Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Reference :- The home of iconic poet Dorothea MacKellar is threatened by a new coal mine .

Reference :-  Whitehaven Coal hasn't been doing too well on the ASX lately , but they have plans . This looks like an opportunity for Sky News weather man, Rowan Dean .

 Good morning Rowan  . Since it appears shabby from neglect , and is right in the way of a new coal mine ,  should we be worried that the home of Dorothea Mackellar might accidentally suffer damage ?  Whitehaven Coal is keen to honour it's commitment to full employment in the region . Oh , and it's commitment to making a few quid for shareholders too, of course , but it's plans for the homestead are unclear .

Dorothy loved Australia ,and lines from her  iconic poem " My Country "  are regularly quoted these days .   Her line " of droughts and flooding rains "  crops up all the time , since climate change deniers like your good self use them as historic evidence to help promulgate the doctrine  that the planet is not warming .   I wonder what Dorothea would think ?  She doesn't strike me as the type who would approve of her country being turned into a filthy coal pit , but who knows?

Anyway Rowan , the entire town of Acland being razed by a coal mining company does make me wonder about Dorothea's place , since it is only one historic house in need of a lick of paint .   Perhaps the irony of it all might cause too much embarrassment, but the captains of industry are often thick skinned .  So here's a tip for a story . (We could have sent it to anyone Rowan , but you are so short of material lately that you have to plagiarize songs by defunct bands to fill your time slot . )

 We reckon that in case Dorothea's historic home gets blasted to kingdom come , you  should go there to plant , and then " discover ", a few extra lines from her famous poem " My Country " that didn't make it to her publisher .  They could further support your position on global warming  by proving nothing is new .    Ken junior has suggested that  the following  verse , written in the matching iambic trimeter , should blend in seamlessly .

                                  And I love the glistening sight,
                                  Of a reef that's bleached all white ,
                                  And the firemen 's attire ,
                                  As they fight a record fire ,
                                 And when our fauna , so distinct  ,
                                  With no habitat , go extinct .
                                  There's no need to fear the dole ,
                                   In our land , so blessed with coal.

Just whip that up with a quill pen Rowan , and say you found it tucked in the back of her built in wardrobe or something .   And since we thought of it first, if you slip us a small consideration it would ensure we keep out mouths zipped .  ( I hate asking , but the cops booked Monte for riding his 350 Velocette in a built up area and we are a bit short this month .  ) 

Your comrade , Ken



Monday, June 29, 2020

Reference:- The Sky News Anchors are losing popularity , so we have decided to help.

Reference :-  It saddens us to watch Sky News sink in a quagmire of irrelevance  . But we have an idea to boost their morale , and have sent a letter .

 Dear purveyors of news that matters and opinions we can trust ,

 The sullen faces of the Sky News Anchors have touched our hearts here at The Sky Reply .  So we have decided to create an award for you , which might put a smile on your miserable chops .  ( That's a smile fellow professionals  , not a cruel laugh  . )
We believe the backbone of Sky News is a kind of spinal fusion of five leaders in critical thinking .Chris Kenny , Rowan Dean , Andy Bolt,  Peta Credlin and young Paul ( the bogan ) Murray .    Our marketing guru here at the Sky Reply has taken the first letter of their christian names and created a new journalism award ,  the annual CRAPP  award for television journalism .

We envisage a gala affair at the old Boy Scouts Hut here in Kooralya , to be followed by a BBQ down by the creek.    Ken junior is sending  a telegram to Sir Les Patterson offering him the role of MC , and it should be a pleasure for him to  present you with the annual CRAPP award  .  We have promised to cover Sir Les's bus fare , and my mate Trevor  can put him up for the night . Trevor has cleaned up his sleepout  and put fresh newspaper in the outhouse so his stay there will be comfortable .

Though clearly we are the one's helping you through a grim patch , we don't feel smug about it at all, and are well aware that it will be an honor to host such a celebrated group of the nation's opinion makers .   It goes without saying that you can stay with us here , at The Sky Reply .  You can use the showers at the Scout Hut , but bring your own soap. ( We had to stop supplying soap in the showers because the boys kept dropping it all the time .) 

