Reference :- Take our simple 5 minute quiz to see if you can join Qanon. ( Warning you must score maximum points to qualify . )
For each pair of statements , circle the one that more closely matches your belief .
A. Covid is being used by the elites to decimate the population .
B . Covid does not exist .
A. Satellites orbiting the globe are actually alien spaceships .
B. There are no satellites since the earth is flat .
A. The covid vaccine is being used by the elite to control our minds .
B . The roll out of the covid vaccine has been slow because the elites don't want us immunized .
A . The world is run by sexually obsessed pedophiles .
B. The world is run by alien lizards who reproduce asexually .
A. Donald Trump had the election stolen from him because he is a globalist .
B. Donald Trump had the election stolen from him by the globalists .
A. The Holocaust was actually supported by wealthy Zionists wishing to establish an Israeli State .
B. The Holocaust never happened .
A . The 9/11 Twin Towers bombing was an inside job by the CIA to justify the war in Iraq.
B . The 9/11 Twin Towers bombing was an inside job by Wall St bankers to conceal fraud .
A. Q is a high ranking government official in the military .
B. Q is in hiding because the military is looking for him .
A. There is no global warming , it is a conspiracy by the world's scientists .
B. The rapid warming of the globe is being caused by chemtrails .
A. There was never a moon landing , since it is impossible to travel there .
B. Elites are building a secret base on the dark side of the moon .
A . Scott Morrison won't discuss Qanon since he believes it does not exist .
B. Scott Morrison won't discuss Qanon since he is the head of it's Australian chapter .
Now you can determine your score . For each "A " circled , score ten points . For each "B" circled , score ten points .
If you achieved the maximum score of 110 points you are eligible to become a fully fledged member of Qanon .
Remember Qanon is all things to all people . Why not join the movement ? It allows you to focus your anger about the monster of galloping vampire capitalism on something that's easier to rant about .
How good is that ?
Your comrade , Ken .
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