Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt reminded us that many of our tax dollars are being wasted policing climate change activists.

Reference :- Andy Bolt reminded us that many of our tax dollars are being wasted policing climate change activists , whilst also criticizing climate change supporters ,who are so hypocritical , that they actually drive cars . ( Uncharacteristically , he got the dollars wrong . But at least he was not as slurred of speech as he has often been of late . At times I wonder if he has hit the bottle , fearing competition from Paul Murray . But more of that in a future post . )

The Sky Reply

Andy Andy Andy !!! What is all this puerile nitpicking about who owns a worn out car and who had a joke misinterpreted ? Is that cutting edge journalism , or opinion we can trust ? I think not Andy , I think not ... Throw away the magnifying glass , stop searching for pimples on the backsides of those you don't like , and look at the big picture for Christ's sake ! I did recently offer this tip to your sidekick , Paul Murray , but as a faithful supporter , I also feel a duty to pass it your way . . It's only fair , especially since your speech is less slurred lately , which could mean you are cutting back on the grog at last . My point is this . Why not encourage the protestors ? Your figure of hundreds of thousands of quid spent on police is way off the mark. It is actually millions . And that is millions being spent in a flagging economy, Andy . An economy that poor old Josh appears to be struggling with , through no fault of his own . 

Our underpaid police can use the overtime to help pay off their crippling mortgages ,or perhaps chip away at their kid's mountainous HECS bills, and grandma's robodebt or something . It's better to spend millions here , instead of billions , for example , blowing up places in the middle east that we can't even point to on a map, which merely creates more bloody refugees. The big picture Andy , the big picture ! Not somebody's used car repayments . You are better than that , and I am sure you can see how these activists are helping to stimulate the GDP . If you need a few pointers , feel free to contact me anytime . As we get older , and the grave beckons , we should not be too proud to reach out for a helping hand . 

Your comrade , Ken

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