We have two spare rooms ,  but we are short a bed , so some  of you will have to bunk out in the same bed, sharing style .  Obviously nobody would have the slightest interest in sharing with Peta Credlin , especially in the winter , so we leave it to the boys to figure out those arrangements .  Ken junior reckons a democratic way to decide would be to give Paul Murray a bed of his own , since he is a big boned fellow and the other chaps are probably more comfortable not sharing with another male who has big bones .    The others could draw straws for who snuggles up with Chris Kenny , since he has a rather comforting warmth to his personality , don't you think ?

Anyway it's up to you , and as far as we are concerned what goes on at the Kooralya gala award night  stays at the Kooralya gala award night .   Are you with me ?

I probably shouldn't say too much , but Monte ( the motorcyclist ) has made the award by welding up a few surplus parts from his vintage motorbike collection .    He got the idea from watching your guests , who he reckons look like the gay revellers from the Rocky Horror Picture Show .
He was quite inspired , and has welded together a rather grand affair made from old cranks , cracked pots and a few nuts that were off their rocker .

 It looks rather like a hammer and a sickle , as a tribute to your dedication to the proletariat . 

The lad has a gift for symbolism .     We can't wait to see you here  . 

Your comrade , Ken

PS .    I wouldn't trouble Sir Les for his autograph if I was you .  

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Reference :- What does it take for Australia to lose it's AAA credit rating with Moody's ?

Reference :-   The  following story , which attempts to be amusing , does contain accurate statistics.

A year or so back Sky News contributor Monte ( the motorcyclist  ) wanted to know what his uncle Graham could do to get some financial assistance , since he had lost a leg in the Vietnam War . We made inquiries but found that the surgeon , no doubt operating under fire from the forces of Ho Chi Minh , had left a skin tag behind , so technically it was only rated as a partial amputation .   This meant he qualified for an ankle brace , and a consideration of ten dollars per year to have his trouser leg sewn up.
Monte was shocked , but I reminded him that the country was facing a debt crisis , and we had to run  austerity budgets to pay back our staggering loans or our AAA credit rating would be lost and the interest payments would cripple the entire country , not just his uncle Graham .  Furthermore , I said , that is why unemployed people have to skip the occasional meal  ( one or two each day at most ) and paraplegics have to wait years to get a mobile chair that doesn't sport wooden spoke wheels and a cast iron seat .

Last year the treasurer , young Josh Frydenberg , was promising a budget surplus of  2 billion quid which he claimed was an essential step to preserve our coveted AAA credit rating .   Well , that plan now has  a spanner in it's works  . Plus an entire socket set and a couple of breaker bars .  It is now predicted that by this time next year we will be another 200 billion quid or more in the red .    That's one hundred times the surplus that was supposed to be a game changer .

On hearing that , the financial reporters at The Sky Reply were concerned that our AAA credit rating with Moody's was doomed .  But lo and behold , Moody's are keeping it the same .
Ken junior was greatly surprised , and did some research on the topic .  Apparently if we go another 200 billion quid into the red , it isn't a big deal .     Our debt to GDP ratio will still be quite modest compared with most countries .   And with interest rates so low , it will cost the average tax payer about 3 dollars per week in  interest .  That seems like a price worth paying to live in a decent society. 
 Of course conservative idealogue Peta Credlin, who is a wizard ... I mean a witch ... with numbers  warns us that the only reason we have retained our AAA credit rating is because the rest of the world is so badly in debt by comparison .  Que ?    Isn't that why we had the AAA rating in the first place ?

 Monte's uncle Graham is pretty angry about being told the country couldn't afford to supply him with a prosthetic gam , especially since he was a conscript .  He says where is the dignity in that ?   He would have preferred that the patronizing bastards had just told him to bugger off because they couldn't care less and preferred to spend the money on mining subsidies for political donors .

 Your comrade , Ken 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Reference :- The Sky Reply came down with the munchies again .

