Monday, October 14, 2019


  First Post

This was the first Sky Reply ,  from October 2019 .  It seems like such a long time ago.......

Reference :-       Peta Credlin  congratulated  Mr Scott Morrison esquire for dropping the number of working- age income support payments to the lowest level in thirty years .  ( She seemed very excited about it too . You can tell , because when she is on a roll she can mimic the style of Alan Jones so well that she almost looks like him . )

 Absolutely bonzer news Peta .    We had already dropped down to around the bottom third of all the
OECD countries for social spending , and now you tell me we are falling even further .  Admittedly some overseas dictatorships spent more , and that helped us push further down the list .  But indeed , the LNP  has definitely made some welcome cutbacks . 

 People seem to think that just because we are wealthier than 90 % of the world we can waste  money on the common good .  Well stuff them , I say .  And why let Mexico flaunt the honor of having the lowest social spending in the developed world ?  We will take that honor from them soon enough , Peta .

 Anyway Peta ,  I was in Mexico awhile ago , with my son  Ken junior , but we didn't see much . Apparently it wasn't safe on the streets .  Ken junior wouldn't leave the hotel , and I don't blame him . It was shocking.  I can see why they wouldn't waste money on those millions of violent , uneducated slum dwellers who don't even wash .  

 Thanks again for the good news Peta , there is all too much of the other type these days . 

 Your comrade , Ken .   


  Meet "The Sky Reply "Team , based in the thriving outback town of Kooralya .

   Ken Senior ........   cranky octogenian and supplier of rent free premises.

   Ken junior .......... annoying teenager and budding poet.

   Monte ................. motorcycle hoon and student of eastern philosophy.

   Gabbo ................  Indigenous musician and sympathetic counsellor .

 Together they will lead us on a whimsical journey through the recent archives of Sky News Australia as we search for that well hidden treasure  , " news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore " .  

 WARNING :-    Though every effort has been made to eliminate them  , the contents may contain occasional strong language ,  disregard for political correctness , and traces of peanut and egg .


  After the last post , on the final page . 


                                              THE END      (  if only )  

Inside front cover . 

                                            Praise for   " The Sky Reply " 

  "  Where the hell is Kooralya ? "  

 "  Does Ken junior have a girlfriend ? "  

  "   Heavy vibes man . Where can I get some of those herb cookies ? "

 "   Why are there so many typos  ? " 

 "   Gabbo rules . " 

 "   Have they been sued yet ? "

 "   How do I get a refund ? "    



  1. I'm morbidly obese.

    1. Don't fret , the NDIS will look after you . Just a bit of paperwork to deal with , but get advice first . My cousin Trevor lost a leg in Vietnam . Sadly , the surgeon , no doubt stressed while operating under fire from the forces of Ho Chi Minh , left a skin tag at the amputation site which technically meant it was considered a partial amputation .
      He does qualify for an ankle brace , and a consideration of twelve dollars each year to have his trouser leg sewn up. I tell him it's better than nothing , since the country has been on the verge of bankruptcy for as long as I can recall .
