Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Reference :- Sky News anchor Alan Jones has complimented the Labor Premier of Victoria , Daniel Andrews.

Reference :-   Peta Credlin could be annoyed about that , but who cares ?  

Indeed Jonesie , Mr Andrews ' media release was refreshingly competent and fluent , as you say . And don't let Peta Credlin convince you it was shifty and " slick ".  Peta can be quite nasty at times , as I am sure you know . 

Perhaps it's time to question your loyalty to Tory ideology . Do you remember that you also quite enjoyed your interview with Labor's Tanya Plibersek  ? Now , consider what you have had to endure recently . And yes , I mean that revolting  interview with deputy PM Barnaby Joyce . You know , the one where he joked about being fined for breaking the law within days of taking office. What a goose he is . Compared with him you could interview a rabid dog and feel more comfortable .  I could see the effort you had to make .

You are getting old now Jonesie , and may finally be mellowing . Imagine the effect you might have on the country if your ideology started to shift leftwards ?    What a fabulous legacy you could leave .  We might end up with a nation  that is not being carved up and shared among a cohort of ignorant neoliberal grifters . 

Just a thought . We would both be dead by the time the country came good , but you would be more than just a footnote in a history book .  They would be talking about you for decades to come .

Anyway , thanks for giving credit where credit is due Jonesie . 

Your comrade , Ken

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Reference :- It's so hot in parts of the USA right now that local authorities have set up cooling rooms for people .

Reference :-   This news might trouble Sky weather boy Rowan Dean  . 

Say Rowan , where are you young chap ?  No doubt you are  searching for the latest from Electroverse and explanations by the mysterious Cap Allon  . Look , try not to panic . You lose credibility by ignoring refrigerated rooms full of gasping Americans battling heatstroke  .   

Here's a plan . Why not show all those folk lying on stretchers in cold rooms trying not to die , but put some spin on the images .  You do spin well, so be confident .  What you could say is that people stateside are inhabiting refrigerated rooms in order to prepare their bodies for the imminent ice age you and Cap Allon  keep telling us about .  But don't  mention all the broken heat wave records , people get confused if there is too much detail . 

 And Rowan , don't hide until next winter , we miss you .

Your comrade , Ken  


Monday, June 28, 2021

Reference :- Victoria's Premier , Daniel Andrews , is back at work , much to Peta Credlin's disgust .

Reference :-  It looks like Peta Credlin is a tad fixated . She won't stop attacking Victoria's premier . 

 Take it easy Peta , this  Daniel Andrews fixation is aging you .    It's a tough job you have , trying to hold the fort as the entire neo-liberal agenda collapses due to catastrophes of it's own making .  And as if hiding some facts , distorting others  and  making a few up isn't difficult enough , you have to watch your back as well.  

That stunning young Sky reporter , Sharri Markson  , is rapidly gaining popularity  . She already has a Walkley Award for Journalism in her pool room , and has written a book " What Really Happened in Wuhan " which is due for release in a few weeks .  Her beauty gives her the advantage of being able to criticize folk without looking like a witch .

Admittedly you just received an Order of Australia  for something or other , but that stuffy old award has already been forgotten by the great unwashed .    You need something fresh , and banging on relentlessly about Mr Andrews is doing you no favors .  At this rate it won't be long before young Sharri leaves you floundering in her wake . 

Nonetheless , I did like the way you spun Mr Andrews'  ( Chairman Dan to you ) press release . Calling it " slick and expensive " was an inspired way to address the fact that it was well done .  One runs the risk of seeming jealous when one employs such a strategy , like somebody who describes their neighbor's new car as " flash and expensive ".   But you got away with it . Ken junior reckons it was because your eyes were so chillingly cold when you announced that Mr Andrews had recovered from his dreadful injuries . 

