Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Reference :- Some more about the recent drone attack in Kabul .

Reference :-  The US military appear to subscribe to the view that revenge is a dish best served cold.  And also quickly .  Like that other deadly American invention , cheap takeaway.  

The US military claim to have killed two ISIS suicide bombers without inflicting  any civilian casualties .  This might be true . On the other hand , sources on the ground say that 10 civilians were killed , including 7 children , one of them a 2 year old girl .  This also might be true . 

Ken junior made an interesting observation . Images of the destroyed vehicle show that it was not very badly damaged , despite the claim that it was full of explosives .  We are told there was a secondary detonation confirming the presence of ordinance .  Ken junior reckons that was probably the fuel tank exploding . 

He could be right . And if he is , judging from  the damage , the fuel tank was not very full . 

But none of us know the truth . 

Although Gabbo did say something that seems valid . 

" Revenge is a dish best cooked with lots of oil .  It makes it easy to scrape into the garbage bin where it belongs . " ,  Gabbo said .  

Your comrade, Ken . 



Sunday, August 29, 2021

Reference :- There has been another successful drone attack , according to the US military .

Reference :-   Many suicide bombers have been killed by a drone , we are told . 

These reports of the success of drone attacks remind me of the days when we were told how many bridges had been destroyed in successful bombing raids on North Vietnam .  The number of bridges that were claimed to be destroyed soon  far exceeded  the number of bridges that had ever existed , so I guess most of them must have been destroyed several times , just to be sure . 

Anyway , the lads at the Sky Reply are very skeptical about reports by the US military .  The familiar beat of war drums is distressing them , and last night they ate some of Ken junior's special herb cookies , and became very silly .   Monte thought it would be hilarious to borrow all the  garden gnomes they could find in the suburb and start a garden gnome peace keeping force in the back yard .  And the other lads joined him in the fun . 

This morning we have all these garden gnomes in the backyard , and clearly we have to return  each of them to their correct address before there is trouble .  The lads are in a panic , because they can't remember where they all came from . I tried to calm them down by suggesting a rational approach to the dilemma . Fortunately they can remember some of the addresses , which is a good start . 

" We must first consider that there are the known gnomes , and  the unknown gnomes . "  ,  I said . 

 " Have you been reading Donald Rumsfeld's memoirs  ? "  ,  Gabbo said . 

 Now how on earth did he know that I have been reading about the former US Secretary of Defense ? 

Your comrade , Ken .



Saturday, August 28, 2021

Reference :- President Biden has promised that he will never forget the suicide bombing at Kabul Airport .

Reference :-   Already the retaliation against ISIS has begun , adding to the body count . 

Here at the Sky Reply , Gabbo has given us pause for thought .   The US military claim they have recently killed two ISIS terrorists by drone attack , without any innocent civilians being hurt . 

" The US military have lied so often that they are not a reliable source . "  ,  Gabbo said 

" Maybe two ISIS leaders have been killed , maybe not . Maybe no civilians were hurt , maybe there are dozens of dead and injured " .   Gabbo said .  

 Nobody said much , so Gabbo kept talking . 

" To quote Gandhi  , ' An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind . ' . "  , Gabbo said . 

"  Researchers believe that is not actually a quote from Gandhi . " , I said . 

" OK . Well the biblical epigram tells us that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will lead to a world of the blind and toothless . "  Gabbo said . 

" That does sound like a logical inevitability . So why would anybody pursue such a program  ?  Who would benefit ?  " ,  I said . 

 " The manufacturers of eye gougers and dental forceps would make a fortune ." , Gabbo said . 

 It does make a chap think .

Your comrade , Ken


Friday, August 27, 2021

Reference :- As they fight to restore their credibility , Sky News has resorted to the most desperate of tactics .

Reference :-   Calling your adversaries hypocrites doesn't win arguments , and usually looks petty . 

Dear weary combatants at Sky News , 

As the regulators and investigative journalists poke through your parent company's  closet , they are finding that it contains more skeletons than the Paris Catacombs .  Your defense thus far has been lamentable at best .  Perhaps it is because the senior chap at Sky is on sick leave getting a synovial  joint overhauled  . But it might be wise to keep the apprentice shock jocks away from the topic until Jonesie returns . Their arguments in support of Sky New's impartiality  have been a source of hilarity here at the Sky Reply , and I don't enjoy seeing our team behave that way . 

But if you do need to run with your junior staff for now , here is a tip . 

Remind them that finding any excuse to label your foes as " hypocrites " does look puerile .  And more so if your opponent can readily make the same  accusation in return .

