Andy Pitman said that he believed there was " no link between climate change and drought" . The Sky news team couldn't conceal their tumescence upon hearing that . Later Mr Pitman expressed regret for making the statement and said he had been misinterpreted . He says he would like to correct his mistake and alter his statement to  "no DIRECT  link ".  Apparently that is not acceptable to Sky news , but it is acceptable to Media Watch .   Sky news has sunk it's teeth into this story like a rabid bull terrier , and won't let go.  

Calm down gentleman, no need to fight  !   Our embarrassed Mr Pitman is like a chap who accidentally started a fight in a public bar .  He has been sensible enough to slip out the back door before the furniture starts flying about .  It's an easy argument to settle .   However , at the outset , everybody has to remember that Mr Pitman has always unambiguously stated that he believes in both global warming and climate change .   You have said so yourselves .  That means you can only score points on the question as to whether he believes there is "no link" , or "no direct link "between climate change and drought .  Mr Pitman  himself has tried to clarify that , by stating he believes the latter , and a reasonable person ought to allow him to be the final arbitrator regarding his own belief . 

 However , I acknowledge that Sky News tends to operate  under the assumption that it is the final arbitrator of pretty much everything .  I admit , the possibility exists that Mr Pitman was "got at ", after the interview , and encouraged to recant and lie . A not unheard of possibility . ( Think of poor Galileo. )     But the following direct quote from Mr Pitman  , printed on the pages of  the Financial Times last year will put us all in the picture .  (The Financial Times , since we wouldn't want to trust some leftie propaganda leaflet )
                                     " The landscape is hotter than normal and getting hotter and there has been
very high evaporation through winter . This accelerates drying , and moves Australia into drought faster , and the droughts last longer .  The risk that a region will be in drought is therefore linked to heat extremes , and these are unambiguously linked to global warming ."
That pretty well settles that , doesn't it gentlemen ?     You can carry on all you like about a poorly worded statement by a nervous interviewee confronted by an abrasive news anchor .  Mr Pitman is a scientist , not a professional orator .  He knows what his own opinion is . And so now , do you .

  Your comrade  Ken .



Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reference :- Peta Credlin interviewed Rita Panahi about Angus Taylor's dodgy figures for Sydney Council's travel expenses .

Reference :-      Peta Credlin interviewed another Sky News anchor, Rita Panahi .  This  concerned  a gargantuan error in the figure for Sydney Council's staff travel expenses , made by  Angus Taylor  while  he ranted  about climate change hypocrisy .

Gee Peta , I always like watching a news anchor interview another news anchor . It really does eliminate annoying  ...persons.  And the beauty of it is , that you know they are on your side . Andy Bolt has been making a dog's breakfast of his interviews in that regard , of late .  Some of his recent guests  have seen him try to change the topic of conversation faster than Scott Morrison when the cleaning lady unexpectedly walks into his office  .  
Indeed , getting a figure wrong by 99.99% is a significant error , especially for a qualified economist .But clearly he had no ulterior motives , how would he benefit from discrediting his political opponents ?
I think we should just give the poor bugger the benefit of the doubt on this occasion , and not call it deliberate deceit or forgery ,  just simple mind boggling incompetence  . That ought to keep him out of jail , though it might, along with a few other things ,  call into question his suitability for his job .

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Andy Bolt didn't quite nail this one . Its enough to make a chap want to go out and get hammered.

Reference :-    Andy states that scientists want equal gender representation of animal specimens in museums , and sees this as scientists pandering  to the politically correct .  And, he asserts , since  they do that , they are obviously also pandering to the climate change alarmists .   "To scientists indoctrinated by the left ", he intimates , "just  like the man with the hammer , everything is a nail ". 

 Andy , who in the name of God did the research for this piece of crap?   You quote the biologist , Natalie Cooper , and accuse her of irrationally making a fuss about the gender representation in museum specimens .   I am sure she has never heard that the males of most species are more dramatic visually so they can intimidate predators or attract mates . Biologists know bugger all about sexual displays  .  So thanks for pointing that out . You should write a book  . Bloody brilliant observation .  But before you rush off to the publishers, allow me to correct you on a couple of  points .  

Firstly , Natalie Cooper , the biologist ,was not the centrepiece  of the article to which you referred . It was Caroline Criado- Perez , who was reporting second hand  Natalie Cooper's  observation concerning  museum specimens .  Caroline's profession is journalism , which is what you like to have a bit of a go at Andy .  She was putting her own spin on something , which I know you would never do , but some journalists lack your meticulous scruples. 

  So , let's  bypass the journalistic spin ,  and go straight to the source , which is the actual scientist Natalie Cooper who made the original observation .   Her main point is that because there are statistically more male specimens in museums ,since  they look more striking , there is a problem with researching species in decline , (which is  most species , in fact ) since males and females often have different diets , and statistical analyses of stomach contents is more difficult due to a lack of specimens .  She didn't actually say it was politically incorrect that more female specimens weren't killed , sent to the taxidermist , and presented to the public mounted in a glass cabinet with a stick up their backsides .  She was expressing concern for  the lack of research specimens .  

 Many species have far more females then males in their natural populations , and we need to study their diets , and ailments  ( like parasite infections ) and hormonal responses to environmental change . So we need a good supply of female specimens .  Do you get it Andy ?  Since you think it is valid to make this startling connection  , I guess that means if she isn't denying science to appease the crazy lefties , then all those other scientists aren't denying science to appease the climate alarmists.   I am just following your lead with this line of reasoning Andy , its a bit too complicated for me to understand .
I know its too late to remove this crappy article from the world wide web .  ( Oh the web we weave when first etc ) .  But here's a tip for a follow up on the same topic that might get you out of the poo with this one .  Have you seen that those biologists we all despise  have named a new species of beetle after Greta Thunberg ?  I guess that's because she bugs everybody so much .  (  they recently shamelessly buttered up David Attenborough by bestowing a similar  honour  upon him )   You can go to town with a story there , and it gives you another opportunity to feature some cherry picked footage of Greta that you can ridicule .
 Since I thought of it first , a brief mention of me , as perhaps , contributing editor, would be much appreciated .   You can take credit for the "bug " line if you like , as encouragement .  

