Sunday, August 29, 2021

Reference :- There has been another successful drone attack , according to the US military .

Reference :-   Many suicide bombers have been killed by a drone , we are told . 

These reports of the success of drone attacks remind me of the days when we were told how many bridges had been destroyed in successful bombing raids on North Vietnam .  The number of bridges that were claimed to be destroyed soon  far exceeded  the number of bridges that had ever existed , so I guess most of them must have been destroyed several times , just to be sure . 

Anyway , the lads at the Sky Reply are very skeptical about reports by the US military .  The familiar beat of war drums is distressing them , and last night they ate some of Ken junior's special herb cookies , and became very silly .   Monte thought it would be hilarious to borrow all the  garden gnomes they could find in the suburb and start a garden gnome peace keeping force in the back yard .  And the other lads joined him in the fun . 

This morning we have all these garden gnomes in the backyard , and clearly we have to return  each of them to their correct address before there is trouble .  The lads are in a panic , because they can't remember where they all came from . I tried to calm them down by suggesting a rational approach to the dilemma . Fortunately they can remember some of the addresses , which is a good start . 

" We must first consider that there are the known gnomes , and  the unknown gnomes . "  ,  I said . 

 " Have you been reading Donald Rumsfeld's memoirs  ? "  ,  Gabbo said . 

 Now how on earth did he know that I have been reading about the former US Secretary of Defense ? 

Your comrade , Ken .



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