As Schopenhauer tells us , there is no correlation between hypocrisy and error . 

Put simply , if I tell you that smoking is bad for your health  while puffing away on a Cuban cigar the size of a rolling pin you may get away with calling me a hypocrite , but my assertion is not incorrect . 

For God's sake , try a fresh tack . It's becoming embarrassing .  

Your Comrade , Ken .

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Reference :- Sky News anchor , Rita Panahi , thinks that a protester burning a pram outside Parliament House is outrageous .

 Reference :-  Pram burning is one way of grabbing the headlines , but there are many other fires raging at present . 

Dear Rita, 

                    I must say that burning a pram is very irresponsible  .  On the very day that the said baby carriage was set ablaze  there were more than 28, 000 fires consuming the Amazon Basin alone . And then there are the countless fires in the northern half of the globe as well . The last thing the planet needed was another senseless inferno adding to the daily list . 

These greenies have a lot to answer for . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Reference :- The Sky News anchors laughed at Stephen Fry , as they once laughed at David Attenborough .

Reference :-  According to Sky News , Stephen Fry is " bonkers " for supporting climate change activism .

Dear comrades at Sky News , 

Once again you have called out a highly acclaimed public intellectual for his stupidity .  This time you have flushed out Stephen Fry ,  and good on you for calling him a hypocrit and a " rich leftie " .   Despite his umpteen degrees , doctorates and awards the man is clearly devoid of common sense .   That's the main  problem with the climate debate , people with multiple university degrees make all kinds of alarming claims that don't pass the " pub test ".   Thankfully , as with the pandemic , we can rely upon  Sky News to curb the spread of misinformation .

 Here in Kooralya we also like listening to  our favorite outspoken MP , Craig Kelly .  He had lots of spare time at his disposal when he was a furniture salesman , and obviously put that to good use researching climate change .  His opinion (that there is no climate change ) certainly makes sense to me . Especially since a chap doesn't have to endure endless mathematical calculations , complex graphs and voluminous data compilations when Craig reassures us that everything is hunky-dory . 

 Your comrade , Ken . 


Monday, August 23, 2021

Reference :- Sky News hack , Chris Kenny , has stooped to a new and almost inexplicable low .

Reference :-   Chris Kenny used his time slot on Sky News to mock the popular children's program  The Wiggles .  

Holy cow Chris !  Chewing out a kid's television show might have seemed like a good idea at the time , but have you seen the number of thumbs down you scored from your regular viewers ?  And those folk are so right wing that they would have to shift to the left somewhat if they wanted to join the Ku Klux Klan .  

At first I couldn't quite grasp why a middle aged man would lambaste a popular and harmless show like The Wiggles  .  But Ken junior pointed out that The Wiggles is an ABC television show , and your cruel mockery was part of Sky's ongoing war against the public broadcaster .  

It's a war that the ABC seems to be winning at present . You will have seen the recent Four Corners show investigating your parent company , Fox News .  That must have felt like a broadside from a Dreadnought and you do need to respond strongly .   But mocking a kid's show for wanting to " put a smile on  the faces of children around the world " is  unmanly at best .  . And accusing  the team at The Wiggles  of  "virtue signalling " because they hoped children would see themselves reflected in a " gender balanced and racially diverse cast  " reeks of desperation .  

 Ken junior reckons it's unwise to denigrate a gesture by calling it " virtue signalling  " when children are involved .  The most hardened among us still believe in the innocence of children and the importance of teaching virtue . 

Anyway Chris , let's put the whole sorry business behind us .  Ken junior may have given it a well deserved place in his Gallery of Lame Journalism , but there are many other Sky News posts in that crammed edifice and yours will be hardly noticed . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Reference :- Sky weatherboy , Rowan Dean , laughed at the unreliability of electric vehicles .

 Reference :- Much to Rowan's amusement , General Motors has recalled thousands of electric vehicles . 

Thanks for making us laugh Rowan . Your brow has been rather furrowed of late , so it was good to watch you grin .   This recall story of yours reminds me of the time when your comrade , Chris Kenny , laughed at an electric police car that couldn't pursue a felon because it's battery was low on charge . Mr Kenny's logic was clear , since  there has never been an occasion when a petrol driven police car couldn't continue a chase because it ran out of fuel .... at least not that I have heard . 

Anyway  Rowan , you tell us that General Motors has had to recall 73,000 electric vehicles with faulty batteries .  That certainly  proves the assertion that electric vehicles are a joke fostered by the green left.

