Monday, October 21, 2019

Reference:- Andy Bolt called out hypocrisy..again .

Reference   Andy Bolt dismissed an unexpected , but valid point , made by right winger Stephen Conroy .

 Reference : -  Andy bolt criticized  Greens leader , Richard Di Natale for having his recent surgery
 provided by Medicare, thereby taking advantage of the system ,when he could afford to be treated privately .   He expected Stephen Conroy to agree with him, but was surprised by the response .

 Hello again Andy .   How annoying that Stephen failed to support you on this occasion .  But you have to admit he had a good point . What a lost opportunity .  If Richard Di Natale had been treated privately you could have sneered ( Oh , and I can picture it . )    "  So here is a man who wants socialist medicine for everybody , but goes privately himself . What a hypocrite ! "   ( A bit of an arm wave and a deep sigh for emphasis . )   

 But since he went through the public system , to show his confidence in Medicare , you accuse him of robbing the system and stealing a bed from some poor schmuck . ( The  word you used  for a member of the public , which you should avoid, since schmucks are the reason you have a job. )     You were on a sure thing either way , and then Stephen stuffed it . Surely you run through these things backstage before the cameras roll ?  

 There is a lesson here Andy , never assume anything .   Personally , I think that politicians should all be obliged to use public hospitals , state  schools , and even public transport whenever feasible .  That would encourage them to ensure  such facilities are always ship shape .  Nevertheless , returning to your interview ,  that certainly  is a good technique you have honed over the years , and it has a broad application  , often emulated by your fine team at Sky News .   ( And my son , Ken junior , the sullen teenager. )   For example , if somebody attends a climate rally  you can sneer " they are so hypocritical that they pour CO2 into the atmosphere flying to a conference demanding lower CO2 emissions . "  And should they not attend , you can still sneer  "  so uncommitted to their cause they couldn't even be bothered attending  a conference"  ,  and add  the coup de grace  " I suppose they had to spend taxpayer's money flying elsewhere that week . "
But Andy, for heaven's sake , don't interview guests who reveal  your modus operandi to viewers .   To finish on an upbeat note , good on you for skimming lightly over all this silly freedom of the press nonsense .  You have spent enough time in court to keep the lid on that particular can of worms . 

 Your comrade , Ken  .

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