Sunday, January 31, 2021

Reference :- More on the theme of " Wot's in a name ? "

Reference :-   One time advertising genius and climate expert Rowan Dean outdid himself .  

Jeez Rowan .  I don't know how you do it . Who would have thought of calling thousands of dedicated scientists  " bed wetting climate cultists " ?  Of course , colorful language is a great way to keep your presentations interesting when you have nothing much to say .  But you need to run with the theme  throughout your entire show .   If you use a witty label  to describe a group , you need to find another equally witty moniker to describe  the opposing group.  

Ken junior reckons you could contrast " bed wetting climate cultists"   with " cry baby coal crazies ".   

Peurile name calling has a rich tradition at Sky News .  And  as you well know Rowan , nothing initiates  a fruitful discourse faster  than a childish insult . 

Your comrade , Ken . 


Friday, January 29, 2021

Reference :- Forthright Sky Anchor, Chris Kenny, is troubled by " the loopy left ".

 Reference :-  As if the " left " wasn't enough to worry  about , Chris Kenny has alerted us to a new threat known as " the loopy left ". 

 Chris Kenny was scared , so perhaps we should also be scared .   This new '" loopy left " is pushing for President Biden to declare a climate emergency . 

The UK declared a climate emergency back in May 2019 , under  Boris Johnson's Tory government .  So why is this particular declaration scary ?   Perhaps Chris Kenny dislikes emergency declarations per se . 

But then again , he was very comfortable when Donald Trump declared border control to be an emergency soon after taking office .  And this was at a time ( which goes back many  years ) when there were more Mexicans buggering off back to Mexico than sneaking into the USA.  

 I guess Chris Kenny's  real worry is that though the Tories can handle power discreetly , the " left "  , or should I say  "the loony left " , can't be trusted .  

Chris Kenny pointed out that Senator Chuck Schumer has been pushing for this declaration of a climate emergency .  Chuck is also a supporter of affordable health care . I guess that tells us all we need to know about his credentials as a member of the "loopy left ". 

 Nobody in their right mind believes that health care should be affordable . 

Your comrade , Ken . 



Thursday, January 28, 2021

Reference :- Bellicose Shock Frock Peta Credlin is back !

Reference :-     Peta Credlin has returned from her lair . She hasn't mellowed during her absence. 

Welcome back Peta .  Ken junior was the first to discover you have returned .   He tuned in half way through one of your trademark fulminations  about " the left " , whoever the hell they are .  Apparently,  you claim ,  the mysterious " left " is trying to fuel discontent .   You appear to believe  that the " left " is deliberately making us angry to stir division and destroy the country . 

I must say , this is an alarming prospect .  I asked Ken junior if he could elaborate . 

" Can you elaborate regarding this evil leftist plot to stir division ? "   I said 

" No I can't . "  ,  Ken junior said . 

 " Why not ?  " ,  I said . 

 " I turned the tele off after one minute of Credlin's show . She was making me too angry . "  ,  Ken junior  said 

 Gosh  Peta , if Ken junior finds you disturbingly confrontational , I can hardly imagine how bad the mysterious " left " must be! 

Anyway Peta ,  we do welcome you  back .   You are the undisputed Queen of the Shock Frocks , and a role model for the likes of Rita Panahi . Though Rita has youth on her side , in our hearts she will never fill the crusty old jack boots of a veteran like you .

Your comrade , Ken . 





Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Reference : - Veteran journalist Kerry O'Brien has rejected an Australia Day Honour .

Reference :-  Thankfully , it appears that integrity still lurks among the ranks of professional journalists.  .  

Dear Custodians of Professional Journalism at Sky News ,

I write to inform you of a peculiar event .   Veteran journalist Kerry O'Brien has refused to accept an Australia Day Honour .   He has done this to protest against a similar award being given to tennis player Margaret Court .    Margaret was very handy indeed with a racquet . However she did harbour strong prejudices regarding the sexuality of various folk and the pigmentation of their epidermis .   The terms homophobia and racism come to mind .  Of course ,  everybody is entitled to their own shameful and  ignorant prejudices , but hurtfully loud mouthing them to all and sundry is far from admirable . 

Has Kerry done the right thing ?  We believe he has , and  I am sure the team at Sky News would also set glory and it's associated mazuma aside over a matter of principal any day of the week . 