Ken junior tells me that General Motors also recently recalled 3.4 million conventional trucks and SUVs with dangerous faults .  And he tells me that in 2014 alone there were more than 550 recalls worldwide of 52 million petrol and diesel powered vehicles .  

 That sure does sound like a lot of recalls to me .   But I doubt it reflects on the reliability of petrol or diesel vehicles .  I reckon most of those recalls would be due to battery failures as well .  As we all know  , the battery has long been the Achilles' heel of the automobile . 

Keep smiling . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Reference :- Having learnt from the public relations disaster known as Robotdebt , the government has developed a new version .

Reference :-  The first Robotdebt was a 720 million quid disaster . Undeterred , the government has launched Robotdebt 2 . 

It looks like 11,000 citizens  ( or so ) might have received too much financial assistance during the Covid pandemic .  The government wants  to be reimbursed .   Of course they have left the sordid process of taking money from the poor in the hands of capable and experienced private debt collectors .   There will be various charges and interest to be paid , that goes without saying .  And at the expense of the Robotdebtors of course , one can't expect the government to cover the cost of any mistakes . 

 Anyway , the good news is that Australia's 31 billionaires have seen their fortunes increase by 85 billion quid so far during the pandemic  . Doubtless those billions will trickle down to the rest of us in due time . 

 "  Do you think much will trickle down to us out here at Kooralya ? " ,  Monte said . 

 " I think most of it will trickle down to the Cayman Islands . " ,   Ken junior said . 

 Personally I am not sure where the Cayman Islands are , having never visited the Great Barrier Reef myself .   But what with the coral bleaching and all , a billion or two to save the polyps would be money well spent . 

 Your comrade , Ken .



Saturday, August 21, 2021

Reference :- The pastor of our Prime Minister's favorite tax deductable cult is facing difficulties .

Reference :-   Hillsong  Church Pastor , Brian Houston  , is facing charges of concealing the sexual abuse of a minor . 

Dear internationally renowned Prime Minister , 

 It saddens us to hear that your Hillsong Pastor is facing criminal charges that could land him in the slammer for five years . We know how much you empathize with others when they are experiencing difficulties .  But try to look on the bright side . 

 For starters , the reverend or bishop or messiah or whatever title he has assumed , is well and truly cashed up and need not fear the cost of competent legal representation .  The chap is worth over ten million quid , a significant part of which came straight from the pockets of Australian taxpayers .   That is the beauty of these tax deductible businesses ... I mean religious cults . 

And of course , if neccessary , you are well placed to slip some more money his way .  Like the hundred grand you donated Hillsong from the public purse while you were on a beach in Hawaii recovering from the trauma of managing the bush fire response . 

So not much to worry about really .   

And here's another thing .  With accusations of kiddy fiddling on their record , Hillsong can now fully join the list of established religions , since all those quaintly outdated churches have been doing that for decades . 

It's a shame the census has been completed . I reckon it's well and truly time for '"Church of Hillsong " to join the list of religions one can tick as one's preferred superstition .

Mind you , lets hope this particular court case  doesn't flush any more victims out of hiding . Ten million quid can only go so far . 

Your comrade , Ken



Thursday, August 19, 2021

Reference :- The unemployment figures have not looked this good for 13 years .

Reference :-   Unemployment is now down to 4.6 % .  But 4.6% of what ? 

According to  Benjamin Disraeli ,  "There are lies , damned lies , and statistics. "  .  Of course it is also a lie to claim that the observation was first made by Disraeli .   Ken junior says the saying should really be " There are lies , damned lies , statistics and attributed quotes . "  

Gabbo reckons the saying should  be "  There are lies , damned lies , statistics and government unemployment figures ". 

 Monte favors the saying " There there are lies , damned lies , statistics and anything Scott Morrison says . " . 

The lads do make a good point , but in my view sayings are like skirts , the most revealing ones are short . 

Perhaps "  There are lies , damned  lies and marketing " covers the various possibilities satisfactorily  in capitalist societies ? 

Anyway ,  let us know what you think . 

Meanwhile , Monte has pointed out that in the unlikely event that it is true that the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been for 13 years , we can learn from that . 

Half the country is in  covid lockdown , and businesses everywhere are closed . Many  permanently . 

Monte reckons that we should extend lockdown  to the rest of the country , and close all the businesses down . That might see unemployment drop to zero . 

" Are you sure about that , Monte ?  ,  I said . 

" Well if it doesn't drop to zero , someone in the government from marketing can just say it has . " Monte said . 