Anyway Peta , regardless of whether you heed our advice , do take care that you don't  attract the attention of those chaps in the  " fixated persons unit " who recently arrested a young comedian in his own home .   You have faced punitive litigation  in the past ( Is that a prerequisite for recipients of the Order of Australia ? ) , and you need to avoid unnecessary stress as you focus on preserving your position at Sky News . 

 Your comrade , Ken



Saturday, June 26, 2021

Reference :- There is an extremely smelly pachyderm in the room that Sky News won't talk about . Part 3

Reference:-   Nationals MP and friend of Mr Barilaro , Mr Wes Fang , explained that the arrest of a comedian on the steps of his parent's Sydney home is nothing to be concerned about . 

Dear Mr Fang  (If that is your real name )  , 

   Thank you for finally shedding light on the Kristo Langker affair .    The news outlets are afraid to discuss it .   Possibly they fear being arrested themselves .    Not that being arrested is in itself a shocking thing . But being forced to the ground and handcuffed  despite the fact that you are completely cooperating does put a bit of an edge on the experience .  Civil rights supporters and senior lawyers have described Mr Langker's arrest as an alarming overreach by a government goon squad , but fortunately you have taken the time to present the other side of the debate, without being excessively verbose . 

As you say , Mr Langker was violently arrested by a goon squad because your friend Mr Barilaro had been subjected to " unfair criticism " by " what is effectively a Labor supporting comedian ". 

Well what did Mr Langker think would happen to him ? Case closed , I reckon . 

Sky Reply contributing editor , Monte , was going to write a long article questioning the circumstances of Mr Langker's arrest .   But I talked him out of it .  I told him he shouldn't risk being arrested by the goon squad . Young Monte is in a vulnerable position , being " what is effectively a Labor supporting motorcyclist " . 

Keep up the good work Mr Fang , and send my regards to your relatives in China .  They certainly know how to defend a politician's civil liberties over there. 

Your comrade, Ken .



Friday, June 25, 2021

Reference :- Peta Credlin explained that letting two little girls born in Australia to Tamil parents cannot be allowed.

 Reference :-  Peta Credlin believes that if the little girls remain here , we will be swamped by asylum seekers .  Fake asylum seekers in particular . 

Well done Peta . Somebody has to stay resolute .  Images of two little girls crying in a hospital can soften some folk's hearts .  Especially the hearts of those who have children of their own . 

Fortunately you have remained childless , and that has allowed you to retain a clear perspective .  The kind of clear perspective one might enjoy while staring across a barren waste from a high vantage point . 

It's pretty obvious to anybody that if we let these kids stay , people smugglers will have an easy time selling Australia as a destination where fake asylum seekers  will be treated leniently and enjoy the good life at the expense of hard working taxpayers . 

An illegal immigrant only needs  to wait  for 8 years , produce  a couple of children ( sorry , I mean " anchor babies " ) , go through every court in the country including the high court , get arrested and dragged away from home,  be forced on to a deportation plane while their children sob ,  have the plane turned around at the last minute and diverted to a strange location ,  spend two years isolated in a defunct  off shore detention centre , and have one of their children ....I mean " anchor babies " ... transported to a mainland hospital with a life threatening illness that was alarmingly late receiving proper treatment . 

Jeez Peta , anybody would be willing to jump through those easy hoops for the chance to get a job in outback Australia under the Morrison government .   

Stick to your guns I say , and pay no attention to those who call you callous . 

 Also Peta , keep reminding people that we are only destroying the lives of two little girls to stop  desperate refugees drowning at sea .   That maintains the moral high ground from which you enjoy your clear perspective . 

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Has The Sky Reply been hacked ?

Reference :-    The Sky Reply computer has behaved strangely today . 


Right in the middle of writing today's Sky Reply our computer suddenly ran amok , opening all manner of private correspondence and the suchlike .  Mind you , that doesn't neccessarily mean we have been hacked .   It could well be that our computer is overdue for a new rubber band or something , I know practically nothing about the behavior of electrons and other quantum particles .  

  We are now unable to easily access our blog . Google searching The Sky Reply is fruitless . 