Kerry was part of the heart and soul of the ABC back in the days before it became known at Sky News  as " The Taxpayer Funded ABC  " .    Sky Anchor , Chris Kenny , who runs your war with the ABC ( sorry , I mean The Taxpayer Funded ABC ) would have found a worthy opponent if he had reached the age of reason during Kerry O'Brien's tenure .   

 Though Chris Kenny might reach his age of reason sometime soon , sadly it is too late . Fate can be cruel. 

Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Reference :- Is it Australia Day , or Invasion Day ?

Reference .  What's in a name ? 

To quote the Australian poet C J Dennis ,  from " The Sentimental Bloke "    

    Wot's   in a name ? she sez ....   an sighs ,

    an clasps 'er little  'ands an rolls 'er eyes , 

   ' A rose , ' she sez , ' be any other name .

    Would smell the same . 

 The lads at The Sky Reply have found that the more one explores the notion of "Australia Day " , the more complex it becomes .  

For starters , although there was an identifiable nation called Australia by the time C J Dennis took quill in hand , that nation did not begin on January 26th  1788.    Our continent consisted of 6 separate colonies until the dawn of the twentieth century .  The lads figure this means the the term " Australia Day "  is something of a misnomer .  The lads  reckon that since the colony in New South wales was initially a poorly run prison administered by corrupt drunks ( The New South Wales Corps  AKA " The Rum Corps " ) , perhaps we should look elsewhere for a moment that defines the birth of our nation .

  The lads  also do not favour  the moniker " Invasion Day ".    Not even Gabbo .   Armed conflict with the indigenous population did not start until May 1788 .   The lads also feel that the term "invasion " conjures images of a " D Day " type landing , when in fact there was a great deal of initial cooperation between whites and blacks .  As the years passed  many white explorers and settlers would not have survived were it not for the help they received from the indigenous inhabitants .  And despite the atrocities , the loss of land , and the wholesale destruction of indigenous communities , there often existed pockets of cooperation between whites and blacks .  The lads reckon we should clutch this kernel of goodwill  and nurture it . 

 Anyway , after much discussion it was decided that neither "Australia Day " nor " Invasion Day " was suitable , and both monikers have the wrong vibe .   Gabbo  suggested that it would be better to call it " Reflection Day " .  A day when we reflect upon our past , with it's mistakes and it's triumphs .  A day to remember our forebears . A day to ponder the natural beauty of the continent we inhabit and our duty to respect it and the lives of the remarkable flora and fauna with which we share a unique landscape . 

A day to contemplate the rich cultural diversity of our community and be thankful for the great contribution each culture has made to our way of life .   And a day to remember the first Australians whose culture is the oldest in the world , and from whom we still have much to learn . 

Happy " Reflection Day " .            

Your comrade , Ken .


Monday, January 25, 2021

Reference :- We have been told not to expect any wages growth for years .

Reference :-    There is always a reason for wage restraint . This time it is the Covid pandemic .  

Here at the Sky Reply we have rarely heard an expression like "  Now is the time for meaningful wages growth . "   On the other hand ,  reasons for wage restraint are always plentiful .   

Ken junior wanted to know if " wage restraint " includes salaries and bonuses and dividends , which generally describes the incomes of the well to do .  To be honest , I don't know .  Gabbo informs us that we should look at share prices for an indication of how the affluent are weathering the latest financial tsunami raging across the trouble waters of capitalism . 

And good news  ! World wide share prices have seen the fortunes of billionaires rise by 27 % , or over 3 trillion quid, during the pandemic .  I guess that's because billionaires are so clever . All the mazuma that governments have borrowed has landed safely in their portfolios , and now it is up to the hard working taxpayer to amortise the debt .

" Some of that money will trickle down to working folk . "  Monte said . 

" No it won't . But the rich are trickling something down on us from above . "    Gabbo said . 

 I asked Gabbo to explain the situation simply for me . 

" Governments borrow cash and shovel it into the economy at ultra low interest rates .   The money is used by companies for stock buybacks  , the share market booms , and the rich get richer . The poor pay off the debt through taxation and reduced social services .  And the atmosphere of austerity is used to promote wage restraint so the rich benefit still further . "     Gabbo said . 

" I reckon it's time we listed The Sky Reply on the  Stock Exchange . "   I said . 

Your comrade , Ken . 







Sunday, January 24, 2021

Reference :- Perhaps we should kick off the New Year by defining some terminology .

