Friday, April 28, 2023

Reference:- Fox News has dismissed Tucker Carlson . At very short notice .

Reference :-   Young Andy Bolt offered some insight into the sudden sacking of Tucker Carlson  by Lachlan Murdoch , who is also Andy's boss. 

Dear Andy , 

                         What a shock it is to see another conservative commentator banished from the stage lights at News Corp .  I mean , it was bad enough watching Alan Jones and then Chris Smith and then Mark Latham get the bum's rush , but Tucker Carlson ?    This is a big deal .  Already Fox shares have plummeted in value as Fox News slides down the ratings .  Young Tucker had over 3.5 million loyal viewers , what could he have done to warrant being chucked out  ? 

You pointed out that maybe he had become too big for his boots , and had developed a penchant for shooting off his mouth without first obtaining permission from those who own the multi -billion dollar media empire that pays his stipend .  That may be true , but if so , what did he say that cooked his goose ? 

You also claim that he lied about American influence in Ukraine , but a multitude of reliable sources have produced similar reports .  Certainly he had become very critical of big business , not wise if a big business pays your monthly emolument , but surely it could not be just that ?   It is all very mysterious .

Anyway , one could not avoid thinking about your own situation , as you clearly have yourself .  There have been times when , like Mr Carlson , you have shot your own mouth off , leading to costly litigation and bad publicity  .   But unlike Mr Carlson , you were usually sitting behind a whisky glass at the time , so perhaps you could get away with more because most folk excused you for being a bit tipsy .  (Plus your whisky-primed articulation made you comments difficult to discern . )   But from now on Andy , it would be unwise to push your luck .  

Your last show reminded me of the old joke about the wide - mouthed frog .   You know , the one where the wide- mouthed frog proudly hops about announcing himself as the wonderful wide- mouthed frog , until he meets a snake . The snake introduces itself as the snake who eats wide- mouthed frogs , and the wide mouthed - frog  , very pert of lips , meekly replies  " You don't see many of them around these parts, do you ? "  

There is a lesson for you there Andy . 

Meanwhile , Ken junior has written a poem about Fox News . He is trying a new style with this poem , and I think it has a certain je ne sais quoi .  He says he hopes it cheers you up , and stops you panicking about losing your own gig . No doubt you need the mazooma , especially now the socialists are ruining the country .  

                                               Death of a News Anchor   ( by Ken junior )

                          Tucker Carlson just got the sack , 

                          Fox News will never take him back , 


                          Was he too far right , or too far left ? 

                          Or of insight , totally bereft ?


                          Why was he thrown beneath the bus ? 

                          Murdoch isn't telling us , 

                         BUT IT SURE LOOKS LIKE THE WHOLE THING'S SUS !  

Your comrade , Ken . 

P.S.      Predictably there have already been accusations of sexual misconduct made against Mr Carlson . When somebody wants to trash a chap's reputation , that old chestnut always rears it's ugly head .  Which reminds me .....

Thank you for your kind words on our sad loss of Barry Humphries , he will be greatly missed . There might be a state funeral , and if so ,  I look forward to seeing Dame Edna , Les Patterson , and especially Sandy Stone there . They are no longer spring chickens themselves , I imagine . 


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Reference:- Sky news has pointed out that the ABC was reluctant to report Senator Lidia Thorpe's behavior outside a Melbourne strip club .

 Reference;-   Independent  Senator Lidia Thorpe behaved disgracefully outside a strip club . Surely that was news the ABC should have promptly reported . 

Dear Sky News Team , 

                                         Once more you have shown us that the ABC is biased in it's reporting .  As you say , if the disgraceful incident had been perpetrated by a Coalition Senator they would have ran it as their main story , and would still be banging on about it .  

It goes to show that a female former Greens Party member and unabashed leftie is as good as immune from bad press , as far as the ABC is concerned . 

Anyway , enough said about that .  While I have my Remington at hand , could you can tell me when you  expect to run your full expose of that Dominion Voting mob who sued Fox News  . There is next to nothing about it on Sky News at the moment .  I thought your young Jack Houghton chap might have had something to say about it in his news segment when the news broke , but clearly he considered it not particularly newsworthy, since he said nothing at all about the matter.