Luckily we can still access our site by entering the full address " "  and then clicking on HOME .   (At least for now. )   It's better than nothing , I guess .  And not as annoying as the fact that we have also  been banned from commenting on the Sky News You tube site , for some obscure reason . 

 Anyway , must fly for now . There is a black van pulling up outside . They must have the wrong address . 

 Your comrade , Ken 


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Reference :- Why is Sky News ignoring the pachyderm in the room ? Part 2

Reference :-   Could it have something to do with  avoiding the spotlight ?

Dear purveyors of opinions we can trust , 

Upon reflection , I can see that Sky News might have another reason for avoiding reports on the arrest of Jordan Shanks' producer , Kristo Langker .   

Kristo was arrested by those anti-terrorism cops and charged with stalking  only hours after his encounter with Mr Barilaro .   It's easy to see why Mr Barilaro felt his life was being threatened . Personally I have never been approached in broad daylight in a public place and had somebody ask me a question and try to hand me a document that I had sent to them for further clarification .  Until one found oneself in such a terrifying situation , one could not predict how one might react .  I reckon if one called the anti- terrorism squad and demanded  an immediate arrest , that would be a very restrained response in such circumstances  . 

 Anyway ,  I can now understand your reluctance to report on the story . If handing somebody their own letter and asking a question is seen as a threat , that does put you in a vulnerable  position . 

It could mean that Peta Credlin overstepped the mark when she suggested certain  people needed to be bashed with baseball bats .  It could also mean that when Alan Jones suggested taking a senior public figure out to sea and throwing her overboard in a sack , he was transgressing . 

I don't wish to overstate the case , but perhaps calling the premier of Victoria  ( Chairman Dan ) a communist agent , or President Biden (  Sleepy Joe )  senile is risky ?   There are countless more examples of colorful language you have used   This could leave you at risk of  being violently shoved to the ground and handcuffed by the anti -terrorist squad . 

So yes , I believe you are doing the right thing by hiding in the shadows and avoiding the story .  Instead , why not ramp up your campaign revealing how the " woke left " is crushing our freedom of speech ? It will indicate that you don't think gagging orders and arrests by shadowy government agencies are limiting that freedom , and usefully demonstrate which side you are on .

Oh , one more thing .   It was very impressive to see how swiftly the anti -terrorist squad  acted for Mr Barilaro when they heard  he was peeing himself with fear because of a stalker .   I wonder if ( with all your connections ) you can forward me the number Mr Barilaro called ?  My cousin Sandra has been stalked by her former husband for two years now . She has been slapped about three times , threatened on  the footpath  in front of witnesses , and her beloved pet dog was found dead at the rubbish tip after mysteriously disappearing . 

So far she has been told  that the police can do nothing , but I reckon that anti -terror squad is exactly who she needs to contact .  We have discussed the matter , and she is prepared to trick her stalker into handing her a letter in a public place and walking away if that ensures he will be thrown to the ground , handcuffed  and arrested .   It may be entrapment , but as we all know ,  that has never bothered the authorities in the past . 

Thanks for help ,  Sandra will appreciate it . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Reference :- How long can Sky News ignore the terrifying pachyderm in the room . Part 1 .

Reference :-   And no , we don't mean the fact that it is currently 47.8 degrees centigrade in Siberia .  Although Sky news is ignoring that too . ( Rowan Dean where are you ? Isn't that something  a weather boy should report ? )

Dear purveyors of news that matters  ,

 What's going on in the hallowed halls of the Murdoch media ?  Your feared enemy , comedian Jordan Shanks , is being sued by that charismatic chap John Barilaro . ( You have probably heard of Mr Barilaro  . He is the deputy premier of NSW. )  Why are you not sinking the journalistic boot into young Jordan Shanks while he is down ?  This is not a story you should be ignoring . 