Reference :-  Wiley weather boy ,  Rowan Dean , complained that the term " white supremacist " is too vague for him to define .   

 Don't fret Rowan , as usual The Sky Reply is here to help . After hours spent researching Latin roots and consulting various dictionaries and our bound copy of " Funk and Wagnall's " , we can confidently offer you a precise definition . 

A white supremacist is somebody who believes the white race is the supreme race .  I leave it to you to decide whether or not this might be considered an embryonic form of racism . 

And Rowan , while we are on the subject , I reckon we should clear up another definition . After all , the books are now out on the kitchen table here at The Sky Reply , so we might as well look up something else .

Your news team does rant quite a lot about an organization called  " Antifa ".    Apparently that is a shortening of the term " Anti -fascist ".   Here in Kooralya we don't much warm to the notion of fascism ,  conjuring as it does images of screeching dictators and jackboots .  So an organization opposing fascism sounds like it might not be all bad . 

Sadly however , it turns out that no such organization exists .  The director of the FBI  , Mr Chris Wray , has stated that Antifa simply does not exist . It is not an organization at all , but a slogan .  When protestors wave " Antifa " banners they are making a statement of belief .   Like folk  who wave banners saying " jobs " or " peace "  or  " ban the bomb ". 

Monte reckons that is a sorry situation , and that they should get their act together like the militant right , and form an organization with Generals and Supreme Wizards  and Grand Poobahs  and weapons training days . 

 I told him we have enough of that crap in the world already . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Friday, January 22, 2021

Reference : Sky News icon and whimsical weatherboy Rowan Dean has returned , better than ever .

Reference:-   We are barely into the New Year , but already Rowan Dean is mocking .....pretty well everybody .

Welcome back Rowan . I see you have hit the deck running .   It is only January , and so far you have ridiculed ...lets see....  climate science ,  medical science ,  all the elected leaders of the western world , the Chinese government and a number of movers and shakers in the wide world of sport .   Obviously you haven't ridiculed President Trump , who will be back " in some form " to save us from ourselves faster than we can can shout " rigged election ".   (  Yes, I know he isn't actually the President now , but in the hearts of those who love him , he will always be President Trump . )

Anyway Rowan , even without a Svengali in the oval office , it's going to be a hectic year , what with all the fake news about pandemics and climate change and the like . But rest assured that The Sky Reply is still here to help.    Last year we recommended that you get a haircut , and it's no coincidence that since trimming your locks your career has blossomed . 

 Getting down to business , our first tip for this year concerns the winds of change blowing through the corridors  of the Sky News parent company in Old Blighty .  You might need to sit down when you read this . 

 Sky has decided that climate change is real , and has signed up as a major sponsor for this year's climate summit in Glasgow !

 You might recall that the last climate summit was held in Madrid  . Everything was on fire at the time of the Spanish get together  ,  especially the career of Angus Taylor , but this year the summit will be held during winter in Scotland . I fear that as usual you might take the opportunity to prance about in a beanie and gloves , laughing at the whole event . But since Sky will be a major sponsor it might behove you to keep your mouth zipped .  After all , a chap needs a job if he wants to keep bread on his table . 

 Of course you will want to ridicule something , that goes without saying , so perhaps you could ridicule the Glaswegians themselves . They have a rich history of leftest rebellion so there is plenty of material for you there .   Ken junior has offered to do the research for you gratis , and Gabbo has offered to write the jokes . 

 (  Gabbo will invoice you separately for a modest emolument which you can pay in cash to avoid GST . I did ask him to provide his services pro bono but he just laughed his head off . ) )

 Don't think of it as a retreat Rowan ,  just a strategic withdrawal while you wait for things to cool down, so to speak  .     Last year may have tied for equal hottest year on record , and the last seven years were the hottest seven as well , but a ridiculous run like that can't last . 

Your comrade , Ken . 



Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Reference :- We have found one of the missing Sky Anchors.

 Reference :-  Ken junior has been surfing the web .

Ken junior decided to search Sky News in the hope of finding a story by one of our favorite cutting edge reporters  .  Perhaps they are still out there making things up , just not as visibly .

 We were lolling about rather bored when suddenly Ken junior shouted .

.  "  Aha !   I think I have found somebody ! "

He turned to us excitedly. 

 " Who might have used these words ? ", Ken junior said.    We waited.

   . " Demonstrably false ." , Ken junior said . 

  " Rowan Dean !!"  we all shouted together. 