 Your comrade , Ken

Friday, October 25, 2019

Reference :- An honest letter to Alan Jones .

Reference :  Watching Alan Jones shed a tear over the current state of our drought stricken nation was like watching a wealthy german industrialist  being shown through one of his slave labor factories by the allies at the end of  WW2.   The sudden awful realization of what they had done .

Alan , well may you shed a tear.   The  establishment you have defended from socialism  all your life is riddled with corruption . And indeed yes , the country is now run by a pack of shady grifters  with a list of proven or alleged criminal and ethical misdeeds so long, that no major law firm would have the  resources to cope with it alone .  You know about all this Jonesie , so I won't waste our time listing the examples .  

 So why are you so shocked to see that these greedy pricks couldn't give a rats for the plight of our farmers ?  The government has a fraction of the debt that it had during the post war boom  , when we were "  The Lucky Country ", while private debt has soared to dizzying heights . Farmers are stuffed , and so are the one million or so ordinary householders who  currently suffer mortgage stress.     It's time for Morrison and his sidekick Josh to forget their selfish desire to make it into the history books with a budget surplus, and do some spending .   Let government debt rise , and bring private debt down .  Look at the qualifications of those who are running our country , and you find a lot of economics and marketing degrees.  What can you expect from a pack of poorly taught economists and dodgy marketing executives ? 

   I leave it for you to investigate my assertion that they were poorly taught . There are several excellent professors of economics throughout the world who can explain clearly, with empirical research ,why the economic models taught in the mainstream a generation or more ago are flawed . Even Alan Greenspan has finally openly admitted those models are wrong .  Poor old  Josh is confused by the fact that monetary policy hasn't kicked the economy along . But a multitude  of recent statistical analyses show that lowering interest rates alone will do bugger all, and there are plenty of cutting edge macroeconomics professors worldwide who anticipated our country's current predicament . 
 Jonesie , we are getting on in years , and won't have to worry much longer , but both of us want to go down fighting .  Like me , you no doubt have many friends who have simply given up and decided to take things easy for their remaining years . "  Whats the point in bothering " they say .  But that won't sit with us . 
 Over the years you have annoyed me with your oversimplification of many complex issues . So you get no thanks from me for helping to dumb down certain sections of our society .  That pings me off.  And your stubborn climate change denial , which you try to support by interviewing  crackpots , also pings me off.  Sky News is truly hideous in that respect .
 But we may share some common ground when it comes to our disgust with the cruel con men who are stuffing the country  . Why not give up on the climate hysteria for now, and interview people who have sound advice on how to manage the economy , of which the rural sector is a vital part ?
There is no shortage of clever economists around the world who actually know something , and regularly give lectures to world leaders seeking advice.  Interview some .  And give up on those ludicrous "conservatives vs lefties"  confrontations . Paul Murray is apparently too young to know , but surely by now you must  have worked out that the "political spectrum "  is all hogwash . As you point out , the bankers don't object to" socialism " for themselves when they go broke  .   And some "socialism" for farmers is desperately needed to get through this drought .   Or do we just hang our hopes  on the wisdom of the market ?  . In the end , what we should all be working towards  is the "common good ."   Remember that notion ?  Irrelevant crap about ideology does us no favours . Like the rich german industrialist confronting his slave labour camp for the first time , you have now shed a tear , realising what the cruel grifters you have supported have done to the country .
 You still have the resources to do something about that, however ,  Jonesie , whilst I can only write a blog that nobody reads . 

   Regards ,  Ken  

P.S.   I will likely return to teasing you by signing off as "comrade " , in a future post , especially if you keep feeding us malarkey about climate change hoaxes .Jesus , give us a break from that old chestnut Jonesie . )


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reference :- Rita Panahi told us that "miserable moaners " are already gearing up for next year's Australia Day .

Reference :- " Miserable Moaners " was hilarious .  It just begged the reply ,
" Alluring Alliteration Alleges Alien Alliances ".  Not a big story , but we can't be serious all the time , can we ?

 Hello Rita  . Haha ,  I do appreciate your less serious contributions to Sky News . They don't strain the brain as much . Anyway , it's all fun , and I thought I might offer a suggestion for the headline you will use when Australia Day finally rocks around .
 "    Hysterical Halfwits Hijack Holiday ".  It has a certain "je ne sais quoi"  does it not ? The beauty of it is that you can hang the "halfwit" moniker on anyone you like , come the day , so it doesn't matter who causes  strife , the same headline will suffice .    You are welcome to use it free of any consideration for copyright .  Like you , I also enjoy a bit of witty alliteration, and it might help lighten things up a bit .  Australia day is starting to look more like a Nuremberg Rally , what with all those flags , and that air of defiance .   Always feel free to ask me for help  if you are stumped for a good headline .  

Your comrade,  Ken.

Reference :- Andy Bolt was unimpressed by Minister Angus Taylor's 15 million dollar blunder .

Reference :-     Andy Bolt was justifiably annoyed with Angus Taylor for using a dodgy document to criticize the Sydney Council for overspending on travel, thereby leaving a Sasquatch sized carbon footprint .  The dodgy document overstates expenses by around 15 million . Oops .  Angus has been stressed a lot lately , perhaps over investigations into expensive water buy backs with taxpayers money , or a little bit of unapproved tree clearing that may possibly have bent a rule or two.

Excellent Andy.   I am really with you on this one .  How right you are that there are lots of better ways to unsettle  the climate alarmists , with no need to make things up.  There are also lots of better ways to unsettle Angus . ( You know , mentioning  multi million dollar water buy backs , and the weather in the Cayman Islands . That sort of thing . )   In this instance , I think it might be fair to give him the benefit of the doubt , and assume it's an honest mistake .  You might think that with his experience as Minister for Cybersecurity , and Energy , he would be pretty good with numbers , and unlikely to make a mistake running to 15 million quid  .   But like Mr Morrison , he has an economics degree, and bristling with all that financial knowledge , as they are , they sometimes miss the forest for the trees.  It won't take long to clear this up. 