I turned to Ken junior . 

" Is Monte having a go at me ? " , I said . 

" Yeah I,  think so . "  Ken junior said . 

Your comrade , Ken

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Reference:- It's all a bit drab at Sky News of late .

Reference :-    There is much happening at home and abroad , but nobody at Sky News has much to say . 


Gabbo , Monte and I were glued to the tube watching Sky News , biros and spiro pad in hand , when Ken junior strolled into the room .  

" I don't see much writing happening . ",  Ken junior said . 

 " Nobody at Sky News is saying anything of interest for us to write about . " , Gabbo said . 

"  I can hear a lot of angry voices on the tele . " , Ken junior said . 

"  That's just generic ranting devoid of content ".  , Gabbo said . 

" I think they are afraid of spreading misinformation  and being shut down  again . " , Monte said . 

" But spreading misinformation is mostly all they can do . This must be a very difficult time for them . " , Ken junior said . 

" Well change channels , and lets see what our politicians have to say . " ,  I said . 

 So we changed channels .  There was no improvement . 

  Anyway , we did glean something from Sky News before tuning out .   

 Alan Jones is off getting a knee operation  , but Peta Credlin explained that we lost the war against the Taliban because we build windmills and are too woke .  This clearly made her angry .

 Peta doesn't like losing , which is surprising because she loses so often that she should be accustomed to it by now .  

Your comrade , Ken



Saturday, August 14, 2021

Reference :- The matron of Sky News , Peta Credlin , once claimed that she disapproves of civil disobedience .

Reference :-  As a rule , Peta Credlin doesn't approve of protests . But for every rule there is an exception . 

Good morning Peta .

 We have heard you claim on many an occasion that you don't approve of public protests . And you have further congratulated yourself for always expressing that disapproval regardless of the reason for the protest  .

In this regard , you say , " at least I am consistent ".  

So imagine my surprise when we saw your response to the recent protests in Cuba . 

" Any march to bring down communism is a good march . "  ,  you said . 

I expressed my surprise  to Ken junior . 

" It surprises me to hear Peta say that . " ,  I said . 

" It doesn't surprise me at all . " , Ken junior said . 

 Ken junior went on to remind me that your response to the riot at the  United States Capitol on Jan 6th was also rather mild .  Despite 5 people dying ,  4 police officers  subsequently committing suicide , and a ( barely spoken of )  30 million dollar damages bill .    It does seem that whenever the unfortunate episode is mentioned by the Democrats , you accuse them of sensationalism and milking the story in an attempt to scuttle Mr Trump's plans to run for the Presidency in 2024 .   

 But a relatively lame climate protest in Canberra has you screaming for arrests . 

 Ken junior wrote the following poem , to express his sentiments regarding this double standard . 

                                                         Sky News' Credo 

                                                                                                  by Ken Junior .

                                           It's really quite advantageous,                                                                               To call " left" protests outrageous ,                                                                         But when the "right " riot ,                                                                                       We stay mostly quiet,                                                                                             And label their efforts courageous .     

It is no work of genius , but  has a certain " je ne sais quoi " , don't you think ?  

Your comrade , Ken .                                                             











Friday, August 13, 2021

Reference :- Reference :- The golden oldies of Sky News called for climate protestors to be jailed .

Reference :-  Peta Credlin and Alan Jones angrily demanded the incarceration of Extinction Rebellion protestors . 

Dear Dynamic Duo of Sky News , 

It's warms one's heart to see you both in agreement again . For a time there it looked like a rift was developing , possibly because Jonesie was enjoying his interviews with Tanya Plibersek too much .  I must admit that Tanya does speak well , which brings credit to her position as Deputy Leader of the Labor Party . Although it does seem weird watching Jonesie smile at a Marxist . 

Very sensibly  , Peta , you have moved on and left any ill feelings behind . You have never been one  to harbor  a grudge , since nothing ages a lady faster than malevolent thoughts . 

Anyway , I wish to draw attention to the fallout from  those Extinction Rebellion protests .  Recently the Crown Court in Old Blighty unanimously found that Extinction Rebellion protestors who had sprayed slogans on public buildings were not guilty of vandalism .    Defense lawyers had invoked the " Defense of Necessity " law  to win the case . 

We also have a " Defense of Necessity "  law here in the antipodes , a fact that might have encouraged the protestors in Canberra .  Briefly put , it seems that under this law one is allowed to break other laws if a threat is sufficiently dire .  Now, much and all as you don't believe the world is facing a climate catastrophe  yourselves , unfortunately there are thousands of highly qualified scientists who could be called to the witness stand to attest otherwise .  And massive amounts of data as well.   