 Rival news  sources claim that Fox is ponying up a cool billion quid or so in punitive damages , after admitting they were guilty .   But as we well know , there is always more to every story . 

Personally I am not interested in what the likes of the ABC and the rest of the greenie left  have to say , and look forward to a detailed and unbiased analysis on Sky News when you have completed your usual meticulous research . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Monday, April 24, 2023

Reference :- Mr Rupert Murdoch 's media empire has been successfully sued .

 Reference:-  It seems that knowingly spreading lies through the mass media is against the law....or is it ? 

Dear Sky News Team , 

                                        A minor mistake sure can be costly , especially if you run a gigantic media empire .   Your commander-in-chief , Mr Murdoch , might have to hock a few assets to cover a 787.5 million US dollar damages payment to the Dominion Voting Systems  Corporation .  These are sad times indeed , but there is much to be learned from this snafu . 

Importantly , you must remember that there is no need to worry about being punished for spreading lies per se .  The lawsuit concerned defamation of a corporation.   If you and your comrades had lied about the election being rigged without laying blame on anyone in particular , or slandering a company , there would have been no claim for damages .  Freedom of  speech is the foundation stone of democracy , and you can print whatever the hell you like in a free country .  The Flat Earth Society can spread as many lies as it likes, and that is how it should be , as long as they don't defame anybody .

Anyway , we all know that it is sometimes necessary to lie to the great unwashed , to maintain your position in the ratings ...  and also for their own good , of course .  Here among the far Antipodes , Sky News has been temporarily banned in the past for spreading lies ( more politely referred to as misinformation. ) . Inconvenient though this was , there were no legal repercussions and hence no crippling financial penalties. 

Clearly you will have to continue spreading .... err... " alternative facts " ,  if you want to retain the viewers you have spent so much time grooming over the past 25 years  . But please , be careful to avoid saying anything libelous .  

 Also ,  I see that young Lachlan Murdoch has withdrawn his legal action against our local newspaper " Crikey ".    In my view , that is a wise decision .  The sooner all these legal shenanigans blow over and business returns to normal the better. 

Your comrade , Ken


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Reference:- Are you still undecided regarding how you should vote in the "Indigenous Voice to Parliament " referendum?

Reference :-    As a service to the community , contributing editor  at The Sky Reply , Gabbo , has devised a simple questionnaire  to help the you decide how to vote in the forthcoming referendum . 

Dear millions of dedicated Sky Reply readers, 

                                                                             This is  Gabbo here.  My family has a proud Indigenous heritage that goes back fully 60, 000 years . Except perhaps for Uncle Cormac , who has red hair and freckles .  His mum used to work at the Mt Isa Irish Club back in the fifties , so no more need be said . 

It is clear to me that many folk haven't yet made a decision regarding the referendum , so I have taken the time to put together the following short questionnaire .  Answer by circling the statement with which you more strongly agree .  Please answer the questions as honestly as you can .   Your score will indicate how you should vote . 

1.     Do you empathize more strongly with  :-

A      Indigenous Australians whose ancestors dwelt here for 60,000 years without turning the continent into an environmental basket case . 


 B    The  benevolent leaders of  Western Civilization who brought the benefits of industrialization and progress to these once barren shores . 

2.   Which of the following statements more closely matches your opinion  of   "The Voice " 

 A  The " Voice "  is an essential step in the process of restoring dignity to Indigenous Australians . 


  B  The " Voice " will destroy our democracy . 

3.    And thinking of the leader of the opposition , do you believe that he :- 

A.    Is a ghastly liar who couldn't tell the difference between  a government policy and a franking credit . 


B    The only person we can turn to who can save us from the " woke " left . 

4.   The polls currently show that 60% of Australians will vote for  the " Voice ".   Should the referendum return a " yes " vote , which statement best describes your feeling about such a result . 

A.   It wouldn't solve every problem , but it would be a big step in the right direction .


B   The country is already a mess , and that would be the final nail in the coffin for our way of life . 

5.   Finally ,  thinking of racism , which of these two statements do you think is the more accurate . 

A.   We are all human beings , and the richness and duration of our lives should not be limited by racial discrimination .


B .   I am not a racist , but I have done well for myself ,  and I think it is unfair for members of other races to get a free ride that they are too lazy to work for . 

                                                       END OF QUESTIONNAIRE


Gabbo here again . Find your total score as follows :- 

For each A you circled , score one point . 

Then give yourself one point for each B you circled . 

If you scored 5 points , this is a clear indication that you must vote "yes" in the referendum . 

Your comrade , Gabbo 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Reference :- Sky News comedian and part time weather boy , Rowan Dean has been more outspoken than usual of late .

Reference:-   According to Rowan Dean , a yes vote in the " Voice " referendum will ruin the lives of everybody in the country , including the lives of Aborigines . 


Dear Rowan , 

                           Holy cow Rowan , you sure were all fired up the other night . Shouting , waving your arms about like a demented traffic cop  , jabbing your finger at the camera like that  " Uncle Sam Wants  You " poster from The Great War .  It certainly grabbed our attention here at The Sky Reply . 

Sadly , not all the attention was favorable . 

" I can't stand watching this prat. ",  Ken junior said . 

" Great merciful Odin , spare me from this lunatic .",  Gabbo said 

" Is this dimwit for real ? ",  Monte said . 

Naturally I leapt to your defense Rowan . It is easy to insult somebody. For starters there are five times as many  synonyms for " idiotic  " than  there are synonyms for " clever " in the English language .  I drew the attention of the lads to this interesting fact . 

" It's easy to insult somebody . For starters there are five times as many  synonyms for " idiotic  " than there are for synonyms  " clever " in the English language ." , I said 

 " That might be because we need them ... especially while watching Sky News . "  Gabbo said . 

Anyway Rowan , there is no point in trying to have a reasonable discussion with the lads when they are like that . 

  But let me say how fortunate we are to have you loudly shout your opinion at us  .  How could we make a rational decision about an important issue if you only gave us the facts ? 

 Keep up the good work .  As you say , a voice in Parliament could see the end of Democracy . 

Look at the fate of Charles 1st of England , and that will tell you what happens when Parliament has too many voices . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Reference :- We are tired of listening to all the propaganga surrounding the Aboriginal voice to Parliament referendum .

 Reference :- Last night the lads here at the Sky Reply cracked some home brew and went through our old photo albums . 

It sure was a relief to leave the tele switched off and chill out for the evening .  Sometimes the grim features of the Sky News anchors as they wage their war against  the "Voice " propaganda becomes exhausting .

Anyway , instead of watching more coverage of the " Voice " proposal , we sat on the sofa and went through our dusty old photo albums . Even dog found it interesting , although I am not sure that  he recognized the photos of him as a puppy , being chastised for chewing up my RM Williams boots . 

One photo in particular made us smile .  It showed a very young Ken junior sitting on the passenger side of the old Holden Kingswood  holding a plastic steering wheel.  I seem to recall that the plastic wheel even had a little horn button he could beep . 

Ken junior always suffered when we drove anywhere . He was prone to car sickness , but when he had his little steering wheel he would talk about where we were going and turn it with mine , and his involvement stopped the motion sickness and the journey changed from torment to adventure . 

Ken junior loved being reminded of that steering wheel , but Monte remained quiet . 

" What ever happened to that steering wheel ? ", Ken junior said . 

" Monte kicked up a huge fuss and cried and cried because he said you would crash the car with it . " , I said. 

" That is ridiculous . ", Ken junior said. 

" Be that as it may , I had to get rid of the plastic steering wheel . ", I said 

" What happened then ? " , Ken junior said . 

" We still went places in the Kingswood , but not as often and it wasn't as much fun . ", I said . 

Ken junior frowned. 

" Shut up and pass me a beer .", Monte said. 

Your comrade , Ken

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Reference:- Leader of the opposition , Mr Peter Dutton , has lost another Minister from his front bench .

 Reference :-    Shadow Attorney-General , the Honorable Julian Lesser,  has resigned from his position on the front bench because of the Coalition's unwillingness to support an Aboriginal voice to Parliament . 

Dear Mr Dutton , 

                                   For the love of God ,  I see another senior Liberal Party member has jumped ship .   Even the late great Captain Bligh enjoyed more loyalty from his crew . Soon you may face a total mutiny, but since you have not yet been cast adrift ,  there is still time to shore up your position . 

