Thursday, August 5, 2021

Reference :- Lateral thinker , young Andy Bolt , is sometimes hard to understand .

 Reference :-  Andy Bolt is not only hard to understand because of his speech difficulties , his reasoning can also be impossible to follow . 

I must tell you this Andy . Here at the Sky Reply we find your segment challenging at times.   It's not just your peculiarities of speech .    Ken junior tells me that a linguist could be kept busy for weeks identifying the many examples of metathesis , lenition and elision that adorn your every sentence . But they don't concern me very much .   I encounter such speech regularly here at the Kooralya pub , especially near closing time .  Its your train of thought that confuses me most . 

I mean , good on you for advising us of yet another war ... the war on Christianity , being waged as you say , by " the left " .... whoever the hell they are .  Luckily we don't have any " lefties " here in Kooralya .  Last Sunday I dropped by the local church and asked the folk I meet at the Kooralya Workers Collective  whether they had ever encountered a leftie themselves . Nobody had .  Although some folk are a tad doubtful about our local Postie , Barney . Barney does harbor considerable concern for the fate of the local Koala population , so their suspicions could be justifiable .  

They must be cunning these "lefties" , to influence the questions on the latest Census the way you have revealed .  We haven't seen the questions yet , but you tell us they have been modified such that a citizen can more readily describe themselves as having no religion .   This may mean that folk are not pressed to tell a lie , but if anything is a declaration of war on Christianity that certainly is .  Well spotted . 

I liked the way you pointed out all the good things that Christianity has produced  .  Hospitals  , hostels and  ambulances you said .  You could also have mentioned boarding schools , orphanages , nunneries , and boy's choirs .   A bit of a bugger that you forgot those , but no harm done . 

Anyway your final punch line is what confused me .   You pointed out that none of the above fine institutions had ever been introduced by " the Greens ".  

But Andy , the Greens were first established  in 1992 , long after the development of all those institutions  you mentioned . 

One might just as well ridicule the Greens for saying zip when the Japanese bombed Darwin in 1942 . 

 Your enthusiasm for ridiculing the Greens is admirable Andy  . But does it make sense to jam religious preference , ideology , history , environmentalism and truthfulness into the same pinata , so that blindfolded you can demolish them all with a single conservative whack ?

I am confused .

Your comrade , Ken



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