Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Reference :- The petition calling for an enquiry into the Australian media has been discredited due to robotic corruption , so we are told .

Reference :-   The very media that the petition refers to claim the petition has been manipulated . 

Dear senior staff at News Corp , 

This is a serious matter , and warrants a thorough investigation . (Younger readers might not recognize the word ,"thorough " which has been recently superseded by the word "robust ".   Although the new word does not have the same meaning precisely .  A " thorough " investigation might be achieved despite being underfunded  and handicapped . It might succeed against overwhelming  odds .   The term " robust " gives an impression of forcefulness and power , two of the main ingredients in any recipe for corruption . )

Anyway , that's enough obscure linguistic pontification for now .  The point is that this petition has been found to have fake signatures , many apparently forged by what you call " Bangladeshi bots " .   It's bad enough that robots signed the petition , but these are not even  kosher R2-D2  or  C-3PIO robots . They are not even lovable rogue robots like Bender from Futurama .  Frighteningly,  they are foreign robots , from a weird and inferior country which no doubt wishes to destroy our freedoms and way of life through sheer vindictiveness . 

 Mind you , the numbers are not great . Perhaps Bangladesh is too poor to afford many robots , since the fake signatures are thought to number about 1000 or so .  This means that 99.8% of the signatures on the petition are fair dinkum .   Sadly, it does not lend strength to your argument that the petition is a fraud , but you can still resort to the fear tactics that have served you so well to date . 

My advice is that you reference the fact that Bangladesh is ruled by a socialist government . Nothing sparks fear faster than the term " socialist ". 

A useful headline could be :-

   "  Foreign Socialists help former Labor PM rig petition . "

 The article that follows could highlight the importance of keeping  the media free of government regulations in a democratic society . You need no advice for that , since it will practically write itself . It is a fundamental principal of capitalism that governments should never enforce regulations that distort the balance of free market forces . 

By the way , how are you going with your recent lobbying ?  I see you want the government to introduce regulations that force  Facebook and Google to pay you royalties .  And fair enough too . Those high tech guys must think that the media are just a bloody free for all . 

Somebody needs to teach them some rules . 

 Your comrade , Ken


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