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Andy Bolt explained that "just for fun" is a valid reason to clamber all over Uluru

Reference :-    Andy Bolt can't see the harm in clambering all over Uluru "just for fun " . He is very restrained in this story, since he once lost a litigation  case initiated because he had unwisely chosen a few words while reporting on indigenous affairs  . A silly mistake best forgotten .

A rather dilute show today Andy . I guess  you weren't in a very black mood over this , but I am hip with that . No point in vilifying any races is there ?  Especially if ,when they win court cases , they only ask for an apology , but no damages .  That completely deprives you of the opportunity to say
" they only did it for the money ".  

 Anyway , that's all water under the bridge , as they say .  I do like your lighthearted " fun thing to do " observation. Western civilizations sure do know how to have fun. Desecrating sacred sites for fun has a long history  . And we do it well.   When the Ottoman Sultan , Mehmed the Conqueror invaded Constantinople 500 odd years ago , he dismounted from his horse to grab the arm of a soldier who was busy damaging the decor of the great church of Hagia Sophia " just for fun ", and told him to stop.  He then looked around, and saw that the church had already been trashed by the foreign crusaders of a western christian denomination long before .  Our mob had beat him to it ! 

 I relate this to make a point .  I think that the native australians'  reverence for that rock , going back 50,000 years is something we have little hope of fully appreciating , given our mongrel background .   But Andy , have you thought of this ?   Thirty five or more people have died climbing that rock .   It hardly matches the thousands of natives massacred by settlers  ( the figures for those are unreliable at best , but there is no disputing the one for Tasmania , which stands at " every single one of them " ).  

So  what if we are being lead into a trap ?   If lots of folk want to angrily assert their right to climb the rock , more will inevitably plummet to their deaths .  Anger is the enemy of cautious climbing .  The indigenous side will get more runs on the board , and I bet they wouldn't mind if it took a few millennia to finally catch up.   One more thing . Why not diffuse the whole situation by letting people climb that big flagpole in Canberra , "just for fun"? It would be a real challenge , and would attract many climbers .  Since I thought of it first , perhaps you could pull a few strings and get me licensed to operate a nearby store selling biodegradable toilet tissue .  It would take time to climb , and some
folk might require a comfort stop, as they often do on Uluru .   

 Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Andy Bolt showed us some disturbing Walrus footage .

 Reference :-    This has been a slow Sky Reply , since watching  that  footage of Walruses falling  off the rocks to their deaths was upsetting . And yes , there is archival footage showing the same event has happened in the past, though not as often .

Hello again Andy . Apologies for the slow reply , but all that recent (and archival ), footage of Walruses falling  off the rocks to their deaths was pretty hard to watch .  My son , Ken junior , had the mistaken impression that you gloated  somewhat  during this presentation . Well , obviously you wouldn't be that cruel , would you ?   I have patched things up with him by explaining that any apparent  gloating was because you had revealed  David Attenborough for the fraud he is , and that you do care a great deal for the welfare of our wildlife .
 And congratulations for that .  Moving along Andy , I thought you wouldn't mind if I used this post to cheer those upset by the plight of Walruses , and Polar Bears ,  with some good news .  Decades of regulations to protect them  , and restrict hunting , have seen their numbers grow . They are resilient creatures and have fared  very well considering they have lost around 2million square klms of ice flow.   And we see more of them as a result of these protection laws .   Often in the wrong places .  Often on rocks instead of ice . But it certainly is comforting  to see them thriving  ,while so many other species  have become extinct over the past few decades.   Sadly , their numbers are falling again , but as soon as those ice flows return they will be on their merry way again . And those ice flows are certain to return soon , as you well know Andy .  

  Your comrade , Ken

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reference :- Sky news told us that scientists are concealing the fact that it was hotter a century ago .

Reference :-  Several Sky News anchors have told us that climate scientists are deliberately ignoring the fact that there were hotter days recorded a century ago , hence  their global warming graphs are
meaningless.  This particular Sky Reply is directed at Chris Kenny . He is by no means the only one who informs us so , but he does impart this vital information with a certain flair .

Yes indeed Chris , those scientists  are a sneaky bunch .  They tell us that they only include standardised  temperature measurements taken after the invention of the Stevenson Screen, since earlier measurements  taken without using one are not reliable .  The Stevenson Screen  hasn't received much mention on Sky News has it  Chris ?  But then again , why make a story complicated ?     Who cares if we now take temperature recordings from a thermometer shaded and ventilated in one of those white screens , whereas  back in the day they might just stick a thermometer on a tin can in the sun and try to outdo their neighbors for the hottest day .
 That's the trouble with science , too many variables to deal with . Like you , Chris , I reckon you cant go wrong keeping things simple .  KISS as they say .  

 Your comrade , Ken.

reference :- Chris Kenny laughed at an electric police car in the USA that couldn't pursue a felon because it's battery was low on charge

 Reference :-    Chris Kelly gave us a chance to laugh along with him as he described a ridiculously impractical  electric police car in the USA running low on  battery charge. 

Brilliant observation Chris .  Petrol engined cars never run out of petrol . Never in the history of car chases has a petrol engined car run out of juice . Although I did see that in an old Bogart movie once , but that was just Hollywood, and it  didn't even look like a real car  . 

Sure those Teslas can take off faster than a new girfriend when she catches a glimpse of the size of your last pay cheque. But those electron driven mutants have a puny range of only 600klm . What good is that ,considering  the average police car chase lasts almost  three full minutes ?  I reckon we bring back those V8 Falcon GTs ,with a 44 gallon drum strapped in the boot to help them handle . Even at 9 miles to the old imperial gallon they still had a decent range  . My son , Ken junior is quite a petrol head , and he loves hearing about the days when we could buy ex pursuit  cars at the auctions on the cheap .  They were ideal for doing burnouts after the cops had finished thrashing them .  Once again an impeccably researched story Chris .  You would never resort to scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for any way to discredit the climate change vultures .  If you need help with another car based story  feel free to ask my advice . I have restored many a muscle car over the decades , and still do, despite the emphysema .