Here at The Sky Reply we have been discussing the roaring loudness of your silence about this issue .  Ken junior reckons that Sky News is scared of young Jordie because he has eviscerated your reporters so many times .  And indeed , you have suffered terrible carnage . In particular , nobody can bear to watch Chris Kenny trying to respond to his own humiliation by Jordie .   It is like watching that scene in Monty Python where the Black Knight keeps fighting and believes he can win even when both his arms and legs have been hacked off .  ( Though the Chris thing was much sadder, and obviously Chris was far less likely to win  than the Black Knight . )

But Chris , you must take courage , and seize this opportunity . Jordie's latest video has scored over one million views .  If you respond , one million viewers will likely click on that response .  Just think , one million views Chris !    That will get your average up  , and surely keep you off the dole queue for a bit longer .  I reckon you might  need a bigger desk to conceal your tumescence if you score a million views . 

 And Chris , you don't need to make it a lengthy retort .  Research is not your strong suit . Just your trademark short sneering rebuke with no substance at all will do the trick , and those million views are yours .   Make sure you include the word " alarmist " in your riposte ,  preferably while smiling condescendingly . This always shows that you represent the calm and sensible side of the discussion .

  Now Chris Kenny is armed for battle.  But the team here has identified another possible reason for Sky News'  reluctance to touch the Jordie story with the figurative ten foot barge pole.   

Stay tuned for Part 2 in this gripping Sky Reply mini-series . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Reference :- Sky presenter Paul Murray is in favour of nuclear energy , although he can't pronounce it.

Reference :-   Why is it that some folk can't pronounce " nuclear " , and say " nucular " instead ? 

Gosh Paul  .... when you mispronounce " nuclear " you sound ignorant regarding the topic .  Admittedly the most famous promoter of the mispronunciation " nucular " is President Bush , and perhaps you have followed his lead .  But that is a mistake .  A small mistake, to be sure , but sometimes small mistakes suggest a greater misunderstanding .   

Anyway , Ken junior reckons a short poem serves as a useful nemonic  when it comes to pronunciation .  The lads at the Sky Reply each had a go at writing one for you , and we decided this one was the best . 

                                                 It's easy to say nuclear , 

                                                 No matter how stupid we  are . 

                                                 To do it , Paul Murray , 

                                                 Don't speak in a hurry, 

                                                Then you'll do it Paul Murray ...yeehah ! 

It's not great , but easy  to remember  . Gabbo almost wrote a good one , but it was too complicated and he couldn't find an acceptable rhyme  for  " complete moron ". 

And another thing . Don't neglect your man cave Paul, it establishes your credibility . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Monday, June 21, 2021

Reference :- Sky presenter Peta Credlin once again showed her support for footballer Israel Folau .

Reference :-  Peta Credlin believes that Mr Folau should be allowed to quote from the Bible without fear of criticism , since the Bible is quoted throughout the nation every Sunday . 

That is indeed a good point Peta .  Why should a chap be accused of causing offense  when all he did was quote  from the Bible ?    ( In this instance the quote was from Galatians 5:19-21  . ) Mind you Mr Folau did misquote the Bible slightly .  He actually added in the part about homosexuals going to Hell himself . I  guess back in biblical times  Mr Galatian must have left that part out by mistake.   

 Anyway Peta , as we all know , the Bible gets a bit of an update from time to time , which keeps the irrevocable word of God relevant .  Mr Folau's version of Galatians may well appear in the next edition . 

 Personally , like Mr Folau , I find there is much wisdom to be found  in the scriptures , and nothing in the Holy Bible should upset anybody . ' 

 My favourite quote is Timothy 2:11-14  " A woman should learn in quietness and full submission .... I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority . " 

 I like the simplicity of it's presumption , which ensures that it cannot cause offense . 

 Peace be with you . 

 Your comrade ,   Ken . 




Saturday, June 19, 2021

Reference :- What is Qanon ? Perhaps you should be joining ?

