Reference :- Could it have something to do with avoiding the spotlight ?
Dear purveyors of opinions we can trust ,
Upon reflection , I can see that Sky News might have another reason for avoiding reports on the arrest of Jordan Shanks' producer , Kristo Langker .
Kristo was arrested by those anti-terrorism cops and charged with stalking only hours after his encounter with Mr Barilaro . It's easy to see why Mr Barilaro felt his life was being threatened . Personally I have never been approached in broad daylight in a public place and had somebody ask me a question and try to hand me a document that I had sent to them for further clarification . Until one found oneself in such a terrifying situation , one could not predict how one might react . I reckon if one called the anti- terrorism squad and demanded an immediate arrest , that would be a very restrained response in such circumstances .
Anyway , I can now understand your reluctance to report on the story . If handing somebody their own letter and asking a question is seen as a threat , that does put you in a vulnerable position .
It could mean that Peta Credlin overstepped the mark when she suggested certain people needed to be bashed with baseball bats . It could also mean that when Alan Jones suggested taking a senior public figure out to sea and throwing her overboard in a sack , he was transgressing .
I don't wish to overstate the case , but perhaps calling the premier of Victoria ( Chairman Dan ) a communist agent , or President Biden ( Sleepy Joe ) senile is risky ? There are countless more examples of colorful language you have used This could leave you at risk of being violently shoved to the ground and handcuffed by the anti -terrorist squad .
So yes , I believe you are doing the right thing by hiding in the shadows and avoiding the story . Instead , why not ramp up your campaign revealing how the " woke left " is crushing our freedom of speech ? It will indicate that you don't think gagging orders and arrests by shadowy government agencies are limiting that freedom , and usefully demonstrate which side you are on .
Oh , one more thing . It was very impressive to see how swiftly the anti -terrorist squad acted for Mr Barilaro when they heard he was peeing himself with fear because of a stalker . I wonder if ( with all your connections ) you can forward me the number Mr Barilaro called ? My cousin Sandra has been stalked by her former husband for two years now . She has been slapped about three times , threatened on the footpath in front of witnesses , and her beloved pet dog was found dead at the rubbish tip after mysteriously disappearing .
So far she has been told that the police can do nothing , but I reckon that anti -terror squad is exactly who she needs to contact . We have discussed the matter , and she is prepared to trick her stalker into handing her a letter in a public place and walking away if that ensures he will be thrown to the ground , handcuffed and arrested . It may be entrapment , but as we all know , that has never bothered the authorities in the past .
Thanks for help , Sandra will appreciate it .
Your comrade , Ken .
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