A court case would be very counterproductive , since it would expose the great unwashed to further evidence which supports action on climate change  .  And not only that . Australia has some of the most draconian laws in the OECD when it comes to chucking protestors in the clink .  So disturbingly draconian that the United Nations has expressed their concern on many occasions .   It might not be wise to draw attention to these laws . 

My advice is to simply ignore the whole episode . Rowan Dean can show you how it is done , since he has to ignore most of the world's weather on a daily basis . 

I know you said " throw the book at them " , but then the pages might flip open and be read , and you don't need the controversy that could result . 

Sometimes its better to let the ball go through to the keeper ,  rather than swing angrily only to be caught out . 

Your comrade , Ken

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Reference :- Charismatic Prime minister Mr Scott Morrison doesn't say much about Australia Post these days .

 Reference .   Sacking the CEO of Australia Post  ( Christine Holgate ) for wasting money has seen a lot more money wasted. 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

                                            It's a shame the way penny pinching sometimes backfires .  And indeed the cost of sacking Ms Holgate is mounting daily .  Cartier timepieces worth 20,000 look like small fry now .  The court case resulted in a payout of one million quid in damages , plus another 100,000 in legal costs to Ms Holgate .  Searching for a replacement CEO cost another 160,000 quid , and the new CEO has to cope with the resignations of key senior executives who have quit their jobs in a display of respect for  their former boss . 

Some key staff may remain , following the offer of retention bonuses which will cost  250, 000 quid per employee . 

Not only that , but the chaos has seen competitor Global Express thrive , partly because Australia Post staff have defected to the opposition . Your attention grabbing hissy fit over 20 grand has cost  millions .  Perhaps the Cartier watch issue could have been handled better ?   Then again , you have flawlessly managed  the  bushfires , the droughts , the pandemic crisis , the vaccine rollouts , and climate action , so perhaps a bit of spillage at Australia Post can be forgiven . 

Anyway , on a more positive note , Gabbo tells me that fabricating the Cartier watch scandal  usefully distracted the great unwashed from that dodgy Sydney Airport land purchase .  Taxpayers were overcharged  20 million quid for that deal , so the sooner it is forgotten the better . 

Gabbo also reckons that it might be easier for you to have Australia Post privatized now that it is on it's knees . I daresay he is right , and although postal and banking services in rural areas will suffer if Australia Post is privatized , that is the price of progress.  And as Prime Minister ( now sacked ) Tony Abbott once explained , people in remote areas have to accept responsibility for their own lifestyle choices . 

Your comrade ,  Ken .



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Reference :- This is the shortest Sky Reply ever .

Reference :-  Sky weather boy Rowan Dean seems mentally unstable  following the release of the  recent IPCC report .

I was feeding Dog the left overs from breaky when Ken junior  suddenly gasped with horror .

"Rowan Dean has gone insane . "   ,  Ken junior said . 

" You can't say that without strong supporting evidence . "  ,  I said .

" Google 'Sky News Australia' . Click on ' Opinion ' . Click on 'Outsiders ' . Scroll down and then click on  'apocalyptic doomsday-laden '  , and watch that . " ,  Ken junior said . 

I did . There is nothing more that needs to be said . 

Your comrade , Ken  . 

WARNING  :-     The 'Outsiders ' episode referenced above is unsuitable for viewing by sensitive folk .


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reference:- The Sky News team is in a flap about the latest IPCC report .

Reference :-  The latest IPCC report on climate change has been released , much to the chagrin  of the opinion makers at Sky News .  

Dear presenters of alternative facts , 

Gosh , you sure do look foolish now that the latest IPCC report has been released .   What can be done ?   Your attempt ,yesterday,  to discredit hundreds of climate scientists by interviewing a Geophysicist  with links to the mining industry was disappointingly lame .  Young Andy Bolt also suggested   ( very briefly )  that a senior American climate scientist , Roy Spencer , does not believe the climate change narrative . That was brave of Andy , since Roy has recently reaffirmed that he believes in anthropogenic climate change and  further stated that reporters in the media who suggest otherwise are making " potentially libelous statements ". 

 These days a chap can be sued for almost anything , so one takes quite a risk when one gives credit for an opinion where such credit is not due .   Likewise , Ken junior reckons it was strange to hear it asserted on your channel  that global temperature monitoring has been restricted to changes since the 1950's .   According to Ken junior , if that is true , why have scientists spent decades drilling polar ice cores to produce climate data that go back more than 800,000 years ?  Admittedly they might just be doing it for the grant money , but if I was running such a scam I would be suggesting that we construct climate models by monitoring the CO2 levels in the deepest layers of the sand on a beach in Bali . 

