Monday, July 31, 2023

Reference :- Sky News weatherboy , Rowan Dean , is on a roll .

 Reference :-  Rowan Dean told us that the Swedish government has cancelled building wind turbines because they damage the environment .

 Dear Rowan , 

                        We can always rely on you to present us with clear facts .   Indeed , how dare Labor  insist on building wind farms when Sweden has just cancelled a major wind turbine project , calling it detrimental to national interests ?   What else can you say ? 

Mind you , Ken junior ( forever the contrarian ) tells me that Sweden has 4300 wind turbines , which push out 50 times the wind power that Sweden  produced 20 years ago . Ken junior says that a mere 50 proposed turbines were canned because they would interfere with shipping lanes .  This means that Sweden's wind power ambitions have been temporarily set back by one percent .  Sweden plans on being 100% renewable by 2050 . 

Well , that may be true Rowan , but there was no need for you to bore your audience with statistics .   Your job is to rally support for our coal and gas industries , and it is not an easy task these days .    You need all the help you can get , and you can't afford to waste 50 turbines here , or a roof top solar system there .  It will all add up to something in the end . 

It's nice to see you back in form interviewing your own commentators . Young James Morrow has cultivated quite a sneer . His sneer may soon surpass Peta Credlin's ,  although when she talks about dole bludgers she does run one of the industry's best . 

Your comrade , Ken



Sunday, July 30, 2023

Reference :- Sky News weatherboy Rowan Dean has finally commented on the fires in Europe .

 Reference :-  Rowan Dean has explained why the fires in Europe are not due to climate change .

Dear Rowan , 

                          I am impressed !  Why didn't I think of it ?   The fires in Europe are clearly being lit by arsonists .  If the great unwashed are inclined to set fire to cars in their city streets  because they believe society is collapsing , obviously  they would set fire to the scenery if they believe the climate is changing . 

Ironic isn't it Rowan ?     Young Andy Bolt is right with you on this one too , I see.

Ken junior is so impressed  that he has written a poem , by way of an apology for doubting you .


                                                  THE  GREAT CLIMATE HOAX     

                                                                                     by Ken Junior . 

                                                    Europe may be all aflame ,

                                                    But what on earth are we to blame  ? 

                                                    Young Rowan says we must resist , 

                                                    The fools upon the growing list , 

                                                    Who claim the climate is at fault , 

                                                    And speak the truth , like Andrew Bolt . 

                                                    Who knows , although he's often pissed, 

                                                    Each fire requires an arsonist . 

          Your comrade ,  Ken





Monday, July 24, 2023

Reference:- The Greek Islands are on fire . Sky News weather boy , Rowan Dean seems not to have noticed the fact .

 Reference :-   He has also failed to notice the fires  in Italy , France , Spain , Turkey et al , and the record breaking heat waves in the Northern Hemisphere

Dear Rowan , 

                     This Ice Age you are watching for seems a bit slow getting off the ground .   Even the Antarctic is melting now , at a great rate .   Not that I doubt  for a moment your expert source , Electroverse , and it's prediction that we will soon enter a new Ice Age .  

But Rowan , it does seem to me that failing to report the wild fires and the record heatwaves makes you look shonky .   If a doctor prescribes chemotherapy that makes you far more ill before you are cured , he will not try to hide the fact that you must endure a period of illness before recovering . 

Clearly the planet has to get hotter first , before it plunges into the coming Ice Age , and you should not try to conceal the fact . All anybody need do is turn on the tele , and the evidence is before their eyes .... all supported by the likes of NASA .   I reckon you should come clean about this temporary warming . Just tell it like it is , but remind everybody that before we know it the planet will turn into a giant snowball . 

An experienced commentator like yourself should tout the fires and heatwaves as further proof that the Ice Age is imminent .  Ken junior reckons you could say this  . 

" These fires and heatwaves are doing what your lawnmower does when it suddenly revs up before running out of petrol and stopping altogether "   This is the sort of analogy the great unwashed will understand .   And it reveals  a general principal that governs all aspects of life , even the economy . 

Interest rates must go up first , or how could they come down ?  

Anyway Rowan , I hope you don't mind the advice . Your knowledge of the climate far outstrips mine , and even that of NASA .  But it's important to explain things in a way that ordinary folk can understand . 

Your comrade , Ken

Monday, July 10, 2023

Reference :- Has there ever been an Indigenious Voice to Parliament in the past ?

Reference :-    Yes , there fairly has . 

 Here at the Sky Reply , young Gabbo  , our indigenous contributing editor , has taken the time to explain the pre-history of the " Voice " .  

This is what Gabbo  says ....

"Way back before I was born , in 1973 , the Whitlam government established an aboriginal voice to parliament called "The National Aboriginal Consultative Committee ". 

When the Governor General sacked the democratically elected federal government , the new Prime Minister , Mr Fraser , dissolved the committee . 

The next " Voice " was called " The National Aboriginal Conference " .    It was scrapped by Prime Minister  Bob Hawke .

Then came " The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission " ..... killed off by Prime Minister John Howard . 

In 2011 Prime Minister Julia Gillard  established  a voice called " The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples " , which was soon axed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott , along with 170 million dollars of funding for healthcare and education for the said first peoples . 

After some delay , a new "voice " was advocated during the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart .   This was put on the back burner until 2023 , which is now .  So it has been 12 years since the last  "voice "  was silenced , and 6 years since a replacement for it was advocated . 