Reference :-  Take our simple 5 minute quiz to see if you can join Qanon.  ( Warning  you must score maximum points to qualify . ) 

For each pair of statements , circle the one that more closely matches your belief . 

A.     Covid is being used by the elites to decimate the population . 

B  .    Covid does not exist . 


 A.     Satellites orbiting the globe are actually alien spaceships . 

 B.     There are no satellites since the earth is flat . 


 A.     The covid vaccine is being used by the elite  to control our minds . 

 B .    The roll out of the covid vaccine has been slow because the elites don't want us immunized . 


A .    The world is run by sexually obsessed pedophiles . 

B.      The world is run by alien lizards who reproduce asexually . 


A.    Donald Trump had  the election stolen from him because he is a globalist . 

B.    Donald Trump had the election stolen from him by the globalists . 


A.   The Holocaust was actually supported by wealthy Zionists wishing to establish an Israeli State .  

B.   The Holocaust never happened . 


A .  The 9/11  Twin Towers bombing was an inside job by the CIA to justify the war in Iraq. 

B .  The 9/11 Twin Towers bombing was an inside job by Wall St bankers to conceal fraud . 


A.    Q is a high ranking government official in the military . 

B.   Q is in hiding because the military is looking for him . 


 A.   There is no global warming , it is a conspiracy by the world's scientists . 

  B.   The rapid warming of the globe is being caused by chemtrails .


 A.   There was never a moon landing , since it is impossible to travel there . 

 B.    Elites are building a secret base on the dark side of the moon . 


A .    Scott Morrison won't discuss Qanon since he believes it does not exist . 

B.    Scott Morrison won't discuss Qanon since he is the head of it's Australian chapter . 

 Now you can determine your score .  For each  "A " circled , score ten points .  For each "B" circled , score ten points . 

If you achieved the maximum score of 110 points you are eligible to become a fully fledged member of Qanon . 

Remember Qanon is all things to all people . Why not join the movement  ?  It allows you to focus your anger about the monster of galloping vampire capitalism on something that's easier to rant about .  

How good is that ?  

 Your comrade , Ken .    



Monday, June 14, 2021

Reference :- Sky News columnist , Peta Credlin , has been made an " Officer of the Order of Australia ".

 Reference :-  The Sky Reply team have congratulated  Peta Credlin on her Queen's Birthday award . 

Dear razor sharp political analyst , 

                                                         Well done Peta , who would have thought ?   I guess you will be taking that award straight to your pool room .  Although 947 worthy souls scored the award  , we reckon you are the stand out recipient  .  As you point out , 44% of recipients were female ,"without a quota in sight ".   That will surely silence anybody who thinks you are just a token female awardee , merely there to keep the numbers up.   Although Ken junior  , the cheeky bugger , did suggest that maybe you are there to show that old and unattractive females have not been overlooked . 

Anyway Peta , the lads at the Sky Reply have been discussing which of your many achievements clinched you the award .   Ken junior reckons your horror movie " Dangerous Decisions " pushed you across the line .  But I don't think that was it .  Admittedly the show  was a brave attempt to single- handedly bring down a popular and democratically elected state government . But sadly , despite the admirably creepy music , it was a total failure .   Mind you , your show looks much better now that your partner in crime, Chris Kenny , humiliated himself by trying to discredit two former Prime Ministers with his train wreck documentary  "Men in the Mirror ".  Compared to young Chris's disaster , your attempt to destroy Premier Daniel Andrews' career looks like first rate journalism . 

 Sky Reply contributing editor  , Monte , considers that your invention of the term " carbon tax " during your days in Canberra was your greatest achievement .  That moniker has certainly endured . Even  the crazy left have been tricked into using it .  However , in my view , you boasted about that too much , and one needs to remain humble if one is chasing awards .     Here is your enthusiastic quote , if you recall . 

    "  It wasn't a carbon tax , as you know ......but we made it a carbon tax . We made it a fight about the hip pocket , and not the environment . "  

  So top points for simplifying an issue for the electorate , but  I reckon it's your recent apologies that caught the attention of those issuing  the awards . 