  Your comrade , Ken

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt showed us more convincing evidence that climate change is a hoax .

 Reference :  Andy interviewed renowned former footballer, right wing politician , and one time  furniture dealer Craig Kelly, whose deep understanding of climate change makes a mockery of the scientific research.

 Well done Andy , you had Craig Kelly back on the show .  The man sure knows how to put those scientists in their place . It's quite obvious that climate scientists the world over have promoted this  climate change hoax , just so they can rake in all those lucrative research grants .   A friend who works parking cars for the Casino in Monte Carlo tells me that there is a never ending parade of climate scientists pulling up in their Maseratis  and Ferraris  , flaunting  porn star companions all draped with diamonds .  Disgusting it is .  So I tip my hat to Craig Kelly .  In his prime he was indeed a great footballer , rarely suffering a blow to the noggin . And he could flog a sucker a velvet lounge suite faster than you could say  "  American Express will do nicely sir ." That little legal fiasco of his in days gone by  is long forgotten , and only helped build his character . We can all be grateful that he has found the time , with all that going on , to become a climate expert as well.
 I don't know how you do it Andy , but you are a credit to the Sky News motto
 " news you can trust , opinions you can't ignore  "   It was certainly hard to ignore this one .

  Your comrade , Ken

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reference :- Sky News showed Scott Morrison avoiding a question from Penny Wong

Reference :- Scott Morrison evaded the question, when asked by Penny Wong... had he tried to secure an invitation for his Hillsong Pastor , Brian Houston , to join him on his visit to the USA?

Mr Morrison Sir . Why the obfuscation ??   Nobody would mind if you had asked for a few extra  tickets to functions so Brian could tag along . Look , religion has been a boon for humanity , excluding a few wars , pogroms , crusades , inquisitions and the suchlike .  (With probably only a handful killed at the most . ) So if you are chummy with your Padre , and even if , speaking in tongues , you  flop about on the floor talking to God , just come clean about it . Everybody will respect you more for your honesty .  

My son ,Ken junior , goes to a religious school and it has done him the world of good .  He even gets to spend some extra time after school with one of the teachers , which , bugger me dead , I never expected .   Keep those miracles headed our way ,we need them  in these troubled times .  And keep your eye on that Holy Grail , the budget surplus . When you have time ,  send me the address of your congregation , and I will happily slip them a few quid to help with the upkeep.   It's tax deductible , after all  .   Perhaps  you could return the favour by letting God know it hasn't rained here for twelve years  . He is busy with his omnipresence for sure , but if you could tell him my postcode , sadly overlooked , I would be very grateful.  

Your comrade, Ken ( 4352)

Reference :- Jacinta Ardern was called out by Sky News for shocking elder abuse.

Reference :-      Sky News has  found that behind her progressive facade ,  Jacinta Ardern is actually
a cruel woman who verbally abuses old men . The accusation is that some years ago she referred to
an aussie icon , specifically Mr Alan Jones Esq , as a "git'.  Poor Jonesie is a thin skinned chap, who takes great pains to avoid offending others . 

For heavens sake !!   When you start a name calling war , make sure you have better ammunition than a solitary "git " comment from years ago .  That is just plain pathetic . For a small consideration , I am prepared to research my belief that she may also have called poor Jonesie a" prat " back around 1996.
I am currently researching a book titled " The Sociopolitical Consequences of Puerile Insults " and feel confident that I have something to go on .  Ten quid in a brown envelope should cover my costs,  but remember to include a brief affidavit granting me immunity from litigation . 

Your comrade , Ken 


Reference:- Andy Bolt called out hypocrisy..again .

Reference   Andy Bolt dismissed an unexpected , but valid point , made by right winger Stephen Conroy .

 Reference : -  Andy bolt criticized  Greens leader , Richard Di Natale for having his recent surgery
 provided by Medicare, thereby taking advantage of the system ,when he could afford to be treated privately .   He expected Stephen Conroy to agree with him, but was surprised by the response .

 Hello again Andy .   How annoying that Stephen failed to support you on this occasion .  But you have to admit he had a good point . What a lost opportunity .  If Richard Di Natale had been treated privately you could have sneered ( Oh , and I can picture it . )    "  So here is a man who wants socialist medicine for everybody , but goes privately himself . What a hypocrite ! "   ( A bit of an arm wave and a deep sigh for emphasis . )   

 But since he went through the public system , to show his confidence in Medicare , you accuse him of robbing the system and stealing a bed from some poor schmuck . ( The  word you used  for a member of the public , which you should avoid, since schmucks are the reason you have a job. )     You were on a sure thing either way , and then Stephen stuffed it . Surely you run through these things backstage before the cameras roll ?  

 There is a lesson here Andy , never assume anything .   Personally , I think that politicians should all be obliged to use public hospitals , state  schools , and even public transport whenever feasible .  That would encourage them to ensure  such facilities are always ship shape .  Nevertheless , returning to your interview ,  that certainly  is a good technique you have honed over the years , and it has a broad application  , often emulated by your fine team at Sky News .   ( And my son , Ken junior , the sullen teenager. )   For example , if somebody attends a climate rally  you can sneer " they are so hypocritical that they pour CO2 into the atmosphere flying to a conference demanding lower CO2 emissions . "  And should they not attend , you can still sneer  "  so uncommitted to their cause they couldn't even be bothered attending  a conference"  ,  and add  the coup de grace  " I suppose they had to spend taxpayer's money flying elsewhere that week . "
But Andy, for heaven's sake , don't interview guests who reveal  your modus operandi to viewers .   To finish on an upbeat note , good on you for skimming lightly over all this silly freedom of the press nonsense .  You have spent enough time in court to keep the lid on that particular can of worms . 

