Friday, August 18, 2023

Reference :- There are over 5700 wildfires in Canada today .

 Reference :-  Sky News tells us that the widfires are caused by arsonists . 


This morning Ken junior tried to tell me that climate change has contributed to the severity of the Canadian wild fire season.   That's the trouble with young folk , they never think things through logically . 

I said as much to Ken junior " 

 " That's the  trouble with young folk , they never think things through logically " , I said  . 

" How's that ? ", Ken junior said . 

" Fires are started by arsonists . " , I said . 

" So are you saying that Canada has 5700 arsonists ? " , Ken junior said . 

" Don't be ridiculous . One arsonist can start more than one fire . " , I said . 

" If they each start five fires that's still over one thousand arsonists running about.  " , Ken junior said . 

" There might only be 100 arsonists , each lighting 57 fires . "  I said . 

" How is one bloke going to get 57 fires going ? ", Ken junior said . 

 For the love of God , when will the lad learn to think ? 

" They are experiencing unprecedented heatwaves !  How easy do you think it would be to start a fire in that heat ? " ,  I said . 

Ken junior shook his head and walked off. 

He always does that when he  loses an argument . 


Your comrade,  Ken