Reference :- One can' t help but notice the changed demeanor of the Sky News team as they attempt to prove they have done nothing wrong .
Dear purveyors of news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore ,
This banning seems terribly unfair to us here at the Sky Reply . For starters just because you promise to deliver news we can trust and opinions we can't ignore , that doesn't mean you shouldn't also deliver news we can't trust and opinions we should ignore . After all , that is what balanced reporting is supposed to be .
Fortunately, it appears that less than a dozen of your segments have been removed from You Tube , out of all the thousands you have posted . This should make you feel less threatened .
Nonetheless , by responding as though all your posts have been banned you are certain to glean more sympathy from your supporters . And it gives you the opportunity to discuss your less controversial broadcasts in detail , even though these are not what triggered the ban . This shores up your credibility .
Here at The Sky Reply we find the banning of a news outlet on You Tube a cause for concern . A couple of Ken Junior's limericks last year were a bit racy , but we have not considered removing them from our site . The principal of free speech is one of the pillars of democracy .
Obviously your endless calls for the ABC to be de-funded are an exception . Likewise the way you tend to ignore the arrests of leftist journalists in Australia should not invite criticism . Freedom of speech should not be extended to those who abuse it .
Anyway , you have a lot to think about right now , so we thought a bit of news from here in Kooralya might brighten your day .
Yesterday our mate Trevor was banned from the local pub for a week . The pub has certain rules the patrons are expected to abide by . One of these rules , although I have not seen it written down , must apparently read .
Poor old Trevor protested the next day that he has been drinking at the pub for years and has never done anything wrong before . He further explained that he had often helped out by doing some cleaning up at the pub . Especially after the night of the big brawl that saw more broken glass than " Kristallnacht ".
And the publican replied ,
" That is why I am only banning you for one week after removing your notice ".
Although the goings on at Kooralya are hardly part of the big picture , we thought you might find the story amusing .
Your comrade , Ken