Friday, November 6, 2020

Reference :- The Sky Reply team stayed up late watching the election in the land of opportunity .

Reference :- Watching the presidential election was bad enough , but then we made the mistake of watching the response of the Sky News anchors .  Ken junior fed us a few of his special herb cookies to help us stay awake .

those herb cookies sure did the trick and before long we could see the funny side of the whole event gabbo noted that young andy bolt has dusted trump completely because the president was making a fool of himself claiming victory before the votes were counted and monte said that soon andy would be saying he never approved of trump in first place like when he said he had never denied there was climate change but ken junior said he could do another 180 degree switcheroo if trump did have a miracle win like the flip flop he did when he eventually went back to being a climate change denialist  and poor paul the bogan murray had so many trump flags on the wall of his man cave that you couldn't see his torana picture and he looked like a fat bearded version of eric olthwaite in that ripping yarn about the coal miner whose soccer team never won except michael palin who played eric is a leftie like all comedians because you have to be clever to be genuinely funny and you have to understand the human situation and then frankenjonesie kept ranting about fraudulent votes in the post despite having no evidence and gabbo said he thought frankenjonesie had post traumatic stress disorder over it all and that made us laugh but not as much as when we saw young andy bolt on the tele with an actual bottle of whiskey in front him as though he no longer cared to conceal his drinking and ken junior said the bottle was almost empty but did that mean he had drunk it all or was he afraid to produce a full bottle in case that looked worse and then we saw peta credlin's advertising for her new horror movie with scary music that is meant to destroy the career of victorian premiere daniel andrews who has got the covid cases in victoria down to zero while president trump's response has produced record breaking new cases of over 100,000 every day but frankenjonesie says that the pandemic doesn't exist and the more we looked at it the more the poster for peta credlin's horror movie looked like the poster for the bride of frankenjonesie or a remake of the witches of eastwick  and then an obnoxious child called jack houghton appeared where we expected to see sky anchor chris kenny and monte said jackie the kid  was sky news' new digital editor which sounds odd to me because I once had a digital examination at the doctors so what does that have to do with the news but the more I thought about how sky news treats us the more it made sense and jackie the kid  did his digital thing by showing clips of abc journalists who he said were intent on destroying the fabric of society with inflammatory language but the only inflammatory language we encountered was from sky news itself which seemed to be exploding like a suppurating boil and maybe they should shove a sock down their throats like frankenjonesie is fond of saying and what the heck is happening with rupert murdoch has he seen his australian version of fox news lately because they are trying to start a war with china and that won't help the share market which is humanity's ultimate reason d'etre  so when the last of us dies gasping for oxygen beneath the smoke filled sky the dow jones and the nikkei index can fly from the smouldering remains of planet earth to their destiny in the stars anyway that's it for now the pizzas have just arrived there are four of us here at the sky reply studio and we ordered seventeen large pizzas with garlic bread so I hope that's enough stay cool man your comrade ken


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