Reference :-    Contributing editor , Ken junior , whipped up another batch of his special herb cookies . There is nothing like comfort food by a warm fire on a cold night .

while munching away we all got to talking about statues and the pros and cons of pulling them down as an act of protest and whether the protestors had lost their minds and conservatives  would never condone such vandalism but then Gabbo ( the aborigine ) pointed out that conservatives were happy to blow up a 46,000 year old aboriginal site which must be worse than pulling down a limestone statue of some slave trader and Ken junior said that speaking of limestone what about the Great Barrier Reef which is a 2300 klm long masterpiece built by coral polyps that is being trashed by big business with barely a second thought and then Monte ( the motorcyclist ) mentioned the  WW1 monument sitting in the middle of the Acland coal mine now the entire town has been razed which the local chamber of commerce couldn't give a damn about so why all the fuss about some slave trader  statue in Townsville then unless they just hate progressives instinctively or maybe they wouldn't care about the slave trader statue if it was sitting on a million tons of coal it's all so complicated then I said how do we rate the bombing of Dresden at the end of WW2 as an act of punishment since there were lots of statues there with huge significance to the history of western civilization and  Monte said that pulling statues down was always a bad thing and I agreed wholeheartedly but then remembered that when I saw the statue of Saddam Hussein toppled I did experience a certain frisson which was very like the one I felt when watching the Nazi symbol being ripped off the Reichstag Building in Berlin so it is all various shades of grey and are we being manipulated and divided by the oligarchs who want us to see  everything as black or white so we fight among ourselves and don't notice them making off with most of the world's GDP and Sky News came on and we became a bit paranoid and Andy Bolt was moaning about divisiveness while fueling it further with his usual venom and fanning it with his hands that wave about like Al Jolson in blackface because he might have a couple of ancestral negro slave base sequences in his DNA and Peta Credlin who can't think of much to say these days because everybody is going broke so they aren't interested in her meaningless world of political in fighting was looking more like Morgana le Fay than usual or maybe the sorceress in Snow White and you could almost see the poisoned apple in her hand and Rowan Dean was laughing at us like a blonde Nordic golliwog except he won't tell us about the weather from that part of the world with it's melting permafrost and the record fires and heatwaves and the Alan Jone's zombie had crawled  from his media grave but he was listening to a socialist commentator and agreeing with him about the economy as though maybe he was changing his mind about a few basics now that it is too late anyway so maybe if you are evil in real life your zombie comes back as a progressive fortunately Ken junior told us we were all getting paranoid and just because the entire capitalist system is collapsing under the weight of it's own contradictions incompetence and appalling greed that was no reason not to order in a couple of dozen supreme pizzas with garlic bread and that did seem like a great idea now that the cookies were all eaten your comrade ken

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Reference :- Sky News ran a headline " Bolt stands up to China bullying ".

Reference :-   Andy Bolt shirt fronted  China ..... again .

Sorry about the slow response from the Sky Reply Andy , but we wanted to see how China reacted to your stern rebuke .  In the past you took it upon yourself to declare war on China , and in a previous post we praised your pluckiness and thanked you for saving the government the trouble .

Hardly a day has passed since without you spitting abuse at China for one thing or another . But when you hinted at war , yet again , we decided to wait and see how the Chinese reacted before taking quill in hand.

 .   And good thing that we did , because we saw another military parade with gazillions of highly trained Chinese soldiers in that square in Beijing on the tele the other night .   I think they call it Tiananmen Square . My mate Trevor reckons that the actual square is nowhere near that big , and the enormous army bristling with high tech weaponry and so on is all fake .  He calls it "Ten Men Square " and reckons we have nothing to worry about .

Anyway Andy , we are glad to report that the faces of those Chinese soldiers on tele the other night were contorted with fear after your rebuke .  So well done , that sure has shown them a thing or two.

Your comrade, Ken . 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Reference : - Sky weatherman Rowan Dean overlooked a few "inconvenient " weather reports .

Reference :-   When there is record cold somewhere, there is often record heat somewhere else. Although Rowan Dean somehow manages to overlook it .

It sure looks to be getting cosy at Sky News Rowan .  It must be fun interviewing each other all time , because there is much cackling and hilarity . Even beer drinking I see .  And it doesn't matter  if nobody else will talk with you , as long as you can hang on to those fat pay cheques a bit longer .   Though keep a weather eye out for your dwindling viewer numbers , and budget accordingly . When Sky News gives you the flick you don't want to be caught short .

Anyway Rowan , all this record cold isn't welcome here at the Sky Reply .  We don't enjoy the cold much , so we have been thinking of taking a sabbatical somewhere warmer after lockdown restrictions have eased .  Initially we were worried that there might not be some corner of the globe enjoying balmy weather , but how wrong we were !

