Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Reference:- Sky News anchor in Washington , Chris Kenny , expressed concern regarding leftist protesters .

 Reference:-  According to Chris Kenny , leftist agitators are the biggest threat to law and order in the USA.

 Hello there Chris . Have you spoken to the FBI and the CIA about these leftist agitators ?  They really need your input .  According to them , and all their research sources , 90% of all violent attacks and plots in the first half of this year were perpetrated by far right extremists .  How could they be so misled ? 

Since you are in the USA at the moment , you are perfectly placed to set the record straight . Perhaps you could do this in one of your cutting edge interviews ?   And the sooner the better , it's a sad state of affairs when the government of the USA  employs 56,000 personnel and spends 25 billion bucks each annum on home security and can't even work out who the bad guys are .  Why would they think that far right militias are a threat ?

 Recently your comrade at Sky News , Paul Murray , ticked off former ambassador Joe Hockey during an interview because Joe stated that the leftist organization , Antifa , does not exist .  Young Paul's demographic is pure bogan and you could see that Joe was uncomfortable in that environment . I guess young Paul could sense his distaste , and took the opportunity to sink in the boot . 

 But strangely  Chris , security agencies in the USA have stated "  Antifa is not a homogeneous entity , and has no leadership apparatus or radicalized membership ."  Perhaps you could interview young Paul on the same show and he could set the security agencies straight . 

Lastly , I see that Sky News has largely eschewed the term "  Marxist " these days .  That is probably wise , since nobody has a clue what a Marxist is , which makes rational debate impossible .  But it had a good run , and I look forward to the seeing what scary sounding moniker takes it's place .

Your comrade , Ken .



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