 That 30 second apology you made to the South Sudanese community in Melbourne was admirable .  After falsely accusing them of being illiterate Muslims  ( they were Christians if you remember ) who spread the dread Covid germ during Ramadam , you had the good sense to make an apology before inadvertently inciting acts of racial vilification .

 And although apologies are not your strong suit , it is the thought that counts .  The same applies to your apology to Kevin Rudd for telling untruths about his petition calling for a Royal Commission into the media .  The fact that you were forced to make the apology as part of a defamation settlement for an undisclosed sum in no way suggests that you were not sincere. 

Our columnist , Gabbo , reckons it's strange that somebody convicted of defaming a  Prime Minister should receive an Order of Australia  .  But I reckon former PM Tony Abbott probably pulled a few strings for you now he has a job  in Old Blighty working for the pommies .  And there is no shame in that , since Mr Abbott finally did the honorable thing and registered himself as an agent of foreign influence last year .

One last thing Peta .  You seem very short of inspiration lately , so why not report on the antics of that political journalist Jordan Shanks?   The other news outlets have kept us up to date regarding the litigation he faces and the arrest of his producer by some shadowy government security agency , but Sky News won't touch his story with a ten foot poll .   Jordie may have put Chris Kenny to shame , but I reckon you could teach him a thing or two . 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS   Peta , you can start researching  your story about Jodie on You Tube at " Friendlyjordies arrested "  It is quite an eye-opener . 




Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Reference :- Sky anchor Andy Bolt thinks Daniel Andrews ' accident is suspicious .

Reference :-    The Liberal party in Victoria wants questions answered regarding Premiere Daniel Andrews ' accident .   Andy Bolt agrees that something looks suspicious . 

Indeed yes , Andy .   It seems very strange to me that a 48 year old needs to spend weeks in hospital just because he fractured some ribs and his spine .  Thankfully the Tories have drawn attention to this  , and asked some very pertinent questions . 

As the Tories tell us , we need to know details . Such as who phoned the ambulance ,  the exact time of the " alleged " fall  on the " so called " stairs   , and how long the ambulance took to arrive .  Otherwise all manner of shifty goings on could be concealed by this Chairman Dan chap . 

I reckon even more questions need to be asked .  For example , somebody needs to measure the height of the " so called " stairs .  We need to know the brand of shoes Chairman Dan was wearing at the time ,  and whether he broke his glasses in the " alleged " fall .... plus a lot more . 

 My mate  Trevor fell down the stairs here one night (  it may have been after a beer or two as I recall ).  But he was back digging post holes the next day .   All those claims that Chairman Dan broke his spine and ribs ring hollow to me . 

 Don't let this story die Andy  .  If you follow it up , it could prove to  be the career changer you so desperately need . 

 Your comrade , 

  Ken .


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Reference :- It's freezing cold here in Kooralya .

 Reference :-    But it isn't freezing cold everywhere , although Sky weather boy  Rowan Dean hasn't told us  about that . 

Dear " no holds barred " weather boy , 

 I tell you , we are freezing our plums off out here in Kooralya , Rowan .  We are crowded around  the fire in the lounge , hunched over with hands in pockets , breathing frost  at each other .  The lads abandoned their cots on the verandah sleepout  around sparrow's . Too much icy wind was blowing in through a couple of broken louvres. 

 Ken junior noticed a plucky hare had started munching on the special herbs he grows under the tank stand .  We opened the door so Dog could chase it away . Dog just stood at the door for a moment , looked  out at the fog with disgust , flattened his ears , and returned to his rug by the fire .  

 Last night our cousin Hassan Ben Herdof , who lives in Iran , phoned to see how we are coping , what with the weather being clementless and all .   Benny ( as we call him ) told us that they are roasting in the heat over there .  Even his turban is getting all sweated up.  Apparently 5 countries in the Middle East have just joined the exclusive 50 degrees celsius club for the first time . 

