Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reference :- Peta Credlin was horrified to see the indoctrination of children by climate activists .

Reference :-   Peta Credlin was horrified to see that children are being indoctrinated by the green left .

 Peta , indeed this indoctrination of children is , like so many things of late, completely unprecedented.  We might gift them a few fibs about Santa or the Tooth Fairy , but that merely teaches them to maintain a healthy  skepticism .  Then there is all that bible stuff , with tales like Noah's ark for example . But they soon deduce that all the world's creature's couldn't amicably occupy an ark , and dismiss such accounts as fiction .  ( Haha , although the way we are going before long they may well all fit into an ark .....just  my little joke !  )
Some folk might consider children are indoctrinated into supporting , say , a football team . But apart from a few brawls ,where is the harm in that ? What are a few fractured incisors among friends ?
Peta , I think we need to fight fire with fire against these climate change fanatics .  If the green vultures , as we now call them , use kids as ammo , so must we !  

 I reckon we round up a cohort of six year olds , younger kids get more sympathy , and have them wave banners in support of coal mining .   As you say , we can't have a sustainable environment without a strong economy , despite the idiots who say it's the other way around .   (  My praise goes to the LNP which has kept the economy strong , as the figures clearly show . )   

And here is some advice .   Film the little angels in a pleasant location , there is bound to be a forgotten leafy glade somewhere that hasn't been stuffed up yet . Droughts and fires plastered over the nightly news give a bleak impression .  I would offer my place , but it looks like a war zone at present , dusty and blanketed in pungent smoke as it is .  Since 2010  I have tried striking geranium cuttings with old dishwater , but with disappointing results . I guess I don't have a green thumb , though you won't catch me asking for advice from a greenie vulture .  

 Your comrade , Ken

P.S.    A good banner slogan would be "  We're not in a stew because of CO2 "   You are most welcome to use it , and I expect no consideration for copyright .  

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