Honestly ( to use one of Peta Credlin's expressions )  ) I think that resorting to alternative  facts is not helping your argument when it comes to climate change .  Peta might have taken a better tack when she said  that she was " not in the mood "  to hear bad news about the climate , and reminded us that, as always , we  can rely on  " the market " to solve all our problems . 

 There are likely to be many media rants  about the climate in the coming weeks , especially with all the record fires and heatwaves north of the equator . But my advice is to ignore them and focus on something else .  Like "wokeness''  for example . The "woke " must be doing something annoying somewhere , and even if they have gone quiet for the moment it is easy enough to invent a story about them .   All you need is a " woke leftie " driving a car or flying somewhere and straight away you can fill a five minute time slot with sneers about hypocrisy . Admittedly that is not groundbreaking journalism  , but sometimes sticking to what you do well is the wisest strategy .

Your comrade , Ken

Monday, August 9, 2021

Reference :- Sky News is now self- censoring some of its videos .

Reference :-   Sky News has deleted over 30 of it's videos as they face a Senate inquiry . 

Dear purveyors of entertaining opinions , 

The Sky Reply team reckons you are doing the right thing by deleting videos that could be misinterpreted as containing lies .....I mean misinformation.....  by those who are prone to taking things too literally . 

Clearly your main role on the tele is to provide entertainment . How else are you expected to attract advertisers ?   No doubt you are busy searching through all the fun stuff you promoted about the fake Covid pandemic  , fingers hovering over the  " DELETE " button .    But perhaps you should take a broader view .

Although you have removed material showing young Rowan Dean hilariously giving his expert opinion regarding the dread contagion , you have overlooked his role as weather boy . 

We have assumed that everybody knows Rowan is joking when he delivers his Ice Age reports while dancing around in front of graphs that can't be read .  But perhaps  we have assumed wrongly , and some folk believe they are watching a real weather report .  This could see you landed in the same doo-doo as those Covid  videos .   While you have the "DELETE " function at hand on your computer , it might be wise to delete any weather reports that could be construed as spreading ...errrr ...  misinformation .  Ken junior reckons you could speed the process by simply selecting " DELETE ALL " .

But don't worry too much about that Senate inquiry , nothing much ever comes from those except hot air , produced at great expense .  

Anyway , to change the topic , we are having a busy day here at The Sky Reply .   You may recall that Monte was recently booked for having no exhaust on his motorbike .  The cops have told him he needs to get a roadworthy inspection once he has fixed the muffler .   But now he is panicking because the old Yamaha also has bald tyres , more oil leaks than the Exxon Valdez , and a fake engine number .  The lads are helping Monte with the tyres and the oil leaks , but have no idea what to do about the fake engine number . 

I haven't told them yet , but  I have a plan for dealing with that .  If the local mechanic , Graham , won't issue a roadworthy certificate , I will remind him that we have connections , and a smear campaign against him on Sky News will do his business no favors .  On the other hand , if he is more reasonable , we could "donate " him a few quid to help cover any overheads associated with confirming the engine numbers .  

It's time for the lads to learn how business gets done in this country .  

Your comrade , Ken

PS.   It really is a shame about all those deleted pandemic videos .  Ken junior reckons that they were gaining popularity and some of them were probably about to go viral .


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Reference:- Sky weather boy Rowan Dean is ignoring the northern hemisphere ..again .

Reference :-   When migratory birds head north for the summer , Rowan Dean heads south .  

You seem to dislike the heat of summer Rowan . And fair enough , I say .  Nobody would wish to reside in northern climes at present , what with the record deadly heatwaves and the uncontrollable wild fires .  According to ExxonMobil, the permafrost beneath the Trans - Alaska  oil pipeline is even melting . 

 Out here at Kooralya we enjoy huddling on the sofa with our hot water bottles while you show us pictures of snow .    But it is a shame that your excellent program isn't broadcast globally .  It might bring some cheer to those in northern climes who are waiting desperately for winter to arrive . 

We have a relation who lives in Greece, Uncle Pikyaproboskus.   After enduring a record heatwave , he has been evacuated from his idyllic island home , which has burned to the ground, along with 80% of the picturesque scenery .  He has lost everything , but I am sure one of your graphs explaining the coming ice age would console him greatly .  

