Monday, August 9, 2021

Reference :- Sky News is now self- censoring some of its videos .

Reference :-   Sky News has deleted over 30 of it's videos as they face a Senate inquiry . 

Dear purveyors of entertaining opinions , 

The Sky Reply team reckons you are doing the right thing by deleting videos that could be misinterpreted as containing lies .....I mean misinformation.....  by those who are prone to taking things too literally . 

Clearly your main role on the tele is to provide entertainment . How else are you expected to attract advertisers ?   No doubt you are busy searching through all the fun stuff you promoted about the fake Covid pandemic  , fingers hovering over the  " DELETE " button .    But perhaps you should take a broader view .

Although you have removed material showing young Rowan Dean hilariously giving his expert opinion regarding the dread contagion , you have overlooked his role as weather boy . 

We have assumed that everybody knows Rowan is joking when he delivers his Ice Age reports while dancing around in front of graphs that can't be read .  But perhaps  we have assumed wrongly , and some folk believe they are watching a real weather report .  This could see you landed in the same doo-doo as those Covid  videos .   While you have the "DELETE " function at hand on your computer , it might be wise to delete any weather reports that could be construed as spreading ...errrr ...  misinformation .  Ken junior reckons you could speed the process by simply selecting " DELETE ALL " .

But don't worry too much about that Senate inquiry , nothing much ever comes from those except hot air , produced at great expense .  

Anyway , to change the topic , we are having a busy day here at The Sky Reply .   You may recall that Monte was recently booked for having no exhaust on his motorbike .  The cops have told him he needs to get a roadworthy inspection once he has fixed the muffler .   But now he is panicking because the old Yamaha also has bald tyres , more oil leaks than the Exxon Valdez , and a fake engine number .  The lads are helping Monte with the tyres and the oil leaks , but have no idea what to do about the fake engine number . 

I haven't told them yet , but  I have a plan for dealing with that .  If the local mechanic , Graham , won't issue a roadworthy certificate , I will remind him that we have connections , and a smear campaign against him on Sky News will do his business no favors .  On the other hand , if he is more reasonable , we could "donate " him a few quid to help cover any overheads associated with confirming the engine numbers .  

It's time for the lads to learn how business gets done in this country .  

Your comrade , Ken

PS.   It really is a shame about all those deleted pandemic videos .  Ken junior reckons that they were gaining popularity and some of them were probably about to go viral .


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