Monday, November 23, 2020

Reference :- Playful Sky News anchor and witty weather boy Rowan Dean is speading his wings while Andy Bolt is taking a break .

Reference :-   With Andy Bolt gone , Rowan Dean seems more  relaxed and confident . 

Rowan , you appear to be relieved that young Andy Bolt has taken a sabbatical .  And nobody could blame you .  Andy had a penchant for roping you into his boozy high jinks  , and this was starting to besmirch your reputation .   Thank merciful Odin he left in time for you to restore your credibility .  And after watching your latest weather boy effort I see you are already well on your way with that . 

Those were great photos of snow , and there is nothing like snow to prove your thesis that the planet is not warming .  Mind you , I would leave out any references to " Electroverse " and that Cap Allon chap  ( if that is his real name ).   It's too easy for people to google the site , which looks about as convincing as a science fiction computer game from 1996. 

Likewise , asserting that Dr Carlton Brown is a climate expert is unwise . The chap has no qualifications in climate science , although he does have qualifications in business administration and a commercial background in investment banking .   Ken junior googled him too , and was unimpressed by Mr Brown's  belief that he was in an excellent position to assess the impact of climate change  because he " can read a thermometer " . 

I wonder if Mr Brown would consider somebody an investment banking expert because he could use a calculator ? 

Anyway Rowan , these are minor gripes , but why not consider simply making things up completely rather than quoting from a dubious but checkable source ?  Andy Bolt was guilty of that , as well as misquoting from reliable and verifiable sources , and look where that got him .   Bellicose Sky News reporter , Chris Kenny , does the same thing  and is equally unconvincing . But you would be unique if you simply made things up from scratch . And how could anybody google that ?  If you recall , you did it when you claimed a scientific expedition to chart the loss of sea ice in the Arctic  had come to grief when their ship became icebound . In reality it had not  become icebound at all . It had suffered a mechanical fault . But who would discover that ?

If you can't fathom how to convincingly make things up , let us know  , we are here to help . 

Your comrade , Ken .

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