Welcome back Rowan .   Your comrade , Ken . 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Reference :- Sky Reply contributor , Monte the motorcyclist , might have caught Coronavirus .

Reference :-   Monte is in hospital with a bad cough after a recent motorcycle jaunt. 

Young Monte has been the first to crack up after weeks of enforced lockdown .  On the weekend he fired up his Yamaha and headed off to visit a girlfriend in a neighboring town .  When he returned he looked terrible .  He had sores on his lips , a nervous cough , and darty eyes .  

" Jesus Monte !  You could have Covid ! "  ,   Ken junior said . 

 "  It was raining cats and dogs the whole way home . I must have caught a cold . "  ,  Monte said .  

   Monte licked his sore lips  and anxiously looked around .  Dog eyed him with disdain . 

  " Bugger off Dog ! "   ,  Monte said . 

Anyway , it was off to the hospital for Monte , and we are waiting for the results of his test  . Meanwhile they have assumed the worst and isolated him in one of the private rooms .

 " How are they treating him ? " ,   I said 

" The nurse has him on a special diet . " ,  Ken junior said 

 " What's that ? "  ,  I said . 

 " They are feeding him pizzas and toast and sliced pineapple . "    Ken junior said . 

 "   How come ?  "   I said . 

  "  They are easy to slide under his door . " ,   Ken junior said . 

 In truth , we are not very clapped up with contagion here in the Antipodes .    The USA now has as many cases as the entire population of Australia  .   And though I am sure Monte would have picked up a few viruses during his desperate sojourn , I doubt Covid was among them . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Reference :- The National Rifle Association of the USA has declared bankruptcy .

Reference :-    Faced with punitive litigation for egregious conduct ,  the NRA has become insolvent . 

The New York Attorney General has filed a civil lawsuit against the NRA . Apparently tens of millions of  quid in backsheesh appears to have made it's way into the pockets of senior executives and their families .

 There are allegations of misuse of charitable funds and the Attorney General describes the association as " fraught with fraud and abuse . "    

 Here at the Sky Reply we were surprised by the declaration of bankruptcy . Tens of millions of quid is nothing for the NRA .  They are the third most influential lobby group in the USA  , and don't mind spending over 400 million quid per annum defending the democratic rights of their 5 million members . Especially when those rights  are threatened by the 320 million other citizens who are not true gun enthusiasts  . 

It seems like a cowardly move to simply declare bankruptcy , vanish to greener pastures in Texas , and rent new digs .  Furthermore , the NRA should strongly deny accusations of money laundering for Russian criminals which followed from the recent Mueller report .  As patriots they would never condone such a thing .  It would be like condoning a takeover of the Capitol Building by a violent mob . 

The NRA needs to man up , not run away .   I mentioned this to Ken junior  , who strongly agrees . 

 " The NRA should stick to their guns .  " ,  Ken junior said 

 Your comrade , Ken .

Friday, January 15, 2021

Reference :- Former political figure Mr Cory Bernardi has become a prominent Sky News presenter .

 Reference :-   Sky News is always searching for  presenters who are unfettered by rigid ideology .

When Ken junior told me he was regularly tuning in to watch Cory Bernadi on the tele I was quite surprised .  

" Isn't he that failed right wing politician ? " ,   I said . 

" He tried to start his own political party . "  ,   Ken junior said . 

 " Did he ever say anything memorable and insightful " ,  I said . 

"  He said that legalising same sex marriage would lead to polygamy and bestiality ." , Ken junior said 

"  We legalised  same sex marriage 4 years ago. Looks like he was wrong . " , I said . 

"  Being wrong is a Sky News thing . They seem to enjoy being wrong . " , Ken junior said . 

" Is he another of those science denying climate skeptics who also oppose the black lives matter movement , abortion , and the right to request euthanasia when you are as old as the moon and in constant pain ?  And does he espouse trickle down economics ?   I said 

 " Yeah , I think so . "  ,  Ken junior said . 

 "  Bloody brilliant .  Time to thread a new ribbon into the Remington ! " ,  I said . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reference :- Charismatic acting Prime Minister Mr McCormack has already put his hoof in his mouth .

 Reference :-   Mr McCormack considers the recent invasion of the Capitol Building by a violent mob to be much the same as a Black Lives Matter protest . 