We know you must be kept very busy , hunting as you do for anywhere that snow has fallen , but  there is no need to trouble yourself by forwarding your graphs . If you simply send us a link to the sites from which  you glean your information , Ken junior says he  can do the rest via the interweb . 

 Lastly Rowan , might I say it' s a relief to see that Sky News is back on You Tube after that outrageous ban .    I still can't believe that your station was banned for spreading misinformation .   If spreading misinformation is a crime , then how does that Tucker Carlson  fellow stay out of jail ?  

Young Tucker has cleverly asserted that you were banned for " asking questions " , rather than spreading lies ...... I mean misinformation . That is right up there with the invention of the term  " cancel culture " as far as I am concerned .   You could learn a lot from Mr Carlson . 

Your comrade , Ken . 




Thursday, August 5, 2021

Reference :- Lateral thinker , young Andy Bolt , is sometimes hard to understand .

 Reference :-  Andy Bolt is not only hard to understand because of his speech difficulties , his reasoning can also be impossible to follow . 

I must tell you this Andy . Here at the Sky Reply we find your segment challenging at times.   It's not just your peculiarities of speech .    Ken junior tells me that a linguist could be kept busy for weeks identifying the many examples of metathesis , lenition and elision that adorn your every sentence . But they don't concern me very much .   I encounter such speech regularly here at the Kooralya pub , especially near closing time .  Its your train of thought that confuses me most . 

I mean , good on you for advising us of yet another war ... the war on Christianity , being waged as you say , by " the left " .... whoever the hell they are .  Luckily we don't have any " lefties " here in Kooralya .  Last Sunday I dropped by the local church and asked the folk I meet at the Kooralya Workers Collective  whether they had ever encountered a leftie themselves . Nobody had .  Although some folk are a tad doubtful about our local Postie , Barney . Barney does harbor considerable concern for the fate of the local Koala population , so their suspicions could be justifiable .  

They must be cunning these "lefties" , to influence the questions on the latest Census the way you have revealed .  We haven't seen the questions yet , but you tell us they have been modified such that a citizen can more readily describe themselves as having no religion .   This may mean that folk are not pressed to tell a lie , but if anything is a declaration of war on Christianity that certainly is .  Well spotted . 

I liked the way you pointed out all the good things that Christianity has produced  .  Hospitals  , hostels and  ambulances you said .  You could also have mentioned boarding schools , orphanages , nunneries , and boy's choirs .   A bit of a bugger that you forgot those , but no harm done . 

Anyway your final punch line is what confused me .   You pointed out that none of the above fine institutions had ever been introduced by " the Greens ".  

But Andy , the Greens were first established  in 1992 , long after the development of all those institutions  you mentioned . 

One might just as well ridicule the Greens for saying zip when the Japanese bombed Darwin in 1942 . 

 Your enthusiasm for ridiculing the Greens is admirable Andy  . But does it make sense to jam religious preference , ideology , history , environmentalism and truthfulness into the same pinata , so that blindfolded you can demolish them all with a single conservative whack ?

I am confused .

Your comrade , Ken



Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Reference :- Fledgling Sky journalist , Sharri Markson , interviewed controversial Fox anchor , Tucker Carlson .

 Reference :-  Tucker was keen to hear the disturbing details that surround  the recent banning of Sky News from You Tube for one week . 

That was well done Sharri , scoring an interview with Tucker Carlson .  And we can see that you did your research . Young Tucker has recently been given the green light by the Supreme Court Of the United States to freely use hyperbole and " alternative facts " on his show .  Clearly an energetic approach to the interview was required. 

You also needed a good banner headline , and calling the one week suspension of Sky News on You Tube  " the most extreme cancellation of free speech imaginable " served that purpose well . 

Sadly I missed some of the interview because the lads at the Sky Reply were laughing so much . 

" Will you lot can it , so I can hear the interview .  What's so funny?  " ,  I said . 

 " The most extreme cancellation of free speech imaginable ... that's hilarious ." , Gabbo said 

" If you're so smart , name something that would be more extreme . "  I said . 

" How about being cancelled on you tube for EIGHT days . "   Gabbo said . 

 Gabbo can be annoying at times , with his cheeky quips . 

 " Stop being so literal . The days don't matter , its the principal . "  I said . 

" Well how about the record 274 journalists worldwide who are in prison .  That's  worse than a one week ban on You Tube . "  , Gabbo said . 

" Look Gabbo , sometimes hyperbole helps get a message across .  " I said . 

Gabbo said nothing . 

