Friday, March 31, 2023

Reference:- Sky anchor , young Andy Bolt , has banned yet another commentator from his show .

Reference :- First it was his former comrade at Sky , Chris Smith , and now  One Nation leader for NSW , Mark Latham , has been banned from appearing on Andy Bolt's show . 

Dear Andy , 

                        The country is in an uproar because Mark Latham's made some horrific homophobic comments  . Apparently they were exceptionally vile , and news outlets , including yours , have been reluctant to repeat them .  Personally I have made no effort to uncover the actual quote , and have left the specifics to my imagination.  As far as I am concerned Andy , if you say Mark's words were vile , that is good enough for me . 

But here is a funny thing . After your Bolt Report , the one where you expressed your total disgust with Mark , I perused the comments from your audience.   I am not a fast reader , and could only read the first 24 comments on the computer before it was Ken junior's turn to check his emails ,  and all twenty four comments very strongly supported Mark . 

This must tell you something about the audience you attract .  Could it be that if you consider Mark Latham to be vile , then most of your fans are also vile ? 

It's food for thought Andy , food for thought indeed . 

What is it about your style of presentation and content that attracts such vile folk ? 

Of course , the whole concept of free speech has been questioned recently on Sky News .  Young Rita Panahi has had much to say on the topic , and that will be covered in another Sky Reply . 

After dusting your comrade at Sky , Chris Smith , who turned out to be a sex monster , and losing Mark Latham who turned out to be a vile homophobe , you might find yourself running short of commentators to interview .   No pressure of course , but if you can't fill all your time slots , I am quite willing to come on your show as an expert in any field you like , and for a nominal fee , agree with your opinions entirely .  My power bill is almost due , and the cash would be handy .

Cherry picking ersatz experts is a trademark strategy at Sky , and a new face ( mine ) might freshen things up a bit .   Naturally I have a clean tie ( only worn to the occasional funeral ) and I see no legal impediment to forming a think tank out here called "  The Kooralya Institute of Public Affairs "  with me as the director , to strengthen my credibility . 

Think it over Andy , and drop me a line if you are interested . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS     Don't listen to those who accuse you of virtue signalling .  We all know that only the crazy leftists do that . 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Reference :- Sky News anchor , young Andy Bolt once again displayed his impressive reasoning ability .

Reference :-   Andy Bolt explained why the climate scientists are fools . 

Dear Andy ,  

                         Once again you have shamed the scientific establishment with your clear logic . As you say , more people die from the cold each year than die from the heat , so why would we worry about global warming ? 

Your logic is undeniable . and leaves no room for debate .  

Furthermore Andy , I reckon this logical way of thinking can be applied to other important issues  . 

For example , only 20% of people involved in fatal car crashes are drunk .  Obviously that means  you are 4 times more likely to die in a car crash if you are sober . (  I know the math will be easy for you . ) 

Clearly it behoves a bloke to gulp down  a few travellers before hitting the road, just to keep the odds favorable . 

I said this to Ken junior . 

" Clearly it behoves a bloke to gulp down a few travellers before hitting the road , just to keep the odds favorable . " , I said . 

"  And a bloke should sleep on the floor , since most people die in a bed . " ,  Ken junior said . 

" I think that might be different . " , I said . 

"  Statistics will confess to anything if you torture them enough " ,  Ken junior said . 

 Annoyingly Andy , Ken junior usually changes  the subject when he is losing an argument . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Friday, March 17, 2023

Reference:- Once again millions of fish have died in the outback .

 Reference:-  Heatwaves have been blamed for the alarming fish kill . 

Dear  Sky News Team , 

                                               I guess it is time to dig out Dorothea Mackellar's poetry again .  You know ,  that stuff she wrote  about drought and flooding rains being regular events more than a century ago .   This certainly proves that there is nothing new about weather extremes . It's evidence that the woke greenie brigade cannot refute . 

Mind you , I flicked through my old school poetry reader , and couldn't find anything there about massive  fish kills during record heatwaves .   I guess they were so common that they didn't rate a mention .  

This might be a bit presumptuous of me , but have you considered simply making up a poem about massive fish kills and  attributing it to Ms Mackellar ?   If you write it in iambic pentameter I reckon everybody will be convinced that it is kosher . 

And if Rowan Dean reads it , and gets sprung , he can always say it was just one of his trademark clever jokes . 

Ken junior offers this as inspiration , gratis of course . 

                      And I love to take my surrey ,

                      To the fish kills on the Murray , 

                      Where the sunlight never fails , 

                       As it dazzles on the scales .  

It's not his best , but I don't think his heart was in it . 