 Dear temporary Prime Minister , 

                                                       The press ( increasingly infiltrated by crazy latte sipping woke inner city leftists ) sure have been giving you a pasting today .   Typically they had nothing with which to refute your observation that all unruly protests are much the same , regardless of the causes they espouse . 

A protest is a protest is a protest , to be sure , so you might escape your awkward moment in the limelight unscathed .    But be warned , you need to prepare your response in the event that somebody makes the following point ..... that there is a difference between petitioning one's democratically elected government to address an issue , and overthrowing one's democratically elected government .  If you think about it for awhile , I am sure you will see what I mean .  Feel free to call if you are confused , and we can discuss it over coffee.   

Good luck with planning your response.

Your comrade , Ken .

Monday, January 11, 2021

Reference :- President Trump has been banned from Twitter .

Reference :-    Was it a good idea to censor the President ? 

Here in  Kooralya there has been much discussion concerning the removal of President Trump from  social media .  Also in China , we hear .  The Chinese view the censoring of the most important public figure in the USA as proof that all societies need to limit freedom of speech to some extent .  They say that the west is is no longer in any position to slate the government of China for limiting freedom of speech . 

 There is something to that ,  however  freedom of speech is also a complicated issue in democratic countries   The USA rates 45th in the world for freedom of the press . The UK rates 35th . And here down under we rate 26th .   ( We used to sit just below Uruguay but have fallen a few spots further down the list recently . )  If dozens of countries have more freedom of expression than us , then clearly we don't have complete freedom .

 But now is not the time to investigate the imbrogli of media freedom in an era of electronic chaos .  Or so Ken junior says .   Ken junior thinks now is the time to address the consequences of denying President Trump access to his beloved Twitter account . 

 "  His tweets were how we knew what he was doing and thinking . " , Ken junior said . 

  That does seem to be a good point .   

 "  If somebody was bellowing at you and telling you what they were planning to do to ruin your day , would it be wise to put your hands over your ears and shout "  Lalalalalala"  so you couldn't hear them ? " , Ken junior said . 

 Maybe not . 

Your comrade , Ken 




Saturday, January 9, 2021

Reference :- Plebeian Sky news presenter Chris Smith appears sad and confused . 


Reference :-  Without the bluster of his comrades to propel him , Chris Smith  has become directionless. 

Well Chris , you can hardly be expected to take the helm of Sky News after your short stint at the bottom of their journalistic peck order .  You did the right thing when you said nothing about the storming  of the Capitol Building by far right Trump supporters .  But you failed to project a sanguine demeanor .  In fact you appeared confused , even afraid .    You won't keep your job for long unless you can remain calm when your chosen messiah behaves like a total knobhead .   It happens so often that you need to be skilled at maintaining a brave face . 

Which brings me to another total knobhead you recently praised , Mr Nigel Farage .  You showed us some video footage of Mr Farage  bragging about his success in delivering Brexit to the pommies . 

"When I started the Bexit campaign 17 years ago everybody laughed at me , but they are not laughing now "  Mr Farage said . 

 He is certainly correct about nobody laughing now .  It looks like Brexit will cost the UK around twice what the Covid pandemic is likely to cost .  And that's only if efforts to limit " Brexit damage " are successful . Brexit was sold as a pathway to prosperity , so it does seem odd that all the talk these days is focused on limiting economic damage .  

 Anyway Chris , maybe you could run a few presentations highlighting Mr Farage's latest project . He has lost interest in Brexit now , having done all the hard work painting signs on buses and so forth . Obviously it's up to the public service to deal with any minor details that need tidying .  Currently Mr Farage  wants to start a political party that opposes lockdowns for the fake Covid pandemic .   The UK is breaking new records for  Covid infections and deaths on a daily basis at present , so I thought that he might be starting his run a bit early with an anti-lockdown party .  But Ken junior tells me there are plenty of folk who don't believe there is a pandemic , just as there were plenty of folk who thought that Brexit would improve their lives .

 The Covid deniers deserve a voice , and it is magnanimous of Mr Farage to provide one for them .... at least while they can still breathe . 

  Your comrade ,  Ken . 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Reference:- The conservative media are lying low at present .

 Reference :-   Have the Sky News anchors thrown in the towel ?  Perhaps they need some encouragement from their leader , Mr Rupert Murdoch .  The Sky Reply has written to Mr Murdoch requesting his assistance . 

