Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reference :- A missing link made monkeys of them all.

Reference :-   In an interview , respected climate scientist Andy Pitman said that he believed there was " no link between climate change and drought" . The Sky news team couldn't conceal their tumescence upon hearing that . Later Mr Pitman expressed regret for making the statement and said he had been misinterpreted . He says he would like to correct his mistake and alter his statement to  "no DIRECT  link ".  Apparently that is not acceptable to Sky news , but it is acceptable to Media Watch .   Sky news has sunk it's teeth into this story like a rabid bull terrier , and won't let go.  

Calm down gentleman, no need to fight  !   Our embarrassed Mr Pitman is like a chap who accidentally started a fight in a public bar .  He has been sensible enough to slip out the back door before the furniture starts flying about .  It's an easy argument to settle .   However , at the outset , everybody has to remember that Mr Pitman has always unambiguously stated that he believes in both global warming and climate change .   You have said so yourselves .  That means you can only score points on the question as to whether he believes there is "no link" , or "no direct link "between climate change and drought .  Mr Pitman  himself has tried to clarify that , by stating he believes the latter , and a reasonable person ought to allow him to be the final arbitrator regarding his own belief . 

 However , I acknowledge that Sky News tends to operate  under the assumption that it is the final arbitrator of pretty much everything .  I admit , the possibility exists that Mr Pitman was "got at ", after the interview , and encouraged to recant and lie . A not unheard of possibility . ( Think of poor Galileo. )     But the following direct quote from Mr Pitman  , printed on the pages of  the Financial Times last year will put us all in the picture .  (The Financial Times , since we wouldn't want to trust some leftie propaganda leaflet )
                                     " The landscape is hotter than normal and getting hotter and there has been
very high evaporation through winter . This accelerates drying , and moves Australia into drought faster , and the droughts last longer .  The risk that a region will be in drought is therefore linked to heat extremes , and these are unambiguously linked to global warming ."
That pretty well settles that , doesn't it gentlemen ?     You can carry on all you like about a poorly worded statement by a nervous interviewee confronted by an abrasive news anchor .  Mr Pitman is a scientist , not a professional orator .  He knows what his own opinion is . And so now , do you .

  Your comrade  Ken .



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