 Your comrade , Ken  .

Reference :- Mr Scott Morrison told us his position regarding freedom of speech .

Reference :-    Sky News played part of Mr Scott Morrison's response to yesterday's combined protest by newspapers throughout the country . Another addition to the growing list of unprecedented events.

Mr Morrison Sir .   I have nothing but admiration for you and your relentless pursuit of a budget surplus at all costs , and hang the consequences .  ( It must be annoying to have the press announce it prematurely so often . )   It is very fortunate that you took that degree in applied economics , and not the inapplicable version , otherwise the economy would be facing a recession by now .  We all know that poor old Josh , despite his great charisma, doesn't have a clue , so we must rely on you to steer a path to that holy grail , " the budget surplus " , no matter how small it may be.

    However , on this occasion I feel a duty to point out that you missed the point on the question of freedom of speech when you simply replied " nobody should break the law ".   Dozens of laws have been passed in Australia in recent years , pushing us down to around 21st in the world for freedom of the press , which , considering that Uruguay is around 19th , is shabby at best .  I know that appearing to do something about the drought without waving ta ta to your holy grail must be exhausting .  But telling us we can't break the law blatantly evades the issue .  

 One of my older friends , Phineas , now sadly passed , told me that as a child in Germany, there was a law that forced him to wear the Star of David on his coat to identify him as a Jew.    He used to call it  "das gesetz scheisse haus "  .  Not being multilingual myself , I am unsure of the exact translation , but I think it translates as "shit house law" .
That is the question you have to address .  Don't remind us we have to obey the law . We all know that . Instead explain to us why those dozens of laws responsible for kicking us way down the freedom of the press ratings  are not  "scheisse haus " laws . I have faith in your integrity , and feel confident that once rested you can reassure us . 

   Your comrade , Ken

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reference :- Peta Credlin was horrified to see the indoctrination of children by climate activists .

Reference :-   Peta Credlin was horrified to see that children are being indoctrinated by the green left .

 Peta , indeed this indoctrination of children is , like so many things of late, completely unprecedented.  We might gift them a few fibs about Santa or the Tooth Fairy , but that merely teaches them to maintain a healthy  skepticism .  Then there is all that bible stuff , with tales like Noah's ark for example . But they soon deduce that all the world's creature's couldn't amicably occupy an ark , and dismiss such accounts as fiction .  ( Haha , although the way we are going before long they may well all fit into an ark .....just  my little joke !  )
Some folk might consider children are indoctrinated into supporting , say , a football team . But apart from a few brawls ,where is the harm in that ? What are a few fractured incisors among friends ?
Peta , I think we need to fight fire with fire against these climate change fanatics .  If the green vultures , as we now call them , use kids as ammo , so must we !  

 I reckon we round up a cohort of six year olds , younger kids get more sympathy , and have them wave banners in support of coal mining .   As you say , we can't have a sustainable environment without a strong economy , despite the idiots who say it's the other way around .   (  My praise goes to the LNP which has kept the economy strong , as the figures clearly show . )   

And here is some advice .   Film the little angels in a pleasant location , there is bound to be a forgotten leafy glade somewhere that hasn't been stuffed up yet . Droughts and fires plastered over the nightly news give a bleak impression .  I would offer my place , but it looks like a war zone at present , dusty and blanketed in pungent smoke as it is .  Since 2010  I have tried striking geranium cuttings with old dishwater , but with disappointing results . I guess I don't have a green thumb , though you won't catch me asking for advice from a greenie vulture .  

 Your comrade , Ken

P.S.    A good banner slogan would be "  We're not in a stew because of CO2 "   You are most welcome to use it , and I expect no consideration for copyright .  

Reference :- Chris Kenny was angered by lefties who dislike parmigiana .

 Reference .    Chris Kenny was angered by lefties who disparaged, on twitter ,  that most Australian of all meals , the good old parmigiana .    Where else in the world could you dine on one of those  ?

Gee Chris , you sure sound cheesed off today .  Thanks for reminding us that nobody ever makes condescending remarks on twitter about latte sipping green leftie climate change vultures . They certainly seem " mysteriously " immune from any name calling .  You have really come up with a ground breaking story this time .  That ought to push up your ratings . Time for a pay rise , I reckon .
It's a tough job you have , watching us fight among ourselves , and trying to calm the waters while the elite play their fiddles and watch the planet burn .  Make sure they pay you well, and stay angry .

Your comrade , Ken 

reference :- Chris Kenny was over the moon about accompanying the USA to Mars .

Reference :-     Chris Kenny was over the moon because we are off to Mars now, and hang the expense .

 Hello Chris. This sure is a great opportunity for humankind to spread it's winning ways to another planet .
Look how brilliantly we have managed this one .  ( Although blowing the place up with 2600 atomic bombs so far doesn't rate highly in my book .... Then again , no hairless ape species is perfect , I suppose ) 

 Anyway , here is a good idea that I would encourage you to pass on .   If , along with our great buddies from the land of the free, we have the technology to terraform Mars , why not try terraforming Australia first ? Most of it is a vast and rapidly growing desert , ideal for a practice run .
There are jobs for everyone in that , and growth of course . Instead of carting water and food 140 million miles to Mars , we could start by sending some to inland Australia , most of which makes Mars look like the Garden of Eden of late .  Since I had the idea first , could you put in a word for me , and ask that some water and the occasional frozen chook gets funneled in my direction by way of appreciation ?    Our yankie buddies in the home of democracy are pretty cashed up I hear , and a few quid slipped my way would not be missed  .  

 Your comrade , Ken.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reference : Alan Jones gave us some good news.

 Reference :-    Jonesie reassured us that global warming and sea level rise observations are hoaxes
                         perpetrated by self appointed "experts ".