Dear most powerful media mogul in the history of the world , 

We understand that you must be a very busy man , and probably only have time to read the Sky Reply on an irregular basis .  We take no offense at that , of course .  Nonetheless we feel a duty to inform you of the shabby performance of your news anchors here down under , on your native soil . 

To be fair , they have had a lousy year . They have wrongly assessed almost every issue they chose to probe over the past annum .  And the more important  the issue , the worse their prognostications have been . 

To make matters worse , your media empire has been accused of promoting falsehoods and deception, thus spreading  propaganda which ultimately favours the prosperity of the elite .  There have been calls for a Royal Commission into the media , which is the last thing your news anchors need while their morale is low . 

When you have time , you should look at the banner headlines Sky News Australia was running when your key presenters took flight .    Most of them are laughingly ridiculous , but my son , Ken junior , reckons one of Peta Credlin's deserves special mention .   

"  The climate cult wants to destroy our livelihoods . "  ( You have to admit , it is hilarious . )

We haven't heard from Peta since , and I fear that shameful effort destroyed what little remained of her confidence . 

Andy Bolt has shot through to what he calls " the bush ".  ( Obviously he has never visited us here in Kooralya , so we can excuse him for calling an outer suburb of Melbourne " the bush ". )   Hopefully he is drying out , although he did mention that he was taking his whiskey with him . 

Chris Kenny became so obsessed with his war against the taxpayer funded ABC that he lost all ability to analyse current affairs . Even his most ardent fans have been  turning away . 

Rowan Dean and Paul Murray lost heart when their hero  Mr Trump lost the Presidential Election .  They seem reluctant to comment about the recent unpleasantness at the Capitol Building  that Mr Trump fermented  . 

Alan Jones has isolated himself after telling us there is no Covid  pandemic . Jonesie hates being wrong , and might have a bad case of the sulks . 

Anyway , Mr Murdoch ,  my point is that Sky News Australia  needs your help.  If there was another way to spread propaganda without resorting to lies and distortions , somebody would have found it by now .  So you are stuck with those as your only weapons .   But lies and distortions have a way of eventually floating to the surface . You need a strategy for such occasions so that your team doesn't become despondent.

Accordingly , the lads here at the Sky Reply are prepared to offer themselves as representatives of any leftie cause , or experts in any field of science , so your news anchors can interview them while they deliberately chuck the debate  .  That should restore the confidence of your team .  Since we hear you are not short of a quid ,  we would charge a small fee to cover our overheads .  It is in our best interests to see Sky News prosper , otherwise where does that leave The Sky Reply ? 

Your comrade , Ken, 

 P.S.  Our contributing editor , Gabbo  ( the aborigine ) , says he isn't interested in your filthy lucre , but that still leaves three of us . 



Thursday, January 7, 2021

Reference :- Oops. Trump supporters have been naughty.

 Reference :-  One can always rely on Sky News to attack  " the crazy left " , even when far right extremists try to stage a coup. 

Well done ladies and gentleman. You have outdone yourselves this time . As we watched Trump supporters sporting Viking helmets and bear skin capes trash the hallowed halls of democracy I kept wondering how Sky News could turn such atrocities into an opportunity to bad mouth " the left ".   But  you managed to do so with ease , and without a leftie to be seen as far right Trump supporters trashed the Capitol Building .    " Look at the chaos " , you said ,  " And the crazy left want to defund the police !"  (They don't really  , but it is an assertion that has served you well in the past .)    As the video footage rolled I heard Monte mutter  " The bloody stupid left ,  Jesus Christ ! "    As I said , that was an inspired effort.     Your comrade  , Ken 






Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Reference :- The roll out of the Covid vaccine in the USA is progressing slowly .

Reference :-   There are long queues of folk waiting at inoculation centres in the USA . 


 Many of the elderly and the ill in the USA are being forced to queue for hours to get the first of their Covid shots .  Some  look as though they are risking a heart attack or worse as they struggle to keep their position in the line up.  The social distancing rules look slack .  One would hope that nobody in the queue is getting their shot a tad too late , and has become a superspreader . 

Likewise one would hope that nobody suffers a coronary thrombosis after standing in a queue for three hours .  

Being inoculated does look like a risky business .  Especially in a fake pandemic . 

Ken junior reckons that it's not just the pandemic that is fake . He reckons he has seen those queues of old  folk in the news before , and  they were actually lining up to get into a Neil Diamond concert .  I told him that was ridiculous . Nobody would queue for hours just to see a Neil Diamond concert .  

