Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt out-trumped the president of the USA with his courageous and well considered " May he rot in hell !! " remark.

 Reference :-     Emboldened by his recent declaration of war on China (which he announced on Sky News )  Andy Bolt expressed his disgust with those world leaders who exercised restraint with their comments ,following the assassination of the terrorist , and ISIS leader ,  Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi .   Restraint , though often useful ,  is not one of Andy's strong suits .

Yes Andy , it certainly is annoying when we assassinate an evil terrorist , but  then can't enjoy the pleasure of  watching the rabid, ranting , " in your face ISIS you losers " taunting that we feel we have earned   .   Well not you personally Andy , the frontline of the war on terror is not for you , and  you earned nothing , but lets not quibble .   At least Mr Trump has no trouble heaping praise upon himself , so that did give us at least one opportunity to gloat .  Lets just look at a short list of comments , lightly paraphrased , by the leaders of countries in the region . They have quite a vested interest in maintaining calm , I imagine .

Saudi Arabia    "   ... appreciate the effort to subdue terrorism "
Egypt                " .... an important step in the fight against terrorism "
Turkey               "  .....a turning point in an alliance for peace "
Afghanistan       " ...... a welcome outcome to an operation "
Israel                  "........ a milestone on the path to freedom "
Jordan                " ......... a significant step in the war against hate . "

 So how is your war against hate unfolding Andy  ?

 Here is your quote .  "  MAY HE ROT IN HELL !!! "

  I wonder if such a remark could anger a fanatical terrorist army and incite  more violence ?
  Look , I don't want to appear critical, but it's time you learned the usefulness  of restraint .
  You might gain some insight by watching some old black and white western movies . Here is a common scene.
  The ratbag kid brother from an outlaw family comes to town . He becomes drunk and wild , and shoots the barmaid .  The Sheriff ( Gary Cooper ) rushes into the saloon . Ratbag kid is too slow on the draw , and the sheriff guns him down .   Shortly later , the older brothers come to town , and survey the carnage , with guns drawn .   The Sheriff  quietly says .  " He shot the barmaid . "
 The oldest outlaw looks at his dead kid brother , and says   "  I guess he always had it coming. "  and the six shooters are replaced in their holsters .
I wonder how the scene might play out if the sheriff had snarled "  MAY HE ROT IN HELL !!!  "
If you would like to hang out at my place for a few days , and watch some old westerns DVDs  , my door is always open . Ken junior likes watching them too sometimes , and it would be a good opportunity to steer the  little bugger away from the internet .  

 Your comrade , Ken 


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