Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt showed us more convincing evidence that climate change is a hoax .

 Reference :  Andy interviewed renowned former footballer, right wing politician , and one time  furniture dealer Craig Kelly, whose deep understanding of climate change makes a mockery of the scientific research.

 Well done Andy , you had Craig Kelly back on the show .  The man sure knows how to put those scientists in their place . It's quite obvious that climate scientists the world over have promoted this  climate change hoax , just so they can rake in all those lucrative research grants .   A friend who works parking cars for the Casino in Monte Carlo tells me that there is a never ending parade of climate scientists pulling up in their Maseratis  and Ferraris  , flaunting  porn star companions all draped with diamonds .  Disgusting it is .  So I tip my hat to Craig Kelly .  In his prime he was indeed a great footballer , rarely suffering a blow to the noggin . And he could flog a sucker a velvet lounge suite faster than you could say  "  American Express will do nicely sir ." That little legal fiasco of his in days gone by  is long forgotten , and only helped build his character . We can all be grateful that he has found the time , with all that going on , to become a climate expert as well.
 I don't know how you do it Andy , but you are a credit to the Sky News motto
 " news you can trust , opinions you can't ignore  "   It was certainly hard to ignore this one .

  Your comrade , Ken

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