Your comrade , Ken .



Thursday, March 16, 2023

Reference :- The wittiest presenter at Sky News , Rowan Dean , may have broken the law ... a bit .

Reference:-   The last thing Sky News needs is another legal case , especially when Mr Murdoch is being sued for over a billion  quid . 

Dear Rowan , 

                          Surely you can't be accused of breaking the law just because you told people to sell their shares in companies that invest in renewable energy ?  The greenie leftists  are clutching at straws when they claim that you gave financial advice without being licensed to do so . 

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion , and your opinion is as valid as any in my book .  And when it all boils down ,  did you really give advice , or was it simply a suggestion ?  Or for that matter , were you simply making a joke ?   Your show relies heavily on your trademark subtle intellectual humor .   It's a natural counterpoint to the coarse foul mouthed humor of your comrade , Paul Murray ( that fat bastard) . 

Surely no court in the land would convict you once you explained that it was all a joke .  Ken junior reckons he has always viewed your show as a complete joke , and doubtless your demographic concurs . 

Don't fret Rowan , and if you find your letterbox overflowing with dispatches from attorneys and legislators , just laugh , and tear them up . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS .  Do you have any advice regarding Credit Suisse  ?  I reckon if they get a bail out the shares might soar . 


Monday, March 13, 2023

Reference:- Once again a major bank in the USA is on the skids .

Reference:-  Silicon Valley Bank has collapsed . It is the second largest bankruptcy in American history . 

Gosh , these American banks have a penchant for losing their liquidity faster than a drunk in a Las Vegas casino   It seems like only the other day that the taxpayer had to bail out the banks to the tune of trillions , and here it is happening again . 

Ken junior says he is not surprised . He says lobbyists for the finance sector have succeeded in deregulating the banks to the point where the entire industry is perpetually on the brink of collapse . 

Personally , I don't know what he is talking about .  Politicians do the regulating , not lobbyists .  Sure , American lobbyists did spend 3.7 billion dollars last year pressuring regulators , but that doesn't mean they got what they wanted . After all , money can't buy everything , can  it ? 

Ken junior told me that the countries in the world with the strictest bank regulations also feature at the top of the list of countries with the stablest economies .  This is where Ken junior 's logic so often fails . These two facts are not necessarily related .  Economies are complex , and are influenced by a multitude of factors ,   regulation being merely one . 

Ken junior also told me that the same countries also rate highly on income equality .  No doubt this is  simply another unrelated  coincidence.   I said as much to Ken junior.

" No doubt this is simply another unrelated coincidence " , I said . 

" Well the same countries are at the top of the list in the World Happiness Report too . " , Ken junior said 

" Well , they could be even happier if they deregulated their banking sector . " , I said . 

My logic left Ken junior lost for words , so there was no need to rub it in .

Your comrade , Ken

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Reference:- Media moghul , Mr Rupert Murdoch , admitted that his journalists lied for money .

 Reference:-   Dominion Voting is suing Mr Murdoch , who has admitted that he deliberately perpetrated lies about the rigging of the Presidential Election results .  

Dear Sky News Team , 

                                           I have  searched high and low on Sky News , and have not found any coverage of this story about your boss being sued for 1.6 billion yankee dollars .    Obviously the journalists at other media outlets are going gangbusters with  it , which tells me a lot about their loyalty to the profession .   Shouldn't journalists at all media companies show solidarity ?   Otherwise it looks like journalists are only in the game for the money , and not to inform the great unwashed. 

Mr Murdoch has publicly stated that although he knew his news anchors were telling lies ( and the news anchors themselves have admitted they knew they were telling lies ) , his decision to deceive voters was not political .  

Mr Murdoch says  that he decided to run with the lies because it was the best "business decision " .  

Well , who could deny that logic ?   To run a business profitably one needs to keep an eye on the bottom line , and if people are willing to pay their hard earned shekels to listen to a barrage of appalling lies , that is their own decision . 

The way I see it , it all boils down to supply and demand . Supply and demand  is one of the foundation stones of the free market capitalist system that we all love and enjoy  ( except for a few bludgers , and the occasional loser who needs antidepressants or alcohol to cope ) . 

If people want lies and are willing to pay for them , where is the problem ?  

Ken junior has had his pencil out again , and has contributed another of his cryptic poems .  

Good luck trying to make sense of it .  

                                                   The Murdoch Media Empire       ( by Ken junior ) 

                                        It's hard to form an opinion , 

                                        Of the folk who work at Dominion , 

                                        When presenters at Sky , 

                                        Are willing to lie , 

                                        Like an honourless , crooked minion . 


         Your comrade , Ken .