Saturday, April 10, 2021

Reference:- The Sky Reply is going on holidays .

Reference :-   The Sky Reply team is off for some well deserved recreation . 

After a short break , we will return at the beginning of May .  God willing .  

Some folk want to know if it is true that we have buggered off to waste a small fortune racing cars , partying and generally philandering . 

But look , we are not prepared to answer those questions on this program .  A report will be forthcoming at a suitable juncture  , and that is all we can say because there are legal proceedings in place , and at this time we are not in full possession of all the relevant facts .  

Additionally there are security considerations and it would be inappropriate for us to comment while a police investigation is in progress .  

However , you can rest assured that we are treating these inquiries seriously and are fully committed to providing an explanation in a timely and responsible manner . But don't hold your breath .

Anyway , must fly , we seem to have misplaced Ken junior's crash helmet . 

See you next month , 

 Your comrade , Ken



Thursday, April 8, 2021

Reference :- The hard working team at Sky News seems lost lately .

 Reference :-  Now that the Murdoch media are dusting our Prime Minister , the Sky News hosts  seem confused. 

 Dear lost souls at Sky News , 

 Now that the Prime Minister is so on the nose that even Mr Murdoch can't stomach him , you must redefine your goals .   Sadly you can't  promote anybody else in the Coalition .  It is always easy to dump a Prime Minister if there is another more suitable candidate gloating on the front bench .  Unfortunately ,  with all the accusations of criminal behavior and the subsequent games of parliamentary musical chairs such a candidate does not exist .    

However  you can't just continue to ignore Mr Morrison .   Mr Morrison is your creation , and now he is disgraced you must accept some responsibility for the situation , and not repeat the mistakes of Victor Frankenstein .  Have you heard Mr Morrison lately ?   The Coalition members have enjoyed  the support of Sky News for so long that they have never learnt how to survive without it . Labor and the Greens had to develop such skills long ago ,  but poor Mr Morrison can't cope . 

Sky News has created a spoiled child , and now he is running amok trashing the joint . You can't just turn your backs like bad parents and pretend nothing is happening .  My advice is that you give him a stern talking to , and maybe a clip under the earhole . You must still dump him , of course , but at least you can limit the damage he does to the Coalition before he vanishes into the obscurity he so richly deserves. 

Your comrade , Ken .  

Disclaimer :-     In these days of political correctness we feel the need to point out that the expression " clip under the earhole " was meant metaphorically . We used it as a metaphor for " boot up the backside ".






Sunday, April 4, 2021

Reference :- Real Estate prices are booming . We are told that is good news .

Reference :-   Why should we be pleased that house prices are increasing  at a rate faster than we have seen in over thirty years?

We certainly live in exciting times . Our house out  here in Kooralya may have gone up in value by almost 6 percent , which is close to ten thousand quid .   Young Monte reckons we should get a home equity loan and use the money to buy a new trail bike .   Ken junior reckons we should use the money to buy one of those giant television sets .

But then Gabbo asked the question " How are we going to pay the loan back ? " . 

That calmed everybody down more than somewhat , but Gabbo had more to say . 

"  Everybody needs food , clothes and shelter to survive  ."        Gabbo said 

 " Well obviously . "   I said . 

 " How would you feel if prices for food and clothing  were escalating ? "    Gabbo said . 

 "  That would be terrible . "   I said . 

  " So why would anybody want the cost of shelter to escalate  ? " .   Gabbo said . 

   Gabbo has an annoying habit of asking tricky questions .  And when no answer is forthcoming he tends to rave . 

   " If everybody's home loan repayments were less , labor costs could be less .  That would mean we could go back to being competitive in the manufacturing sector .  High house prices stifle the economy . " Gabbo said . 

   But nobody was listening , we had all lost interest .  Ken junior changed the subject . 

 " Say , let's  head to the coast for a few days , we could all do with a break .  " ,  Ken junior said . 

 "  Not a chance in the world . "  ,   I said . 

 "  Why not ? "  ,  Ken junior said . 

 "  The mortgage payment comes  out of our account tomorrow , so we are broke . "   I said . 

   It's just as well somebody around here understands finance . 

    Happy Easter .

   Your comrade , Ken . 




Thursday, April 1, 2021

Reference :- While missing all the best news stories , Sky host Andy Bolt gave us his updated opinion concerning statues .

 Reference :-   Andy Bolt was horrified by the anger directed at historic statues throughout the western world in recent times .  But apparently statues are not all equal .

Tearing down , moving , defacing and expressing anger over statues is very foolish , as you have said many times Andy  .  While the occasional statue might honor a murderer , or a slave trader , or a war monger or even misrepresent history ( as does the statue of Richard the Lionheart outside the Palace of Westminster in London ) it is still a valuable part of our heritage .  Rather like a faded sepia photograph of a great uncle who was jailed for cattle duffing in 1876 , which still deserves a place in the family album . 

But Andy ,  as you say , this Greta Thunberg tribute is taking things way to far . You tell us that Winchester University is erecting a statue of this troublesome teenage girl !  How dare they ?     She may have millions of supporters globally and is possibly the most influential teenager of her generation , but that doesn't mean she deserves a place in history .  In this instance the best thing we can do is forget that she ever existed . 

When you explained a few months ago that it is petty nonsense to take offense at statues , there had been no mention of this outrageous Greta Thunberg idol , even though it had been commissioned and paid for back in 2019 .  Ah.... remember those glorious pre -Covid days Andy ? 

Anyway , I reckon we should keep reminding  people that it cost a massive 23,000 quid . Money that could have been put aside for Covid relief , if we had known a pandemic was coming . 

One more thing Andy .   Ken junior wants to know why  the Greta idol  was so cheap.  Our new Captain Cook statue ran to about 3 million bucks .  He thinks we taxpayers may have been overcharged , but I told him the government always ensures that we get value for money .  As usual , I am sure we can rely upon you for an explanation .

Your comrade , Ken .