Here is a helpful hint , offered gratis , of course . 

   Perhaps you should consider not lying about the damage " The Voice " would inflict upon the....errr.....everything  ? 

 But if it is too late to stop lying , then you may as well lie your head off in the hope that somebody will believe you .  Ken junior says you could say that " The Voice " ( as it is called ) will destroy our alliance with AUKUS and make us easy prey for the Chinese.   Although Gabbo reckons you might have already made that one up . 

It certainly would be ironic if the Indigenous folk took control of the country via a dodgy referendum , and a few weeks later they lost the entire continent again because of a Chinese invasion . 

Rather than being totally negative , perhaps you should offer an alternative model for this "Voice " thing ?  Have you considered requiring  Indigenous Australians  to make some kind of payment for the privilege of having a voice to Parliament ?   That would certainly help the budget bottom line .  Gabbo reckons Indigenous Australians have been paying a price for two and a half centuries , but that is mere history .  

Here's a suggestion . Why not say that " The Voice " can be bought if they give us back Ayres Rock , now known as Uluru , (so I am told)  ? 

That conveys the message that nothing was given away for free ,  and those who are nervous about an Indigenous take over can rest assured that if they get chucked out of their house,  they can always live on a big rock in central Australia at a pinch . 

 Sometimes it is better to offer something positive as an alternative , rather than persist with your negativity .

Your comrade , Ken


Monday, April 3, 2023

Reference :- The Coalition has lost a seat to Labor in the Victorian by-election .

Reference :-   Mr Dutton's team suffered a crushing defeat in the Aston by-election . 

Dear Mr Dutton , 

                              Despite suffering an historic and humiliating defeat in the Victorian by-election ,   I thought your concession speech was quite impressive .   The Liberal Party leaders at both state and federal levels have shown that they are well able to deliver a decent speech following a crushing defeat in an election . Mr Perrottet was similarly impressive with his concession speech after losing in the NSW election .

I particularly liked the way you explained that it was time for the Coalition to regroup and reassess the way they manage their electoral campaigns . 

I mentioned this to Ken junior . 

" The Coalition say it is time to regroup and reassess the way they manage their electoral campaigns ", I said .

" I think they should regroup and reassess their inability to produce any policies " , Ken junior said . 

I think that is a bit harsh of him .  As they say, every disaster is an opportunity, so this must be a very big opportunity indeed. 

Anyway , here is a tip . Now is the perfect  time to once again highlight the fact that Labor has not yet delivered on their promise to cut power bills for the average family by 275 quid .    If you stand up in Parliament during the next question time and ask Mr Albanese to explain why he has not yet fulfilled that key Labor promise,  I am sure you will see the public reaction to that reflected in the polls . 

Questions like that show how much you have to offer by way of innovative policies.

Stay positive . 

Your comrade, Ken .


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Reference :- Some Sky News presentations challenge one's intellect .

Reference :-  When a presenter with the intelligence of Rita Panahi explores a topic , it can be hard to stay abreast of the conversation . 

Dear Rita , 

                     The concept of free speech is discussed and debated regularly in the media these days .  I am a simple man , now an octogenerian , and it seems to me , that with regard  to freedom of speech , you either have it or you don't .  Once rules and regulations are enforced , and different kinds of speech are labelled and banned , you no longer have freedom of speech .   

To quote my dear departed mum  , "  You can't have your Lamington and eat it too . " . 

Recently you sneered at the woke students of London University who cancelled a lecturer  ( Baroness Claire Fox , who's views you support ) because she had re-tweeted a Rick Gervais joke they disliked .   Indeed Rita , that was disgraceful .   You called it a perfect indicator of the free speech crisis , and laughed at the students for being " afraid that words might hurt them .  I could not agree more . 

However , later in your show you were greatly concerned about the use of words by folk whose views you do not support .   To quote  from your show  " promiscuous use of the words 'Nazis' and 'Fascist ' is dangerous " .  

So which is it Rita , can words hurt us or not ?

I am confident that you have the intellect to explain this apparent contradiction in your understanding of the concept of freedom of speech . 

Being less of a polymath than you , use of the Lamington model in your explanation would be much appreciated .   

Your comrade , Ken .