Friday, February 26, 2021

Reference:- Mr Morrison made a mistake with a date .

Reference :-   Mr Morrison read the wrong date from some paperwork he had taken to Parliament . 


Parliament can be hectic , so we can hardly blame Mr Morrison for reading from the wrong page of his notes . When asked at what time he had first heard of a sexual assault that had allegedly taken place just down the corridor in his workplace , Mr Morrison initially  read " the 5th of March " , but then made a hasty correction to " the 12th of February . It was a simple mistake . And it is easy to understand how one could misread the two dates since they look so similar .  

But sadly , some folk  ( including  Ken junior ) have noted that the 5th of March 2019 was the day after the Federal Police received the assault complaint    .  Those with suspicious minds  ( including Ken junior ) have suggested that Mr Morrison made a Freudian slip , and inadvertently mentioned the very date he was trying to conceal . 

Furthermore , those with suspicious minds ( including Ken junior ) find it hard to believe that Mr Morrison knew nothing of the complaint , while practically everybody else at Parliament House, including the cleaning lady , did. 

 But I believe we must take Mr Morrison's  explanation at face value , because he wouldn't lie . He is a fully paid up member of a taxpayer funded Christian sect with a divine commandment that states unambiguously. " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor . " 

 I told Ken junior this . 

"  That false witness commandment does strike me as a bit ambiguous actually ",   Ken junior said . 

 "  Go to buggery " ,  I explained . 

Anyway , lets hope that everybody soon forgets about the 5th of March  .  

That date is too close to the Ides of March for comfort . 

 Your comrade , Ken .





Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reference :- Sometimes a gift can be an insult .

Reference :-  Prime Minister Scott Morrison has decided that a sensible increase in the JobSeeker allowance will be $3.57 per day .  The Sky Reply has asked a local identity , Trevor , who once made a living fixing broken Beta video players before the franchise was closed , to express his thanks .

Dear Mr Morrison , 

 What a great blessing it will be to receive that extra  $3.57  each and every day . That is the kind of generosity that turns a bloke's life around .  It's not just the money , but the realization that people in power care for those who find life a struggle .  For years folk like me have felt that they have been fobbed off , and treated as failures and a drag on the economy .  But you have changed all that . 

You would be amazed by how my sense of self respect and optimism have been buoyed . Now that I am financially secure , anything seems possible .

 The lads at The Sky Reply tell me that the overall cost of the increase will be a massive 9 billion dollars each annum .    A figure like that seems astronomical to me , but the lads put it into perspective by explaining that taxpayer subsidies to the fossil fuel industry amount to more than 12 billion each annum . 

I hear coal is on the way out , so I figure 12 billion can't be very much , which makes me feel better about the figure for the JobSeeker increase . 

 Anyway , thanks again Mr Morrison .  You are a true gentleman and a model Christian . 

  Not everybody who benefits from your decision will write to you , since  stamps are expensive these days . But if you look around the next time you go for a stroll in a poor neighborhood ,  the abundance of cheery folk and happy faces will remind you that you have made a huge difference to our lives . 

 Kindest regards , