Monday, November 16, 2020

Reference :- Sky Anchor Alan Jones , AKA Frankenjonesie , is sticking with his belief that there is no pandemic .

Reference :-  Is that what Jonesie really believes , or is he just a shill for big business ?  

 Well Jonesie , I see the Sky News professionals are pretty much sticking with their opinion that the pandemic is fake news.  Although young Rita Panahi annoyed  Rowan Dean by suggesting that  the number of clapped up folk in the good old USA was becoming  alarming . You should talk to her about that , it's important that the Sky News team maintain a consistent narrative .   (  My apologies Jonesie , " narrative " is the ugliest word in the English language .  Let me rephrase that as " stick to the same story . " )

It has been a week since Rita irritated Rowan with her silly remark , and  there have been another million new cases of Covid appear in the USA since then .   As you keep reminding us , most cases are mild , although the appearance of refrigerated vans outside overflowing morgues is a bad look . It was also unsettling to watch the Republican Governor  of North Dakota become teary as he reversed his decision that masks were not necessary because new Covid cases are now appearing in his state at twenty times the rate they were in May.  

Anyway Jonesie , as with climate change ,  comprehensive statistics confuse the issue , and  it is the cherry picked ones we must always rely upon .  It is time the Sky News crew cranked up their metaphorical pandemic cherry picker and set our minds at ease . And here's a tip .  Never consult a graph , those things are the devil's work .  

Stay well .  Your comrade , Ken                      


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