Reference :- Sky Anchor Rowan Dean can't understand why a cruel and obviously fake photo posted on twitter by a Chinese official has not been taken down . After all , they had no qualms about censoring Tweets by President Trump.
It does seem unfairly biased at first glance to be sure , Rowan . We had a round table discussion here at the Sky Reply . Gabbo pointed out that throughout Australia's rich history we have published innumerable racist and anti-Chinese cartoons . He found a few hilarious examples from the gold rush days . ( As an aside , you can tell from some of these that it was hot then too Rowan . Something you might like to use to ridicule this summer's heatwave reports . )
Anyway Rowan , that image (though clearly a cartoon ) is very disturbing , but it does reveal a crucial Chinese sentiment . It is in the public interest that we see it . It should not be taken down . It is real , it is serious , and we need to consider our response .
On the other hand, fanciful lies told by President Trump on social media are dangerous. Especially the ones pertaining to the gravity of the current pandemic . Nurses describe caring for people who in their dying moments do not accept that they have a serious illness , and have become hysterical because they believe their carers are wearing masks unnecessarily .
The Chinese have used Twitter to post an obvious cartoon which uses hyperbole to make a strong statement we don't like .
President Trump has used Twitter as a platform from which to promulgate indisputable lies that are killing people .
There is a subtle difference Rowan .
Your comrade , Ken .
P.S . Ken junior reckons the difference is not very subtle at all.