Reference :- At one stage it looked like Paul Murray was falling asleep in a gripping interview where Mr Morrison managed to bravely conceal his sympathy for our desperate farmers .
Mr Morrison , Sir . When everybody is desperate , and teary eyed farmers , and even Alan Jones, beg for help ,we can thank our lucky stars you have kept calm. And you are most wise to talk to Paul Murray , not Jonesie . Now is the time for frugal common sense , not wasteful spending on disaster relief . If we call out the army to help cart water and stock feed , fight fires and the suchlike , what happens if China attacks ?
Did you see that Andy Bolt , the knucklehead , took the liberty of declaring war on China via Sky News the other day ? He is a plucky fellow , and no doubt eager to grab a 303 and head for the front lines , but I think you should have a word with him about it . As a qualified economist you surely must know how a war with China would scoop the cream off the top of your budget surplus . Once again , congratulations for sticking to your particular guns and not dipping into the 7 billion quid surplus just to save the rural sector . We can always buy food from one of those foreign "developing " countries that sell us fuel and clothes and cars and all those other manufactured goods . If our primary industry has to be closed down , like the Holden factory , so be it . One last thing . My cousin Bunty , the plumber , recently unblogged the water closet at Kirribilli House . He tells me you are so frugal that you never throw anything away if it can be useful . He says he was admiring your framed degree in economics , mounted tastefully upon the wall, and lo and behold , serving as a lolly tray on the bench below , was the Cornflakes box it came in .
Was he pulling my leg , or not ?
Your comrade , Ken
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