Reference :- Scott Morrison evaded the question, when asked by Penny Wong... had he tried to secure an invitation for his Hillsong Pastor , Brian Houston , to join him on his visit to the USA?
Mr Morrison Sir . Why the obfuscation ?? Nobody would mind if you had asked for a few extra tickets to functions so Brian could tag along . Look , religion has been a boon for humanity , excluding a few wars , pogroms , crusades , inquisitions and the suchlike . (With probably only a handful killed at the most . ) So if you are chummy with your Padre , and even if , speaking in tongues , you flop about on the floor talking to God , just come clean about it . Everybody will respect you more for your honesty .
My son ,Ken junior , goes to a religious school and it has done him the world of good . He even gets to spend some extra time after school with one of the teachers , which , bugger me dead , I never expected . Keep those miracles headed our way ,we need them in these troubled times . And keep your eye on that Holy Grail , the budget surplus . When you have time , send me the address of your congregation , and I will happily slip them a few quid to help with the upkeep. It's tax deductible , after all . Perhaps you could return the favour by letting God know it hasn't rained here for twelve years . He is busy with his omnipresence for sure , but if you could tell him my postcode , sadly overlooked , I would be very grateful.
Your comrade, Ken ( 4352)
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