Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Reference:- The Sky News anchors are persisting with their opinion that the presidential election in the USA was rigged .

Reference :-   Sky News claims the USA election was fraudulent . It is the only story attracting viewers to their broadcasts at present . But it can't last .

Dear relentless pursuers of the truth at Sky News , 

With young Andy Bolt on leave (perhaps to explore the benefits of abstemious behavior ) the number of viewers tuning in to Sky News has plummeted .  The voter fraud story is all you have right now , and it won't last long .  Ken junior reckons it has nothing to do with Andy's absence , and everything to do with appalling journalism . The lad bristles with youthful vigour , and fails to understand that after a year of being wrong about almost everything , a mature journalist can become a tad weary and off their game  .  But keep your chins up , it is almost Christmas and there will be time to relax and prepare for a new year . 

 Don't let the fact that you were wrong about Mr Trump scoring a landslide victory shake your confidence .   Sadly , the revelation that you were also wrong about voter fraud is due to hit the news early in December . But once you have suffered that indignity you should have a clear run through to  Christmas . 

Numbers man here at The Sky Reply , Monte , tells me that some computer program called " Hammer " has been blamed for voter fraud .  Incorrectly , of course .  But  what a shame that Andy Bolt is on sabbatical .  Monte says that one of Andy's  favorite sayings  is  "  To a man with a hammer everything is a nail ".  Andy could have spun that into one of his witty editorial headlines .  

Anyway , stay chipper , the year is almost over .  Maybe Rowan Dean could reference the  "Hammer "  computer program in one of his weather reports .  When he plays music to fill in his time slot , he could use a clip of The Beatles  playing  " Maxwell's Silver Hammer " , while he makes one of his trademark hilarious observations . 

We are anticipating another hot summer  , so doubtless Rowan will be on the air quite a lot as he explains that we are actually entering another ice age .  

Your comrade, Ken .


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