Reference :- The latest IPCC report on climate change has been released , much to the chagrin of the opinion makers at Sky News .
Dear presenters of alternative facts ,
Gosh , you sure do look foolish now that the latest IPCC report has been released . What can be done ? Your attempt ,yesterday, to discredit hundreds of climate scientists by interviewing a Geophysicist with links to the mining industry was disappointingly lame . Young Andy Bolt also suggested ( very briefly ) that a senior American climate scientist , Roy Spencer , does not believe the climate change narrative . That was brave of Andy , since Roy has recently reaffirmed that he believes in anthropogenic climate change and further stated that reporters in the media who suggest otherwise are making " potentially libelous statements ".
These days a chap can be sued for almost anything , so one takes quite a risk when one gives credit for an opinion where such credit is not due . Likewise , Ken junior reckons it was strange to hear it asserted on your channel that global temperature monitoring has been restricted to changes since the 1950's . According to Ken junior , if that is true , why have scientists spent decades drilling polar ice cores to produce climate data that go back more than 800,000 years ? Admittedly they might just be doing it for the grant money , but if I was running such a scam I would be suggesting that we construct climate models by monitoring the CO2 levels in the deepest layers of the sand on a beach in Bali .
Honestly ( to use one of Peta Credlin's expressions ) ) I think that resorting to alternative facts is not helping your argument when it comes to climate change . Peta might have taken a better tack when she said that she was " not in the mood " to hear bad news about the climate , and reminded us that, as always , we can rely on " the market " to solve all our problems .
There are likely to be many media rants about the climate in the coming weeks , especially with all the record fires and heatwaves north of the equator . But my advice is to ignore them and focus on something else . Like "wokeness'' for example . The "woke " must be doing something annoying somewhere , and even if they have gone quiet for the moment it is easy enough to invent a story about them . All you need is a " woke leftie " driving a car or flying somewhere and straight away you can fill a five minute time slot with sneers about hypocrisy . Admittedly that is not groundbreaking journalism , but sometimes sticking to what you do well is the wisest strategy .
Your comrade , Ken
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