 It turns out that in May the planet experienced pretty well the warmest average  temperatures ever recorded .  Siberia's permafrost is melting so fast that Comrade Putin has expressed alarm at the damage to infrastructure  .  (  If you don't know what infrastructure is Rowan , it means their freeways and bridges and tunnels and high speed railway tracks and the suchlike .  Things we don't have many of over our way , for some reason . )   

And even better,  the city of Khatanga ,in Siberia , was 46 degrees hotter than usual the other day .
Now that's the kind of weather we like .  I can't wait to head there . As my Scottish comrade Angus the unionist says , " as soon as lockdown eases, that will be me there ".

But don't tell anyone about the heat wave Rowan . We don't want everybody to rush to Siberia  and push up the price of rooming houses and vodka .     

   Your comrade , Ken

Monday, June 15, 2020

Reference :- As he sinks from relevance , Sky Anchor Andy Bolt is looking angry.

Reference :-    Andy Bolt has adopted an impressive angry glare during interviews of late .

Holy cow Andy , poor Josh Frydenberg looked like he would need to freshen his briefs after your last interview . Are you with me ?   Sky Reply contributing editor Gabbo  ( the aborigine )  laughed his head off so much he accidentally deleted part of his PhD research  from his laptop.  
He was pretty annoyed with himself , but I reminded him that there are tens of thousands of Aborigines with university degrees, so a few more weeks of waiting before he gets his mortar board and gown won't matter much .  

Anyway Andy ,  stalwart fan though I am , I think you are barking up the wrong eucalypt  by calling the "black lives matter "movement rubbish .    You are missing the point entirely by not thinking broadly enough .   Here at the Sky Reply we espouse the philosophy that no lives matter .   We are all just here for the blink of an eye before vanishing .   And that applies to entire species , including our own .   Several species worldwide will become extinct while I am writing this .  And if we succeed in wiping out a few million species along with ourselves over the next century or two , it is of no consequence.  

  New species will evolve , every bit as beautiful and fascinating as those that exist now . And you never know , there might even be a dominant species with superior intelligence , which would be a great first for the planet .  ( Ken junior pictures it with a crown of colorful feathers containing luminescent plastic microparticles. )

So Andy , when I am horrified by a video footage from Georgia that shows  an unarmed black man being shot in the back because he fell asleep in his car , this is how I console myself  .   ( The cops in Georgia must be very twitchy .  Possibly because of  the escalating coronavirus cases since  governor Kemp eased lockdown so his businesses could return a profit . )

 I console myself by remembering that we all die one day , including me and you .   And whether we are racist smart arses  , captains of business , politicians or street sweepers we all get eaten, without malice ,  by the same lowly worms .    Monte ( the motorcyclist )  reckons that is a terrible thought , and says he will get cremated .  But Gabbo has pointed out that the soot that blows from the chimney will settle to the ground , and fertilize a weed that gets eaten by a grub , so what's the difference ?

Are you still with me Andy ?   Philosophy might not interest you much , since it is more suited to the sensibilities of socialists  than the captains of industry .    And what made Gabbo laugh ?   Well he is a very widely read young lad , and the lines from two of his favorite poems entered his thoughts  while you were huffing  away like an asthmatic who cant afford his salbutamol puffers .  He recited the lines between bouts of laughter .    To get the full effect , I suggest watching yourself on You tube while you read them . It is hilarious . And here they are .

   " Half sunk , a shattered visage lies , whose frown
     And wrinkled lip , and sneer of cold command
    Tell that the sculptor , well those passions read
    Which yet survive , stamped on these lifeless things . "

   Haha , Gabbo kept calling you Ozymandias , but then became more philosophical , and consoled himself regarding the inevitability of  death . Yours in particular , since the grim reaper will encounter your name on his list in but a few short years.    This is what he consoled himself with .

    Into this universe  , and why not knowing ,
    Nor whence , like water willy -nilly flowing ,
    And out of it , as wind along the waste ,
    I know not whither , willy-nilly blowing .

 An educated chap like yourself , Andy ,  ( despite the lack of gown and mortar board ) will  readily recognise  the authors , and know that one was  Iranian .   

