Friday, August 27, 2021

Reference :- As they fight to restore their credibility , Sky News has resorted to the most desperate of tactics .

Reference :-   Calling your adversaries hypocrites doesn't win arguments , and usually looks petty . 

Dear weary combatants at Sky News , 

As the regulators and investigative journalists poke through your parent company's  closet , they are finding that it contains more skeletons than the Paris Catacombs .  Your defense thus far has been lamentable at best .  Perhaps it is because the senior chap at Sky is on sick leave getting a synovial  joint overhauled  . But it might be wise to keep the apprentice shock jocks away from the topic until Jonesie returns . Their arguments in support of Sky New's impartiality  have been a source of hilarity here at the Sky Reply , and I don't enjoy seeing our team behave that way . 

But if you do need to run with your junior staff for now , here is a tip . 

Remind them that finding any excuse to label your foes as " hypocrites " does look puerile .  And more so if your opponent can readily make the same  accusation in return .

As Schopenhauer tells us , there is no correlation between hypocrisy and error . 

Put simply , if I tell you that smoking is bad for your health  while puffing away on a Cuban cigar the size of a rolling pin you may get away with calling me a hypocrite , but my assertion is not incorrect . 

For God's sake , try a fresh tack . It's becoming embarrassing .  

Your Comrade , Ken .

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