Establishing a Voice  again , but by referendum this time , will ensure that it cannot be cancelled on a whim without another referendum  . "

Gabbo appears to have done his research . 

As usual , The Sky Reply is entirely non-partisan , and we have no wish to influence anybody's  vote .   

Your comrade , Ken



Sunday, July 9, 2023

Reference:- Former Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison , has responded to the findings of the Robodebt Royal Commission .

 Reference : -   Despite being out of the country at present , Mr Morrison has already denied any responsibility for the Robodebt catastrophe  . 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

                                            Gee , that report by the Robodebt Commissioner sure does you no favors .  Even  members of your own party are screaming for your resignation .... those traitors  .  Not Mr Dutton , of course , you will always be able to rely on his support , no matter what .  Mr Dutton , like you , retains  his ( now sadly old fashioned )  belief in loyalty .  Like the loyalty you showed to Mr Turnbull that time his leadership was challenged .  At times like this you should remind yourself of those words of gratitude Mr Turnbull spoke  , " Good on you Scomo "  ,  a few minutes before you were forced to take his job from him for the good of the ruling coalition . 

Anyway , I hope you are enjoying your well deserved holiday in Europe .  At least the antipodes are not burning to ash during this vacation  , so you don't have nosy journalists trying to find out where you are .    I would recommend staying away from France though , the riots and demonstrations are out of control and most of the country appears to be on fire .   Unfortunately that's what happens when the lefties get out of control .  And of course , Mr Macron might hold a grudge after he unfairly accused you of being a liar , so you couldn't rely on him to get you out of trouble if you found yourself in a burning Citroen  surrounded by an angry mob . 

I did enjoy your letter responding to that awful Robodebt report .    Some folk , even in the coalition , have hinted that it was devoid of any contrition , and are demanding your resignation .  But Mr Morrison , stand firm , there is nothing for you to be contrite about . 

That commission was nothing more than a show trial for the left . You were rudely interrupted 25 times when you were giving evidence , and slated for obfuscating .  Three times you were silenced for trespassing into areas of parliamentary privilege , once by your own lawyer for heaven's sake .   The whole thing was a farce . 

 Do you think your name might appear in that sealed section of the report that recommends legal proceedings against certain players  ?   Perhaps  it might be wise to stay in Europe until the whole thing blows over .  The media has a short attention span , and in a few months nobody will even remember who you are .    That unfairly persecuted entrepreneur chap , Christopher Skase , found a pleasant location in Majorca to lie low until the clamoring hoards dispersed , and I hear the weather is most clement in Spain at this time of the year . 

If you like , we can keep an eye on the situation down under , and give you the nod when everybody has calmed down . ( Doubtless you are a regular reader of the Sky Reply . ) 

Meanwhile , have a great holiday , and banish from your mind any thoughts of having your life destroyed by punitive and financially crippling legal action upon your return . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS .    By the way , where are you ?


Monday, July 3, 2023

Reference:- Sky News anchor , young Andy Bolt , certainly attracts some insightful comments from his viewers .

 Reference: -   One can judge the intellect of Andy's viewers by the quality of their comments . 

Dear Andy , 

'                      Your fans are not only numerous , they are also a canny lot . Scrolling through the comments you receive , and sometimes there are literally dozens of them , it is clearly evident that you have a discerning audience .   A recent comment was particularly sublime .   One of your fans said that if the " Yes " vote succeeded in the referendum for " The Voice"  it would be like  .... and I quote ..... "   handing a blank cheque to the communists " .

It amazes me the way clever folk can explain a situation so clearly with so few words .  I asked the lads at the Sky Reply to try and better that statement , and much to my surprise , they did come up with quite a few interesting alternatives.

Ken junior suggested  " it would be like putting a stamp on a milk bottle  " .

Monte offered "  it would be like changing a flat tyre on a beach buggy " .

But Gabbo's was the best ... " It would be like putting a boiled egg in a pencil case . ".  

I guess none of them are quite as insightful and nuanced as your fan's , but nonetheless , I was quite impressed by their efforts . 

Keep up the good work . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Reference :- We are told that the referendum for " The Voice " is stirring division in our society .

 Reference :-    But is it ?


  Here at the Sky Reply we have not noticed any division in society over the referendum .  We have not seen a single argument about it at the Kooralya pub .  Everybody is playing their cards close to their chest , and saying nothing  .   As they say , silence is golden ...... plus it is seldom misquoted . 

Since they have proved to be meaningless in the past we never look at the polls .  

Naturally we will be running a tote on the outcome , so we need to decide the odds .   This should not be difficult , since there are only two possible winners ...... either the Murdoch Media or the taxpayer funded ABC will win . 

Gabbo reckons this propaganda war is a disgrace , and has written a short poem to express his disgust .


                                The Referendum  .        by Gabbo

                     The vote for this thing called " The Voice " 

                      Is sadly no cause to rejoice ,

                      For the thrust of the argument , 

                      Is not about parliament , 

                      But who influences our choice .   

Gabbo reckons that everybody is becoming so sick of Sky News and the Coalition that they would vote for the opposite of what Sky promotes,  no matter what it was .   Rather like the Brits voting for Brexit , come what may ,  just so they could briefly feel a sense of control .

  If that is true , I  reckon the odds will be close to even money . 

Your comrade , Ken