 An appreciation of the sublime features strongly among people all races , though not all ideologies .  

     Your comrade , Ken

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Reference :- Sky anchor and renowned epidemiologist Paul Murray demanded an end to travel bans.

Reference :-     Paul Murray stood beside the barricades at the Queensland border and demanded that they be removed immediately, stating specifically that we should ignore medical advice.

It was unusual to see you out of your man cave , Paul.   ( Ken junior calls it your boy cave for some reason I can't fathom . )    You did lean on the barricades a tad during your insightful presentation , which makes me wonder how your knees are holding up.  I remember the dreadful trouble former
" Minister for Everything "   Russ Hinz had with his knees, back in the day .  You don't want to end up like him Paul , and you would be surprised how badly an indiscernible inch or two of generous girth can compromise a chap's musculoskeletal apparatus south of the navel.

Anyway , the lads here at the Sky Reply head office have reminded me that 22 states in the USA have climbing infection rates attributed to lifting restrictions prematurely.  .  Georgia clocked up another  thousand cases yesterday alone , and their death rate looks like the one for Bomber Command in WW2.   Though that would never happen here , I guess .

Mr Morrison is very keen to open the borders , and  Ken junior thinks you are trying to restore the Prime Minister's respect for you by providing him with extra support .  If that is right Paul, I reckon you are wasting your time . When you almost nodded off while interviewing him recently he looked thoroughly cheesed off  , and there is no going back.

 You might as well stay in your cave Paul, and save your knees for something more useful.

Your comrade , Ken .

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Reference :- There are certainly a lot of demonstrations being staged worldwide at present .

Reference :-   Millions and millions of protestors  are taking to the streets to air their various grievances . Is it because of the sudden depletion of " the weapons of mass ....distraction " ?

 What with the sports all cancelled , no cinemas,  no casinos or poker machines ,  no racing of various quadrupeds , no overpriced gala weddings , no boozy pub nights and so on , people have few distractions these days .     And no longer restrained by weapons of mass distraction , people are starting to notice all the injustice and greed which has been blooming in the fields of what we grandiosely describe as the developed world .   Here at Kooralya we haven't witnessed so many demonstrations since the time we were visited by an overly enthusiastic door to door vacuum cleaner salesman .

 But it is heart warming to see how many folk think that the whole western capitalist system is rotten to it's heart  , now that they have the time to voice their objections .

 Obviously the elite  running the show can't wait to end the lockdowns , so everybody will shut up and re-immerse themselves in that  glittering electronic hallucination marketed to us as a desirable lifestyle.  .  A lifestyle that most folk  , and the world's ecology , cannot actually afford .

 Anyway , here at Kooralya we are at least buoyed by the many displays of humanity and solidarity    revealed by the demonstrators.  .   

 If they were selling vacuum cleaners , we would all have bought a couple each by now.

Your comrade , Ken


Reference :- The coalition has made yet another mathematical error.

Reference :-   Stepping beyond the boundary of his expertise with numbers , internationally acclaimed Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison , has made another blunder with statistics .

Mr  Morrison sir , we don't expect you to have an expert knowledge of all subjects .   You are a politician , not a climate scientist or an epidemiologist or an actual "real " economist  ( marketing doesn't count).  Nor are you an historian , obviously .  And why should a busy man like yourself bother to take an interest in the history of his own nation ?  However , you still looked very foolish when you claimed Australia had never allowed slavery , despite the later apology. 

Young Angus Taylor  sure has made a few blues with numbers , big and small .  He can't even remember the number of times he partied with Naomi Wolff when he was at Oxford university .   ( According to Ms Wolf it was zero. )    You may have got the figure out by about a factor of two when estimating the cost of the Jobseeker allowance , but young Angus still held the gold medal  for lousy estimates with his dodgy figure for the Sydney Council's travel expenses . It was out by a factor of thousands .

 Though it is quite surprising ,  Sky Reply contributing editor Monte ( the motorcyclist )  is quite an algebraist .  He ran a quick calculation to see if your slavery remark placed you ahead of young Angus in the stupendous numerical inaccuracy stakes .

 Like  you , integers and the suchlike are not my strong suit , so please pardon any clumsiness in the following explanation .    Using principals described by the great mathematician Bernard Riemann ,  in an earlier century , Monte has graded the level of your inaccuracy .