 It makes a chap wonder if maybe this global warming conspiracy has something to it , Rowan .    Currently about 500 million people on the northern side of the equator are sweltering in record heat  , the lucky buggers . 

Anyway Rowan , let me know how your peer reviewed source ( " Electroverse " isn't it ? )  accounts for 500 million folk currently gasping in record heat waves . 

I mentioned to Gabbo that maybe those marxist greenies could be right about global warming after all.

"  Do you reckon we are heading towards unprecedented global warming ? "   ,  I said . 

" I bloody well  hope so ! "   ,  Gabbo said . 

  It's not like Gabbo to use profanity , but he does get a bit techy when he is freezing his plums off . 

Your comrade , Ken .  

P.S.   Since you are a professional , perhaps you could help me with a question about grammar ? 

Which is more correct ? 

 " Do you think we are heading towards unprecedented global warming ? " 


 " Do you think we are heading towards unprecedented global warming going , going forward ? " 

I like to stay abreast of changes in syntax ......   err ..... going forward .





Monday, June 7, 2021

Reference:- Witty Sky presenter Rowan Dean shivered through another of his trademark Ice Age Watch comedy skits . '

Reference :-   Rowan always gets excited  when it snows. Especially in the antipodes .  

Winter is your favorite season Rowan , we can tell .  You obviously love telling jokes about snow , which also gives you the opportunity to ridicule the leaders of countries with Marxist leaders , like New Zealand .

Anyway Rowan , it goes without saying that when we are cold in the southern parts of the globe , folk are warm in the northern parts.   You don't much like reporting hot weather , but to be fair Rowan , you should keep us informed about record heat waves  , even if only to remind us that our current record heatwaves are cooler than the record heatwaves of the past . 

My poor cousin Phineas lives in New York .  Right now he and five million other citizens are sweltering . Apparently one of those record heatwaves is gripping the country , although you don't see that mentioned on the tele  over here .   I told Phineas to save his complaining for later , since it is not even summer there yet . 

And another thing Rowan  . You mentioned your source of data concerning the coming Ice Age so briefly that we could hardly hear you .  Ken junior has younger ears , and he could discern your familiar reference to " Electroverse " , which is the web site promoted by that chap who calls himself Cap Allon .  

 Mr Allon  is very secretive regarding his qualifications and personal details , although he does freely provide his bank account details for donations .   That's his right , of course , but  I reckon  that if Mr Allon  is concealing his identity he may have been unwise with his choice of nom de plume .  And this is why . 

  Ken junior decided to search for a qualified scientist called  Cap Allon , expecting it to crop up somewhere in the list of thousands of respected climate scientists , but didn't find it .   I told him he would have saved time if he had just gone straight to the list of climate scientists who deny the global warming theory , since that is shorter than a politicians apology .  But Mr Allon was not to be found there either . 

 Just as I was about to suggest that the strange moniker " Cap  Allon " may not be a real name , Ken junior  leapt to his feet . 

 " I have found him ! " ,  Ken junior said . 

 " Tell me all about him . "  ,  I said 

 " Cap Allon is an author of chidren's books " ,  Ken junior said . 

  " Well that's obviously not him ,  you idiot . " ,  I said . 

So Rowan , when you get a few moments , could you tell us who does produce " Electroverse " ? 

If you know the chap personally , and Cap Allon is not his real name , please give him a heads up regarding  his nom de plume being an  unwise choice . 

 Your comrade , Ken 

 PS  With all the snowfall at the moment ,  plenty of cruel but witty  lines  about   " green snowflakes " spring to mind .  You are probably smart enough to invent your own , but if you need help don't hesitate to ask .




Thursday, June 3, 2021

Reference :- Sky presenter young Maddie Hale needs some mentoring .

 Reference :-  During her review of  a speech by President Biden ,  Sky presenter Maddie Hale exposed an embarrassing gaff ... her own . 

