Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reference , Andy Bolt enjoyed a messy and confused conversation concerning a climate scientist .

 Reference :-    Andy Bolt , yet again disappointed and confused us.  He should , perhaps stay away from scientists, and stick with what he does best .

OK Andy , this is getting serious now . We fans are not deep thinkers like you , so this whole presentation went over most of our heads .  You need to walk me through this one . By all means set me straight if I am wrong , and please excuse the simplification .

Your first point .....  There is a very severe drought at present .  I am sure we all agree with that , even my Barbari goat , who is now so covered in dust you can't see his spots .  So lets tick that box.

Your second point ...   Some less enlightened folk fear the drought may be caused by global warming , which thankfully , you have explained does not exist . Fair enough , another box ticked .

 Your Third point .......  To support your argument that global warming doesn't exist you find a scientist who believes  that this drought was not caused by  global warming .  But he states many times, in lectures many have seen ,  that he is sure global warming exists , it's just that he doesn't believe it caused this drought !    We can't tick this box Andy .  He said global warming exists !

   If you talk to Paul Murray , he will explain the concept of the "logical fallacy ".  I recently  messaged him about it .     Very quickly , however ,   if I was to state that research has shown that the high rate of alcohol abuse is in no way related to the opening hours of bottleshops , I could not then state " therefore we have no high rate of alcohol abuse "  Are you with me Andy?   

 Look we all hate the ABC , that goes without saying , but at least it keeps the communists where we can see them .  You seem tired and inarticulate. Why not accept my offer to stay in Kooralya , incognito ,and relax for a couple of weeks . Paul Murray won't usurp you that quickly, and you can return refreshed . Ken junior could play chess with you , it really sharpens the mind . But don't get sucked into his offer of " ten dollars a piece "  . The little bugger is a demon with his tricky strategies , and already owns my Kingswood  ute ,  despite not yet  having a license .   

Your comrade , Ken .

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