 Monte took a rounded figure of 60,000 for the cane cutting Melanesian slaves you forgot about  , and added a very conservative 20,000 for the indentured aborigines and Torres Strait islanders you overlooked . He then added another conservative figure of 10,000 for the aborigines who thought they would get paid and never were , some of whom worked during my lifetime . ( Imagine that Mr Morrison , sir , slavery in Australia in our own lifetimes . )

Of course there is more ,  but those numbers, totalling  90,000 , are all Monte needed .    Young Angus was out by a factor of a few thousand ,with his travel expense figure  but  Monte says if we divide the actual number of slaves by the figure you quoted the sum appears as 90,000 divided by zero.   The result of that calculation is infinity .  So you were wrong by a factor of infinity . This  easily beats young Angus  , so you now hold top position in the stupendous inaccuracy stakes .  And a score of infinity  will be hard to beat , though the coalition has members who could still surprise us .

Personally , I don't much like figures and statistics .  So I don't think it is fair to say you were infinitely inaccurate .

 Infinitely insensitive seems a better description .    

Your comrade , Ken

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Reference :- Sky News' radical thinker and would be kid's show presenter Rowan Dean does a turnabout .

Reference :-    Rowan Dean does the old 180 degree switcheroo.

Top of the morning to you Rowan . There a few days back  ( and fortunately only a handful of views ago ) you said that the coronavirus lockdown had been a waste of time , and money . Lots of money .
 Yet now you assert that protestors are selfishly putting the health of the nation in peril by defying social distancing rules .   Are you sure you can get away with such obvious dissonance ?

I mean , we both know you can say whatever you like to help your ratings , but it's wise to space out the shamelss  poppycock  somewhat . The Sky News audience , bored and dwindling  though it is , might notice the odd glaring contradiction .  It's pretty obvious ,from the comments you receive, that your audience doesn't attract the same demographic as MENSA . But waiting another couple of days before contradicting yourself completely might still be wise .

Oh , and here's another thing Rowan . Maybe you could run a short segment explaining the difference between Communists and Fascists ?      Your audience uses these terms interchangeably , yet throughout history they have slaughtered each other in the millions as they fought because of their conflicting ideologies .   But keep it simple , some folk are easily confused .

 Lastly , Ken junior has a quick question .   Sky News keeps reminding us that " the left "  , whatever that may be , wants to destroy our country and it's economy .    If you say so , it is undoubtedly true .   But Ken junior wants to know what their motive might be .   He says , " Why would anybody want to destroy the country that they live in and it's economy ?"   We look forward to your explanation .

Your comrade , Ken

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Reference :- Is The Sky Reply team deliberately looking for reasons to be critical of Andy Bolt in particular , at present ?

Reference :-    Yes we are .  It's fun .

Well Andy ,  I see the Australian Press Council  has cautioned you about breaching standards . What a bunch of wowsers .    Can't a boozed up middle aged neoliberal hack journalist mock a teenage girl and question her sanity in the hope of destroying her reputation these days ?    Possibly , but you may have overdid it by suggesting that she is mad just because she believes what almost all of the world's scientists have told us .   However,  don't back down Andy .  It's unfair .  First she gets more attention than you .  (How dare she ?  ) And then , to make matters worse , you get your wrist slapped by the ethicists for calling her insane because she repeats the warnings of acknowledged experts .

I think you should come down hard on this crazy little foreign weirdo , no matter what the cost . 
And if you destroy your career in the process , Alan Jones style ,  we will respect you all the more for your self sacrifice .  Speak up like a man , I say .

 Your career may be totally destroyed through  merciless litigation as you are hounded through the courts  by those who have sniffed blood . You may be cast out , penniless and broken,  onto
 those bleak plains of irrelevance that await bitter old hacks .  But don't fret Andy , you can stay with us here at Kooralya .  Though it looks like being a very cold winter ,  the warmth of the next bushfire season  is already in our thoughts .

Out of respect for your contribution to standards in journalism we will let you stay rent free , though everybody has to chip in and do their share of the chores .

 You look like a fit sort of a chap Andy , unlike your usurper Paul Murray , who is probably the breeding ground for a new type of diabetes .   And the stables are a bit of a mess at present ,
so they can be your responsibility .