" Remember when Ken junior told me I was the worst father in the world because I wouldn't lend him the ute to do burnouts at the Kooralya Bachelor and  Spinsters Ball ? "   I said .  

Gabbo said nothing . 

" Does that mean Ken junior really does think I am the worst dad in the world ?  " ,  I said . 

" Yeah , I think so . " , Gabbo said . 

 If the lads don't calm down , they will soon experience " the most extreme cancellation  of their privileges imaginable " .    I won't let them have a pizza delivered for a week . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Reference :- Internationally admired Prime Minister of Australia , Mr Scott Morrison , looks more like Boris Johnson every day .

 Reference :-  Mr Morrison became  a little techy in Parliament . And so did the Speaker of the House of Reps . 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

 We were watching your usual statesmanlike performance in Parliament  recently , and everybody commented on your appearance .  Admittedly the picture on the tele wasn't very good , since we were at a comrade's tent out in the caravan park where the reception is poor .  Quite a few of the locals are still living at the caravan park after losing their houses , goods , chattels and groceries in the bush fires .  I was about to say "recent " bushfies , but they are ancient history and mostly forgotten now , it seems . 

The Kooralya caravan park was never considered a scenic location , situated as it is alongside the council tip .   Although now that most of the town has burned to the ground , and since nobody can afford to remove the charred and rusty debris , it is probably true to say that the Budget Caravan Park is now one of the towns better suburbs . 

Anyway Mr Morrison , I digress .  What we wish to know is whether or not you have decided to mimic the UK  Prime Minister , Boris Johnson .   We can't help but notice that you are overdue for a haircut .  Ken junior reckons you are too busy to get a haircut .  But you seem to find time to holiday in Hawaii or visit graveyards in Old Blighty whenever you fancy .  And you often  hide from everybody for days on end , so I don't think time is the issue .   I suspect that you are deliberately trying to emulate Mr Johnson's bizarre coiffure with your few remaining follicles . 

And it's not just the hair .  Your recent exchange with the Speaker of the House reminded us of those occasions  in the UK parliament when Mr Johnson and the speaker ,  Mr Berkow,  began yelling at each other . 

You might not have noticed , but Mr Berkow has quit both his job and the Tory party . Furthermore , he has joined Labor after declaring his disgust with Mr Johnson's  government .  Our Speaker of the House , Mr Tony Smith MP,  might also quit the Liberals and join the Labor party if you keep causing him grief .  So do be careful .  You need all the allies you can muster in these challenging times . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Reference :- The Sky News team has been explaining why Sky News should not have been banned from You Tube for a week .

Reference :-    One can' t help but notice the changed demeanor of the Sky News team  as they attempt to prove they have done nothing wrong . 

Dear purveyors of news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore , 

This banning seems terribly unfair to us here at the Sky Reply .  For starters just because you promise to deliver news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore , that doesn't mean you shouldn't also deliver news we can't trust and opinions we should ignore . After all , that is what balanced reporting is supposed to be .

Fortunately, it appears that less than a dozen of your segments have been removed from You Tube , out of all the thousands you have posted .   This should make you feel less threatened . 

Nonetheless , by responding as though all your posts have been banned you are certain to glean more sympathy from your supporters .   And it gives you the opportunity to discuss your less controversial broadcasts in detail ,  even though these are not what triggered the ban .  This shores up your credibility .

Here at The Sky Reply we find the banning of a news outlet on You Tube a cause for concern .   A couple of Ken Junior's limericks last year were a bit racy , but we have not considered removing  them from our site .  The principal of free speech is one of the pillars of democracy .  

Obviously your endless calls for the ABC to be de-funded are an exception .  Likewise the way you tend to ignore the arrests of leftist journalists in Australia  should not invite criticism .  Freedom of speech should not be extended to those who abuse it .

Anyway , you have a lot to think about right now , so we thought a bit of news from here in Kooralya might brighten your day .  

Yesterday our mate Trevor was banned from the local pub for a week .  The pub has certain rules the patrons are expected to abide by .   One of these rules , although I have not seen it written down , must apparently read . 


 Poor old Trevor protested the next day that he has been drinking at the pub for years and has never done anything wrong before .  He further explained that he had often helped out by doing some cleaning up at the pub . Especially after the night of the big brawl that saw more broken glass than "  Kristallnacht ". 

And the publican replied ,

" That is why I am only banning you for one week after removing your notice  ". 

 Although the goings on at Kooralya are hardly part of the big picture , we thought you might find the story amusing . 

Your comrade ,  Ken 