Gee Maddie , you sure made a dog's breakfast of that President Biden review .   I mean , nobody blames Sky for lying about President Biden . We know you do that for our own good , which more than justifies the occasional porkie .   But for heavens sake girl  , don't run video footage that proves you were lying five seconds after telling the bloody lie . 

At least you have time to remove your segment before it has been viewed by more than a handful of folk who probably aren't smart enough to notice the gaff .   ( Those being your devoted fans  . )

 Although , Ken junior reckons you could leave in the part where you lie about President Biden by claiming  that he said he had taken office 15 months ago .    Ken junior suggests that you simply remove the subsequent footage showing what he did say , which was that the Covid pandemic had started 15 months ago .  Nobody ever fact checks these things , so that would work .

 Anyway , here's some advice  . Don't fall into the same trap as your comrade Chris Kenny .  He has become so twisted by his hatred of the ABC  ( I mean the taxpayer funded ABC ) that he has lost all credibility . It won't be long before Mr Murdoch realizes he is paying Chris good money to pursue a private vendetta against Paul Barry at the ABC.  Inevitably , that will see young Chris joining the dole queue.

 We all love a good hate piece or two Maddie , but try and include some real news so you occasionally look like an actual journalist .

Your comrade , Ken . 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Reference :- Sky News warns us constantly about the likelihood of war with China , but do we need to worry ?

Reference :-    Sky News has failed to notice all the quiet work that our Prime Minister has done to protect us from war with China . 

Dear purveyors of news that matters and opinions we can trust , 

Your Sky channel has been pretty dull lately , especially now you have become disenchanted with our Prime Minister .   You have also dusted  that Boris chap in Old Blighty , who you say has turned into a woke greenie .  Ken junior reckons that's because he recently  married somebody very young who would like the planet to last for another few decades .  Happy wife , happy life , as they say . 

Anyway , returning to our esteemed Prime Minister , you have failed to give him credit for ensuring that China will not attack the antipodes .  As a marketer with a degree in applied economics ( not the inapplicable version ) , Mr Morrison has used his sales skills to keep us safe from Chinese aggression . 

Thanks to him , China now owns the ports at Newcastle and Darwin , vast tracts of our farmland , our largest beef and dairy businesses , our largest baby formula producer and  4 billion dollars worth of our energy sector .  The Chinese also own countless gigalitres of our most precious natural resource , water , which they can enjoy tax free , unlike our own farmers . 

That has been a shrewd tactic , for which Mr Morrison deserves full credit .   Why would China start a war when it is successfully buying Australia at bargain basement prices ?    Wars aren't cheap , plus there would be substantial collateral damage to their own assets if they starting flinging ordinance our way . 

 And better still , realizing that there is no chance of war with China , Mr Morrison has managed to score a contract with a Chinese owned company which will manage the data storage of our military secrets for the bargain basement price of 53 million quid .  That company probably submitted a low tender thinking they could sell our secrets to the Chinese military . But why would the Chinese military be interested  if they  don't want to attack us for fear of damaging their own property ?

These are the subtleties that  Sky News has been missing of late .  

Anyway , changing the subject so that we to end on a high note , I did like the way Jonesie called that environmental activist , Greta Thunberg ,  a liar .   Nobody slanders school girls more bravely than Sky News .   Most of us would be afraid of litigation or looking like a belligerent old fool .  I mentioned the fact to Ken junior . 

"Why does Jonesie have the confidence to call GretaThunberg and 97% of scientists liars ? " ,  I said . 

" Because he will have died of old age by the time the climate crisis really hits  . " ,  Ken junior said . 

I guess Ken junior is entitled to his opinion . And I didn't feel a need to spare your feelings  Jonesie . A tough bloke like you , who once suggested drowning a woman by  "throwing her overboard in a chaff bag " no doubt faces his own impending  death with admirable sangfroid . 

Your comrade , Ken .