Now if he had said it was a Val Doonican  concert .......that I would believe . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Reference :- So this is how we spent New Year's Eve in Kooralya.

 Reference :-   With no Covid about , the folk in Kooralya had a whoop up for New Year's Eve . 


The band was in fine form .  Ken junior played  drums, Monte played  bass , and Gabbo played keyboard , saxophone , lead guitar and didgeridoo.   Often at the same time .  The old Scout Hut was decorated for the occasion , and the ladies  auxiliary did a fine job with the catering  . We only charged 8 quid a ticket , as  it was BYO .  But for that you got a dinner of beef strogonoff with rice , and  one of those little creme caramels in a plastic cup for dessert .  That doesn't sound very exotic , but we prefer to stick with strictly Australian tucker for reasons of cultural loyalty .

Gabbo is very talented on the keyboard . He puts on dark sunglasses to do his Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles tributes .    And he wears a red bandana for the Jimi Hendrix songs .  At midnight he did a Jimi Hendix version of Auld Lang Syne , very like Jimi's version of The Star Spangled Banner .  

We can't afford fireworks , but true to tradition we turned off all the lights and went down by the creek to look at all the stars .  Gabbo knows his constellations , and he pointed at the brightest star in the sky and told us it was Sirius . Sirius , Gabbo told us, is  also called the Dog Star , since it is part of the constellation Canis Major , or The Big Dog . 

" Hey Dog , that star is named after you ! "   Gabbo said . 

Dog grinned and wagged his tail appreciatively . 

Later while we were washing the dishes and locking up the Scout Hut , Gabbo told us it takes light almost 9 years to get from Sirius to us . 

" Sure does make you think . "    said Gabbo . 

"  It makes me think they send it by Australia Post . "    said Monte . 

  Anyway , Dog sure didn't take 9 years to finish off the left over strogonoff while our backs were turned . 

Your comrade , Ken . 




Monday, January 4, 2021

Reference :- Reference : Will Sky News offer us their considered opinions ever again ?

 Reference :-   It is very quiet at Sky News lately . 

Normally we relish the nightly display of feisty fact fudging and childish commentary on Sky News . But a restrained atmosphere pervades their studios at present .  What has happened ? 

Ken junior blames Covid .  After a year of declaring it a fake pandemic , Sky News has to face the fact that the annoying little pathogen is responsible for  more waves than roll up Malibu Beach on a windy day . 

Gabbo reckons it is because , after spending the year accusing  " the left "  ( whoever they are ) of inciting civil unrest , Sky News is unsure how to react to President Trump's call for a "wild " protest to be staged in Washington .  Especially since armed militia groups will be protesting . 

Monte reckons that Sky News has simply lost what little popularity it  may have enjoyed .   Rather like a posturing loud mouth at a party who was amusing briefly , but has outstayed their  welcome . 

Personally , I think they might be feeling sheepish about stirring hostilities with China .  Perhaps our leading market manager and Prime Minister , Mr Morrison has told them to shut up before we can no longer sell the Chinese so much as a solitary opal bracelet .  

Or is there more to that call for an inquiry into the Media ?   

Regardless of the reason , the Sky News anchors currently project the demeanor of a chap nervously leaving a poker table with a pocket full of mazuma before anybody discovers he was cheating . 

It is very disappointing . 

Your comrade , Ken 


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Reference:- Sky News is itching for a war with China.

 Reference :-   Although their key anchors are on holidays ,  Sky News is still keen to start a war with China.  

Holy Cow you guys . I would have thought your current war with the taxpayer funded ABC was enough to keep you busy . Yet you are fearlessly inviting a war with China .  Fighting wars on two fronts might stretch your resources .  I mentioned this to Ken junior.

"  Sky News has decided to incite war against  the communists "   I said . 

" I knew that . They have been trying to shut down the ABC for years. "  Ken junior said . 

 " I don't mean the ABC communists  . I mean the  ones in China " , I said

 Ken junior agreed that starting a war with China is a bad idea. 

"   Confucius say man without nuclear capability should not make war ." ,  Ken junior said.

 " Confucius couldn't have said that. ", I said .

"  I updated the quote ." , Ken junior said

"  So what is the real quote ? " I said . 

" Confucius say man very foolish who incite war without  plutonium enrichment centrifuge "  , Ken junior said.

I think he might be right. 

Your comrade , Ken.