Monday, June 14, 2021

Reference :- Sky News columnist , Peta Credlin , has been made an " Officer of the Order of Australia ".

 Reference :-  The Sky Reply team have congratulated  Peta Credlin on her Queen's Birthday award . 

Dear razor sharp political analyst , 

                                                         Well done Peta , who would have thought ?   I guess you will be taking that award straight to your pool room .  Although 947 worthy souls scored the award  , we reckon you are the stand out recipient  .  As you point out , 44% of recipients were female ,"without a quota in sight ".   That will surely silence anybody who thinks you are just a token female awardee , merely there to keep the numbers up.   Although Ken junior  , the cheeky bugger , did suggest that maybe you are there to show that old and unattractive females have not been overlooked . 

Anyway Peta , the lads at the Sky Reply have been discussing which of your many achievements clinched you the award .   Ken junior reckons your horror movie " Dangerous Decisions " pushed you across the line .  But I don't think that was it .  Admittedly the show  was a brave attempt to single- handedly bring down a popular and democratically elected state government . But sadly , despite the admirably creepy music , it was a total failure .   Mind you , your show looks much better now that your partner in crime, Chris Kenny , humiliated himself by trying to discredit two former Prime Ministers with his train wreck documentary  "Men in the Mirror ".  Compared to young Chris's disaster , your attempt to destroy Premier Daniel Andrews' career looks like first rate journalism . 

 Sky Reply contributing editor  , Monte , considers that your invention of the term " carbon tax " during your days in Canberra was your greatest achievement .  That moniker has certainly endured . Even  the crazy left have been tricked into using it .  However , in my view , you boasted about that too much , and one needs to remain humble if one is chasing awards .     Here is your enthusiastic quote , if you recall . 

    "  It wasn't a carbon tax , as you know ......but we made it a carbon tax . We made it a fight about the hip pocket , and not the environment . "  

  So top points for simplifying an issue for the electorate , but  I reckon it's your recent apologies that caught the attention of those issuing  the awards . 

 That 30 second apology you made to the South Sudanese community in Melbourne was admirable .  After falsely accusing them of being illiterate Muslims  ( they were Christians if you remember ) who spread the dread Covid germ during Ramadam , you had the good sense to make an apology before inadvertently inciting acts of racial vilification .

 And although apologies are not your strong suit , it is the thought that counts .  The same applies to your apology to Kevin Rudd for telling untruths about his petition calling for a Royal Commission into the media .  The fact that you were forced to make the apology as part of a defamation settlement for an undisclosed sum in no way suggests that you were not sincere. 

Our columnist , Gabbo , reckons it's strange that somebody convicted of defaming a  Prime Minister should receive an Order of Australia  .  But I reckon former PM Tony Abbott probably pulled a few strings for you now he has a job  in Old Blighty working for the pommies .  And there is no shame in that , since Mr Abbott finally did the honorable thing and registered himself as an agent of foreign influence last year .

One last thing Peta .  You seem very short of inspiration lately , so why not report on the antics of that political journalist Jordan Shanks?   The other news outlets have kept us up to date regarding the litigation he faces and the arrest of his producer by some shadowy government security agency , but Sky News won't touch his story with a ten foot poll .   Jordie may have put Chris Kenny to shame , but I reckon you could teach him a thing or two . 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS   Peta , you can start researching  your story about Jodie on You Tube at " Friendlyjordies arrested "  It is quite an eye-opener . 




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