 You never know , it could turn out that you quite enjoy muck raking .

 Your comrade , Ken

Friday, June 5, 2020

Reference :- How does Andy Bolt view authority ? We are confused .

Reference :-  Andy Bolt has told us that he thinks governments are power mad  , but don't exercise enough power .    Que ?

Andy , I fear all this undeserved  strife you keep bringing upon yourself has muddled your thinking .
It's tough being a cutting edge journalist who puts the truth ahead of his own ratings , but don't exhaust yourself .   Your viewer numbers are falling steadily , but this is just a temporary setback .   Once the economy starts rolling again and people are so stressed out about work , commuting , mortgages etc  that they can't think straight , you should find your audience improves again .
Stay focused, and one day we will see you on the podium accepting a well earned Nobel Prize in Conservativeness.
Though I would ease up with abusing Greta Thunberg a bit if I was you , what with her being Swedish and all.

Anyway , Ken junior wants to know where you stand regarding government powers .   You say that governments  enjoy enforcing ridiculous lock down laws because they are power hungry .  But then you say governments are weak and don't enforce the law during periods of civil unrest as they should .  Like now for example , when some folk wish to draw attention to the fact that cops are murdering people .

You can't have it both ways Andy  .  If it's just a story and ratings you are chasing , I suppose , that  as the actress said to the bishop , you can have it either way .

But inconsistency won't win that Nobel Prize . Don't  disappoint us Andy , we are all plugging for you .     

Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- How is the state of Georgia going with it's coronavirus numbers ?

Reference :-  The  republican governor of Georgia has prioritized the economy and eased lockdown early during the current pandemic . We have been following  the results .
Sky anchor and gymnastic presenter of climate fables , Rowan Dean ,will find the statistics interesting .

Good morning Rowan . We are freezing our plums off out here at Kooralya .  It's the coldest winter in years , and timed badly after the hottest summer and worst bush fire season on record . And there is  nothing like an unprecedented conflagration for buggering up the local firewood supply .  Logs for the hearth are harder to get than a government apology these days .

Anyway , knowing you are gifted when it comes to statistics , graphs , and all that other grade 5 maths stuff , we thought you might like to check out the coronavirus numbers in Georgia , USA .  Since the  elected ( more or less ) Republican governor has been sending folk back to work in defiance of medical advice , the coronavirus numbers in the state have been rising .

That's right Rowan , another 700 people were clapped up with contagion in just the last 24 hrs .   I know most of them were black , and the rich white folk are doing fine as their businesses reopen , but it's still not a good look .

If Australia had that rate of infection ,we would be getting about 2000 new cases daily .   There must be some spin you can put on these figures  Rowan . That is your specialty .  We eagerly await your presentation .  Be sure to draw out the pronunciation of any words that refute your argument, so as to make them sound silly .   You know what I mean .  You do that better than your comrade Andy Bolt . 

Andy's  all embroiled in his usual accusations of racial vilification at present and could do with a bit of a hand .  Why not show him how to do it ?    For starters he should call it  rrraayyyshooollll veelificaayyshhunn .   Both hands must wave for emphasis, maybe tell him to watch an old Al Jolson performance for inspiration  .   Obviously that won't wash with anybody sporting an IQ higher than the average orpington , but as we well know Rowan , that is not his target audience anyway .     Looking forward to your Georgia analysis .    

  Your comrade , Ken

PS    And another thing . Those musical interludes you splice into your segments when you can't think of enough to whine about could include an Al Jolson clip from time to time .   You could don a pair of white gloves yourself beforehand , to raise our sense of anticipation .   

It's all about showmanship , isn't it Rowan ?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Reference :- Andy Bolt set us straight ...yet again .

Reference  :-   Andy explained that the left media are deliberately fermenting protest against racism in Australia .

Good morning Andy . Just when we thought those old reports by the Human Rights Commission and pleas from Amnesty International had been forgotten , people everywhere , black and white , have become all angered up about racial discrimination and deaths in custody .  Whenever the topic arises , The  Sky Reply team  is always keen to see your astute analysis .  And as usual you were quick to jump in with your two bob's worth .