 Hello there Jonesie .   I really appreciate the effort you put into cherry picking the scientists you interview .  I mean , the climate change vultures can cherry pick from about 97% of the world's scientists , so you really must have to work hard to find the ones that support our cause, and pry them from beneath their aluminium foil igloos .  

I did like the way you said scientists consider themselves experts in their own minds . Yes indeed .  They may have to pass hundreds of examinations and spend years writing peer reviewed theses before their credentials are recognised, and they receive their tassled mortarboards , but it is other scientists who assess them for heaven's sake !   How can that be impartial ?  There has probably not been a thesis written fit to pass that ultimate of assessments , the pub test . 

But Jonesie , whilst your research in most arenas is meticulous , you let our side down on this occasion . This Nils - Axel chap foolishly blotted his copybook some time back when he tried to teach dowsing ( you know , water divining ) at Stockholm University .  Though we all know that dowsing works , clearly it is hard to subject it to rigorous scientific testing , because it only works sometimes . And even then , only in the hands of those blessed with the divining double helix in their DNA .   Poor Mr Nils -Axel is not so blessed , since he refused an offer of over  1 million ( that's in proper aussie dollars , not some rapidly depreciating foreign fiat currency ) to prove it works  .
Obviously the mere fact that he personally can't do it , doesn't mean it is codswallop.
But there is more Jonesie .  You overlooked the fact that he has said  he believes sea levels world wide are rising no faster than 1mm every year .  Well yes , that is about one third of the current scientific consensus , but it hardly supports our belief that there is no sea rise at all,  now does it ? 
You probably need to search harder and find those who truly support our views , and not clutch at the first half hearted denialist  who crawls out of his igloo .   And one more thing .  You definitely have a great mind for mathematics , but  as I have pointed out to Andy and Paul , you have to beware of  annoying " logical fallacies ".    Those very small numbers you quote may sound insignificant , but please don't rely on them to support our case, it leaves us wide open to rebuttal .
It is true , as you say , that CO2 is only .04% of the atmosphere , but describing such percentages as negligible is unwise . Here in the deep north  ( Queensland ) a ludicrously low blood alcohol level of only .05% can see you in the lockup for drink driving .  A reading of .049% lets you motor on as you please .  This is called " the avalanche effect " .   Likewise a dose of cyanide at  only .001% will kill a fully grown footballer in a few seconds .    So please don't imply that absolute percentages are worth a rodent's posterior as far as arguments go.  We all know you are right Jonesie, but dodgy arguments only weaken our case , and there are surely myriad kosher ones we can run with .  
If you need help with research I am always willing to help out pro bono .   My son , Ken junior  , has a laptop , and although he hogs it most of the time ,  I can pull it from his slippery fingers occasionally for investigative purposes .  Also , I would like to extend an offer for you to visit. It is very peaceful here now everything has died.  If you do bless us with a visit , please remember to bring some earplugs , since there is a wind farm nearby . Though personally , I have never heard a sound from it , I suspect that the subsonic vibrations, and not the drought ,  are what turned Auntie Mavis into a climate alarmist .   

  Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Peta Credlin fears extinction rebellion demonstations may end in tragedy .

Reference :-    Peta Credlin assumed the role of an alarmist , and stated her fear that an injury or worse could be sustained at an extinction rebellion rally .

Hello again Peta .  Worldwide over 4 million people die each year as a direct result of air pollution . Another million die in car crashes . Thousands have died in recent heatwaves . And we have produced societies around the globe so challenging , that some places have drug abuse rates exceeding 5 % of the population . (Many millions in other words) . 

 There are over one million suicides worldwide  each year , while 9 million starve to death .  Obviously I have relied upon the right wing media for these figures , and not some leftie propaganda pamphlet .   So the last thing we need is one more death due to the selfish behaviour of misguided activists intent on changing society . 

What on earth needs changing  for heaven's sake ? You are a smart lady Peta , and a role model for young women everywhere. I particularly admire the way you eschew ideology in your relentless search for truth and meaning . I wish my daughter , Rose , was more like you . She ran up a huge HECS bill and now wastes her time researching the decline in bee populations .  They pay her a pittance , and then she wastes all her money on signs and superglue for protests .  But what can you do ?   I tell her we can make honey out of corn syrup , sans bees ,  but she never listens .  If you could find time to have a word with her , I would happily slip you a few quid in an unmarked envelope.  The tax man is rather brutal these days , and some cash  on the side is always handy .  

Your comrade , Ken 

Reference , Andy Bolt enjoyed a messy and confused conversation concerning a climate scientist .

 Reference :-    Andy Bolt , yet again disappointed and confused us.  He should , perhaps stay away from scientists, and stick with what he does best .

OK Andy , this is getting serious now . We fans are not deep thinkers like you , so this whole presentation went over most of our heads .  You need to walk me through this one . By all means set me straight if I am wrong , and please excuse the simplification .

Your first point .....  There is a very severe drought at present .  I am sure we all agree with that , even my Barbari goat , who is now so covered in dust you can't see his spots .  So lets tick that box.

Your second point ...   Some less enlightened folk fear the drought may be caused by global warming , which thankfully , you have explained does not exist . Fair enough , another box ticked .

 Your Third point .......  To support your argument that global warming doesn't exist you find a scientist who believes  that this drought was not caused by  global warming .  But he states many times, in lectures many have seen ,  that he is sure global warming exists , it's just that he doesn't believe it caused this drought !    We can't tick this box Andy .  He said global warming exists !

   If you talk to Paul Murray , he will explain the concept of the "logical fallacy ".  I recently  messaged him about it .     Very quickly , however ,   if I was to state that research has shown that the high rate of alcohol abuse is in no way related to the opening hours of bottleshops , I could not then state " therefore we have no high rate of alcohol abuse "  Are you with me Andy?   

 Look we all hate the ABC , that goes without saying , but at least it keeps the communists where we can see them .  You seem tired and inarticulate. Why not accept my offer to stay in Kooralya , incognito ,and relax for a couple of weeks . Paul Murray won't usurp you that quickly, and you can return refreshed . Ken junior could play chess with you , it really sharpens the mind . But don't get sucked into his offer of " ten dollars a piece "  . The little bugger is a demon with his tricky strategies , and already owns my Kingswood  ute ,  despite not yet  having a license .   

