Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt explained that "just for fun" is a valid reason to clamber all over Uluru

Reference :-    Andy Bolt can't see the harm in clambering all over Uluru "just for fun " . He is very restrained in this story, since he once lost a litigation  case initiated because he had unwisely chosen a few words while reporting on indigenous affairs  . A silly mistake best forgotten .

A rather dilute show today Andy . I guess  you weren't in a very black mood over this , but I am hip with that . No point in vilifying any races is there ?  Especially if ,when they win court cases , they only ask for an apology , but no damages .  That completely deprives you of the opportunity to say
" they only did it for the money ".  

 Anyway , that's all water under the bridge , as they say .  I do like your lighthearted " fun thing to do " observation. Western civilizations sure do know how to have fun. Desecrating sacred sites for fun has a long history  . And we do it well.   When the Ottoman Sultan , Mehmed the Conqueror invaded Constantinople 500 odd years ago , he dismounted from his horse to grab the arm of a soldier who was busy damaging the decor of the great church of Hagia Sophia " just for fun ", and told him to stop.  He then looked around, and saw that the church had already been trashed by the foreign crusaders of a western christian denomination long before .  Our mob had beat him to it ! 

 I relate this to make a point .  I think that the native australians'  reverence for that rock , going back 50,000 years is something we have little hope of fully appreciating , given our mongrel background .   But Andy , have you thought of this ?   Thirty five or more people have died climbing that rock .   It hardly matches the thousands of natives massacred by settlers  ( the figures for those are unreliable at best , but there is no disputing the one for Tasmania , which stands at " every single one of them " ).  

So  what if we are being lead into a trap ?   If lots of folk want to angrily assert their right to climb the rock , more will inevitably plummet to their deaths .  Anger is the enemy of cautious climbing .  The indigenous side will get more runs on the board , and I bet they wouldn't mind if it took a few millennia to finally catch up.   One more thing . Why not diffuse the whole situation by letting people climb that big flagpole in Canberra , "just for fun"? It would be a real challenge , and would attract many climbers .  Since I thought of it first , perhaps you could pull a few strings and get me licensed to operate a nearby store selling biodegradable toilet tissue .  It would take time to climb , and some
folk might require a comfort stop, as they often do on Uluru .   

 Your comrade , Ken

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