Friday, August 13, 2021

Reference :- Reference :- The golden oldies of Sky News called for climate protestors to be jailed .

Reference :-  Peta Credlin and Alan Jones angrily demanded the incarceration of Extinction Rebellion protestors . 

Dear Dynamic Duo of Sky News , 

It's warms one's heart to see you both in agreement again . For a time there it looked like a rift was developing , possibly because Jonesie was enjoying his interviews with Tanya Plibersek too much .  I must admit that Tanya does speak well , which brings credit to her position as Deputy Leader of the Labor Party . Although it does seem weird watching Jonesie smile at a Marxist . 

Very sensibly  , Peta , you have moved on and left any ill feelings behind . You have never been one  to harbor  a grudge , since nothing ages a lady faster than malevolent thoughts . 

Anyway , I wish to draw attention to the fallout from  those Extinction Rebellion protests .  Recently the Crown Court in Old Blighty unanimously found that Extinction Rebellion protestors who had sprayed slogans on public buildings were not guilty of vandalism .    Defense lawyers had invoked the " Defense of Necessity " law  to win the case . 

We also have a " Defense of Necessity "  law here in the antipodes , a fact that might have encouraged the protestors in Canberra .  Briefly put , it seems that under this law one is allowed to break other laws if a threat is sufficiently dire .  Now, much and all as you don't believe the world is facing a climate catastrophe  yourselves , unfortunately there are thousands of highly qualified scientists who could be called to the witness stand to attest otherwise .  And massive amounts of data as well.   

A court case would be very counterproductive , since it would expose the great unwashed to further evidence which supports action on climate change  .  And not only that . Australia has some of the most draconian laws in the OECD when it comes to chucking protestors in the clink .  So disturbingly draconian that the United Nations has expressed their concern on many occasions .   It might not be wise to draw attention to these laws . 

My advice is to simply ignore the whole episode . Rowan Dean can show you how it is done , since he has to ignore most of the world's weather on a daily basis . 

I know you said " throw the book at them " , but then the pages might flip open and be read , and you don't need the controversy that could result . 

Sometimes its better to let the ball go through to the keeper ,  rather than swing angrily only to be caught out . 

Your comrade , Ken

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