Saturday, June 26, 2021

Reference :- There is an extremely smelly pachyderm in the room that Sky News won't talk about . Part 3

Reference:-   Nationals MP and friend of Mr Barilaro , Mr Wes Fang , explained that the arrest of a comedian on the steps of his parent's Sydney home is nothing to be concerned about . 

Dear Mr Fang  (If that is your real name )  , 

   Thank you for finally shedding light on the Kristo Langker affair .    The news outlets are afraid to discuss it .   Possibly they fear being arrested themselves .    Not that being arrested is in itself a shocking thing . But being forced to the ground and handcuffed  despite the fact that you are completely cooperating does put a bit of an edge on the experience .  Civil rights supporters and senior lawyers have described Mr Langker's arrest as an alarming overreach by a government goon squad , but fortunately you have taken the time to present the other side of the debate, without being excessively verbose . 

As you say , Mr Langker was violently arrested by a goon squad because your friend Mr Barilaro had been subjected to " unfair criticism " by " what is effectively a Labor supporting comedian ". 

Well what did Mr Langker think would happen to him ? Case closed , I reckon . 

Sky Reply contributing editor , Monte , was going to write a long article questioning the circumstances of Mr Langker's arrest .   But I talked him out of it .  I told him he shouldn't risk being arrested by the goon squad . Young Monte is in a vulnerable position , being " what is effectively a Labor supporting motorcyclist " . 

Keep up the good work Mr Fang , and send my regards to your relatives in China .  They certainly know how to defend a politician's civil liberties over there. 

Your comrade, Ken .



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