Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reference :-Chris Kenny explained that there is no point in Australia bothering about global greenhouse gas emissions

Reference :- Chris Kenny explained that there is no point in Australia bothering about global greenhouse gas emissions because our population is so small it doesn't matter

The Sky reply
Right on Chris !! My great uncle , Fritz , was a commandant at Auschwitz . His defence at Nuremberg was that 6 million people had been murdered , but he had only murdered 4000 personally . A mere fraction of a percent ! So why punish him unfairly ? Unfortunately he was also a major shareholder in a company that manufactured Zyclon B gas . Although he explained that times were tough, and he needed the money from selling those canisters to pay his golf club dues , he was hanged anyway . A shocking miscarriage of justice considering the circumstances . Are you with me Chris ? The analogy is pretty obvious .
You are welcome to use it in one of your standout analyses , without consideration for copyright .
Keep up the good work . We all appreciate your insightful explanations of situational ethics .

Your comrade , Ken.

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