Your comrade , Ken .

Reference :- Paul Murray called labor MPs hypocrites .

Reference :-   Paul Murray called labor MPs hypocrites.... for having carbon footprints.

Good morning Paul. My heart goes out to you my friend . Andy Bolt , though way past his use by date , and possibly bitter because you are nominated for more awards than him ( and waste less time and money defending yourself  in court ) still has quite a little troop of followers when it comes to exposing the climate change conspiracy .

Though you have tried to emulate him in this regard , it really isn't your strong suit. That is easy to deduce because you often refer to climate change as though it is a real thing , disappointingly .  In this story you focused on ridiculing those who claim to be climate change believers , yet still leave a large  carbon footprint .  Naughty naughty them indeed !  Now Paul , it is obvious that you have never heard of the concept of a " logical fallacy ".   Allow me to illustrate, by example , so you can avoid making another cock up.
You are quite correct that millions of climate change alarmists are total hypocrites who drive cars and fly about the place whenever they like .  But that doesn't mean they are wrong .  I made this observation as a young boy , though of course , philosophers from Socrates to Grayling had beaten me to it . 

 My uncle Alistair , a rather grand  gentleman  with a patch over one eye , used to puff away a box of Montecristo  cigars every day , and could empty a rum bottle faster than a barman at  a
Bachelor and Spinsters Ball .   The old hypocrite regularly told me  "  Stay away from tobacco and liquor young Kenny , they are bad for your health ".  Would a callow youth believe that ?   Then he died , aged 45 .  The doctors said he shouldn't have lasted that long.  He was just lucky that his lungs were so full of tar there was no room for metastases from his liver cancer .
 I appreciate there is a childish thrill in pointing fingers at people , but please remember that being hypocritical doesn't mean you are wrong .   

 Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Chris Kenny mocked Vladimir Putin , and Kim Jong-il .

Reference   :-  Chris Kenny mocked Vladimir Putin , and Kim Jong-il . You have to laugh .

Hahaha Chris . That was really tough of you to call out the leader of a country for his hairdo or the cut of his shirtless jib.  I couldn't stop laughing . And good on you for leaving yourself wide open to some childish retort about your own stark baldness or the cut of your own shirtless jib .  ( Haha , or perhaps Paul Murray's .) You are a man's man Chris , to be sure , and it also takes quite an intellect to ridicule somebody by reference to their appearance .

 Being in a good mood this morning , since my remaining Northern Shoveler  has laid an egg  ( they are , in my opinion , the prettiest of ducks ) I thought I would offer you a tip . No obligation to act upon it , I am not easily offended .   What do you think of doing a story about  " the alarmist alarmists " ?  That has great potential. It's a story with many angles ,and a clever man like you would doubtless find a myriad of haircuts and physiques to mock . If it goes well, I would happily send  you a few eggs now the Northern  Shoveler is laying again .  In return, a small mention of me, as perhaps contributing editor, would be much appreciated.
Your comrade , Ken 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reference :- Andy bolt explained that sea levels are not rising , because some pacific islands are actually getting bigger . A quite remarkable piece of research by geologist Virginie Duvat He also expressed his concern that the ABC was producing reports detrimental to his battle for democracy and freedom of speech

Reference :- Andy bolt explained that sea levels are not rising , because some pacific islands are actually getting bigger . A quite remarkable piece of research by geologist Virginie Duvat.  He also expressed his concern that the ABC was producing reports detrimental to his battle for democracy and freedom of speech.

The Sky Reply

Please Andy , stop underestimating the sterling service Sky News provides in exposing the ABC propaganda machine . And you do it without resorting to a whiff of propaganda yourselves . So stand proud , and don't sound so defeatist . Regarding Virginie Duvat , and I whisper this in hushed tones ....she is actually a highly qualified scientist who not only believes in climate change , but also global warming !!! Would you believe it ? I have been following this weirdo for awhile , and she
spends much of her time offering the French government advice on how to deal with climate change in areas of French interest in the Pacific . OK , so you might not have known that . But ...and wait for it Andy .....the very article you quote assumes as indisputable fact a sea level rise of up to 5.1 mm per year in the very region about which you spoke !! Apparently , she claims , human activity is causing some islands to grow , due to shifting sediments , as others shrink, despite the rapidly rising sea levels . 

For heaven's sake man , find some scientists who are on our side ! With any luck your cohort of dedicated followers won't notice this massive blunder , but you won't get away with this kind of sloppy cherry picking forever . If you want help with research , please call me anytime .
You are doubtless a busy man , and I have plenty of time on my hands now the orchard has died , along with all my prize winning Orpingtons . ( Buried in the dust with dignity , but not eaten ).

Your back watching comrade , Ken

Reference :- Andy Bolt explained to us , yet again , in case we had forgotten , that the climate activists are insane , since there is no evidence anywhere to support their belief that the climate is changing .

Reference :- Andy Bolt explained to us , yet again , in case we had forgotten , that the climate activists are insane , since there is no evidence anywhere to support their belief that the climate is changing .

The Sky Reply

Gee , I get confused sometimes , Andy . You should do a full interview explaining the climate to those not blessed with an IQ like yours , which is clearly higher than a cat's back . Scientists talk non stop about weather , climate, global warming , melting ice caps, coastal flooding , rising sea levels , sinking islands , fires , drought , heatwaves and the suchlike . And apparently most of this is untrue ,and unrelated in any case . Can you help me out here ? 

What confuses me is the way you state that nothing has changed . Unprecedented maybe , different maybe , record maybe , but not changed . Personally I find that very comforting , since change is frightening , but I need it explained in a way that doesn't overheat my cerebral cortex .  As I have offered before , if you need a break from exposing the lies of the greenie vultures , you are always welcome at my place . It would give us a chance to chew the fat , and you could leave the bottle behind and dry out , since we decided to shut down the still after a bad batch of rum sent uncle Stanley blind . 