There's much to discuss, but firstly ,   Ken junior has noted that you are using the expression  " How dare they ! " freely these days , and he fears you may be leaving yourself open to a lawsuit from Greta Thunberg , for copyright infringement .    I know it's pretty annoying when a teenage girl receives more news coverage and invitations to meet world leaders than a cutting edge journalist like yourself . But it's unwise to copy her style in the hope of mimicking  her success .   Your strongest card is your candid originality Andy , and you ignore that at your peril .

So Andy , you pointed out that black folk are over represented in the crime figures because they break the law more often .   I guess Tanya Day ,  ( you know , the aboriginal  woman who fell asleep on a train , was arrested , and later died in police custody ) , may have broken a law or two .  It's hard to say which ones since we have so many laws these days , it seems.   In the halcyon days of my youth the cops pulled me over and told me to drive straight home or they would cart me off to the watch house .  When I asked "What for ? "   they said they could arrest  me for driving a purple Torana in a built up area .   I was in no position to argue .

Anyway , I digress .   Personally I must admit I have fallen asleep on trains a few times myself  , and certainly would not have done so had I known I could be arrested and killed by the police .  Not long ago  Aboriginal teenager Kumunjayi Walker was shot to death by police in his own bedroom .  The leftie media made a shameful fuss about all that .   How dare they !  Yet the statistics show that in Australia far more white people die in their own bedrooms each year than Aborigines .

You can use that if you like Andy , gratis . I can see you are struggling a bit at present and every tip helps.    Further help will follow .  

 Your comrade , Ken

P.S.    Ken junior has something  he wants to run past you in the next Sky Reply.  So stay alert , and ease up on the booze,  he has a penchant for asking tricky questions .

Monday, June 1, 2020

Reference:- Will the blunders with government expenditure never cease?

Reference:-  Mathematically challenged minister  Angus Taylor looks like a genius with numbers compared with his comrades.

Well Angus , maybe you can relax a tad now.   That 15 million quid you overestimated when you were trying to trash the reputation of Sydney's mayor looks like small potatoes now .  Where do you chaps get you accounting advice ?    First there was the 60 billion overestimate for the job keeper allowance , and now another billion in the wrong column because people battling along on social security were wrongfully invoiced by some kind of debt robot .   You should pull the batteries out of that thing before it does more harm . Though I hear you guys are looking at giving it a quick grease and oil, before setting it loose again .

It pains me to see you guys having all this trouble balancing the books. After all , sound financial management is supposed to be your strong suit .  ( Like the banks , give or take the occasional financial crisis which isn't their fault . )

One of the contributing editors at The Sky Reply ,  Monte ( the motorcyclist ) has an amazing head for figures .  He can calculate fuel consumption figures  and gear ratios in his head . And with the aid of a slide rule he once calculated his Yamaha's speedometer error , occasioned by a gear ratio modification , in a few seconds .

I reckon he would be a whizz at balancing your books if you gave him a go. He is wise beyond his years and realizes the importance of being tight lipped about the exact source of certain brown envelopes , and knows how to conceal any baksheesh when required.

We look forward to hearing from you soon .  

 Your comrade , Ken

Reference :- Gentle soul Andrew Bolt couldn't bear watching the shocking news footage from the USA.

Reference:-   Poor young Andy Bolt looked genuinely sad when he described watching newsreels in the USA following the murder of black man George Floyd by the police .

Gee Andy , at first I thought you must have meant the videos of Mr Floyd being murdered in cold blood by a policeman .  Not an uncommon event  in the USA , in fact not unheard of here down under .  In this instance the murder took place in front of several witnesses , and thanks to cameras in mobile phones, umpteen million folk world wide have shared the outrage .

But of course , that was  not the cause of your sadness.    It's the rioting caused by the undisciplined left that saddens you .  You are no stranger to the concept of racism yourself Andy , so you were wise to steer clear of that slippery topic.   And "the left " , whatever the hell you define that as , is always your perfect scapegoat when the rot in the system floats inconveniently to the surface.

Anyway , these are challenging times for us all . Thanks for reminding us that white folk get killed by the police regularly too.  That's the kind of information we need to maintain a
sense of perspective .   Maybe you could email Mr Floyd's family , or at least his kids , and remind them of that fact .  It would be hugely consoling , don't you think ?     

   Your comrade , Ken