Friday, October 25, 2019

Reference :- An honest letter to Alan Jones .

Reference :  Watching Alan Jones shed a tear over the current state of our drought stricken nation was like watching a wealthy german industrialist  being shown through one of his slave labor factories by the allies at the end of  WW2.   The sudden awful realization of what they had done .

Alan , well may you shed a tear.   The  establishment you have defended from socialism  all your life is riddled with corruption . And indeed yes , the country is now run by a pack of shady grifters  with a list of proven or alleged criminal and ethical misdeeds so long, that no major law firm would have the  resources to cope with it alone .  You know about all this Jonesie , so I won't waste our time listing the examples .  

 So why are you so shocked to see that these greedy pricks couldn't give a rats for the plight of our farmers ?  The government has a fraction of the debt that it had during the post war boom  , when we were "  The Lucky Country ", while private debt has soared to dizzying heights . Farmers are stuffed , and so are the one million or so ordinary householders who  currently suffer mortgage stress.     It's time for Morrison and his sidekick Josh to forget their selfish desire to make it into the history books with a budget surplus, and do some spending .   Let government debt rise , and bring private debt down .  Look at the qualifications of those who are running our country , and you find a lot of economics and marketing degrees.  What can you expect from a pack of poorly taught economists and dodgy marketing executives ? 

   I leave it for you to investigate my assertion that they were poorly taught . There are several excellent professors of economics throughout the world who can explain clearly, with empirical research ,why the economic models taught in the mainstream a generation or more ago are flawed . Even Alan Greenspan has finally openly admitted those models are wrong .  Poor old  Josh is confused by the fact that monetary policy hasn't kicked the economy along . But a multitude  of recent statistical analyses show that lowering interest rates alone will do bugger all, and there are plenty of cutting edge macroeconomics professors worldwide who anticipated our country's current predicament . 
 Jonesie , we are getting on in years , and won't have to worry much longer , but both of us want to go down fighting .  Like me , you no doubt have many friends who have simply given up and decided to take things easy for their remaining years . "  Whats the point in bothering " they say .  But that won't sit with us . 
 Over the years you have annoyed me with your oversimplification of many complex issues . So you get no thanks from me for helping to dumb down certain sections of our society .  That pings me off.  And your stubborn climate change denial , which you try to support by interviewing  crackpots , also pings me off.  Sky News is truly hideous in that respect .
 But we may share some common ground when it comes to our disgust with the cruel con men who are stuffing the country  . Why not give up on the climate hysteria for now, and interview people who have sound advice on how to manage the economy , of which the rural sector is a vital part ?
There is no shortage of clever economists around the world who actually know something , and regularly give lectures to world leaders seeking advice.  Interview some .  And give up on those ludicrous "conservatives vs lefties"  confrontations . Paul Murray is apparently too young to know , but surely by now you must  have worked out that the "political spectrum "  is all hogwash . As you point out , the bankers don't object to" socialism " for themselves when they go broke  .   And some "socialism" for farmers is desperately needed to get through this drought .   Or do we just hang our hopes  on the wisdom of the market ?  . In the end , what we should all be working towards  is the "common good ."   Remember that notion ?  Irrelevant crap about ideology does us no favours . Like the rich german industrialist confronting his slave labour camp for the first time , you have now shed a tear , realising what the cruel grifters you have supported have done to the country .
 You still have the resources to do something about that, however ,  Jonesie , whilst I can only write a blog that nobody reads . 

   Regards ,  Ken  

P.S.   I will likely return to teasing you by signing off as "comrade " , in a future post , especially if you keep feeding us malarkey about climate change hoaxes .Jesus , give us a break from that old chestnut Jonesie . )


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