My son , Ken junior , and I have been volunteering at the local council where we are helping build the sewerage recycling plant , and you might find it a pleasant change to roll up your sleeves and muck in . You seem like somebody who doesn't mind dealing with feces . Ken junior says he doesn't like the idea of drinking recycled sewerage , but I remind him that just because he hasn't had to do it before , it doesn't mean anything has changed . If you do come , can you bring us a few boxes of latex free gloves ? We haven't had a wheat crop here since pussy was a kitten , and Ken junior , the wretch , complains when I explain that we can't afford such luxuries at present. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon , 

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Andy Bolt reminded us that many of our tax dollars are being wasted policing climate change activists.

Reference :- Andy Bolt reminded us that many of our tax dollars are being wasted policing climate change activists , whilst also criticizing climate change supporters ,who are so hypocritical , that they actually drive cars . ( Uncharacteristically , he got the dollars wrong . But at least he was not as slurred of speech as he has often been of late . At times I wonder if he has hit the bottle , fearing competition from Paul Murray . But more of that in a future post . )

The Sky Reply

Andy Andy Andy !!! What is all this puerile nitpicking about who owns a worn out car and who had a joke misinterpreted ? Is that cutting edge journalism , or opinion we can trust ? I think not Andy , I think not ... Throw away the magnifying glass , stop searching for pimples on the backsides of those you don't like , and look at the big picture for Christ's sake ! I did recently offer this tip to your sidekick , Paul Murray , but as a faithful supporter , I also feel a duty to pass it your way . . It's only fair , especially since your speech is less slurred lately , which could mean you are cutting back on the grog at last . My point is this . Why not encourage the protestors ? Your figure of hundreds of thousands of quid spent on police is way off the mark. It is actually millions . And that is millions being spent in a flagging economy, Andy . An economy that poor old Josh appears to be struggling with , through no fault of his own . 

Our underpaid police can use the overtime to help pay off their crippling mortgages ,or perhaps chip away at their kid's mountainous HECS bills, and grandma's robodebt or something . It's better to spend millions here , instead of billions , for example , blowing up places in the middle east that we can't even point to on a map, which merely creates more bloody refugees. The big picture Andy , the big picture ! Not somebody's used car repayments . You are better than that , and I am sure you can see how these activists are helping to stimulate the GDP . If you need a few pointers , feel free to contact me anytime . As we get older , and the grave beckons , we should not be too proud to reach out for a helping hand . 

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :-Chris Kenny explained that there is no point in Australia bothering about global greenhouse gas emissions

Reference :- Chris Kenny explained that there is no point in Australia bothering about global greenhouse gas emissions because our population is so small it doesn't matter

The Sky reply
Right on Chris !! My great uncle , Fritz , was a commandant at Auschwitz . His defence at Nuremberg was that 6 million people had been murdered , but he had only murdered 4000 personally . A mere fraction of a percent ! So why punish him unfairly ? Unfortunately he was also a major shareholder in a company that manufactured Zyclon B gas . Although he explained that times were tough, and he needed the money from selling those canisters to pay his golf club dues , he was hanged anyway . A shocking miscarriage of justice considering the circumstances . Are you with me Chris ? The analogy is pretty obvious .
You are welcome to use it in one of your standout analyses , without consideration for copyright .
Keep up the good work . We all appreciate your insightful explanations of situational ethics .

Your comrade , Ken.

Monday, October 14, 2019


  First Post

This was the first Sky Reply ,  from October 2019 .  It seems like such a long time ago.......

Reference :-       Peta Credlin  congratulated  Mr Scott Morrison esquire for dropping the number of working- age income support payments to the lowest level in thirty years .  ( She seemed very excited about it too . You can tell , because when she is on a roll she can mimic the style of Alan Jones so well that she almost looks like him . )

 Absolutely bonzer news Peta .    We had already dropped down to around the bottom third of all the
OECD countries for social spending , and now you tell me we are falling even further .  Admittedly some overseas dictatorships spent more , and that helped us push further down the list .  But indeed , the LNP  has definitely made some welcome cutbacks . 

 People seem to think that just because we are wealthier than 90 % of the world we can waste  money on the common good .  Well stuff them , I say .  And why let Mexico flaunt the honor of having the lowest social spending in the developed world ?  We will take that honor from them soon enough , Peta .

 Anyway Peta ,  I was in Mexico awhile ago , with my son  Ken junior , but we didn't see much . Apparently it wasn't safe on the streets .  Ken junior wouldn't leave the hotel , and I don't blame him . It was shocking.  I can see why they wouldn't waste money on those millions of violent , uneducated slum dwellers who don't even wash .  

 Thanks again for the good news Peta , there is all too much of the other type these days . 

 Your comrade , Ken .   


  Meet "The Sky Reply "Team , based in the thriving outback town of Kooralya .

   Ken Senior ........   cranky octogenian and supplier of rent free premises.

   Ken junior .......... annoying teenager and budding poet.

   Monte ................. motorcycle hoon and student of eastern philosophy.

   Gabbo ................  Indigenous musician and sympathetic counsellor .

 Together they will lead us on a whimsical journey through the recent archives of Sky News Australia as we search for that well hidden treasure  , " news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore " .  

 WARNING :-    Though every effort has been made to eliminate them  , the contents may contain occasional strong language ,  disregard for political correctness , and traces of peanut and egg .


  After the last post , on the final page . 


                                              THE END      (  if only )  

Inside front cover . 

                                            Praise for   " The Sky Reply " 

  "  Where the hell is Kooralya ? "  

 "  Does Ken junior have a girlfriend ? "  

  "   Heavy vibes man . Where can I get some of those herb cookies ? "

 "   Why are there so many typos  ? " 

 "   Gabbo rules . " 

 "   Have they been sued yet ? "

 "   How do I get a refund ? "