Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reference : Alan Jones gave us some good news.

 Reference :-    Jonesie reassured us that global warming and sea level rise observations are hoaxes
                         perpetrated by self appointed "experts ".

 Hello there Jonesie .   I really appreciate the effort you put into cherry picking the scientists you interview .  I mean , the climate change vultures can cherry pick from about 97% of the world's scientists , so you really must have to work hard to find the ones that support our cause, and pry them from beneath their aluminium foil igloos .  

I did like the way you said scientists consider themselves experts in their own minds . Yes indeed .  They may have to pass hundreds of examinations and spend years writing peer reviewed theses before their credentials are recognised, and they receive their tassled mortarboards , but it is other scientists who assess them for heaven's sake !   How can that be impartial ?  There has probably not been a thesis written fit to pass that ultimate of assessments , the pub test . 

But Jonesie , whilst your research in most arenas is meticulous , you let our side down on this occasion . This Nils - Axel chap foolishly blotted his copybook some time back when he tried to teach dowsing ( you know , water divining ) at Stockholm University .  Though we all know that dowsing works , clearly it is hard to subject it to rigorous scientific testing , because it only works sometimes . And even then , only in the hands of those blessed with the divining double helix in their DNA .   Poor Mr Nils -Axel is not so blessed , since he refused an offer of over  1 million ( that's in proper aussie dollars , not some rapidly depreciating foreign fiat currency ) to prove it works  .
Obviously the mere fact that he personally can't do it , doesn't mean it is codswallop.
But there is more Jonesie .  You overlooked the fact that he has said  he believes sea levels world wide are rising no faster than 1mm every year .  Well yes , that is about one third of the current scientific consensus , but it hardly supports our belief that there is no sea rise at all,  now does it ? 
You probably need to search harder and find those who truly support our views , and not clutch at the first half hearted denialist  who crawls out of his igloo .   And one more thing .  You definitely have a great mind for mathematics , but  as I have pointed out to Andy and Paul , you have to beware of  annoying " logical fallacies ".    Those very small numbers you quote may sound insignificant , but please don't rely on them to support our case, it leaves us wide open to rebuttal .
It is true , as you say , that CO2 is only .04% of the atmosphere , but describing such percentages as negligible is unwise . Here in the deep north  ( Queensland ) a ludicrously low blood alcohol level of only .05% can see you in the lockup for drink driving .  A reading of .049% lets you motor on as you please .  This is called " the avalanche effect " .   Likewise a dose of cyanide at  only .001% will kill a fully grown footballer in a few seconds .    So please don't imply that absolute percentages are worth a rodent's posterior as far as arguments go.  We all know you are right Jonesie, but dodgy arguments only weaken our case , and there are surely myriad kosher ones we can run with .  
If you need help with research I am always willing to help out pro bono .   My son , Ken junior  , has a laptop , and although he hogs it most of the time ,  I can pull it from his slippery fingers occasionally for investigative purposes .  Also , I would like to extend an offer for you to visit. It is very peaceful here now everything has died.  If you do bless us with a visit , please remember to bring some earplugs , since there is a wind farm nearby . Though personally , I have never heard a sound from it , I suspect that the subsonic vibrations, and not the drought ,  are what turned Auntie Mavis into a climate alarmist .   

  Your comrade , Ken

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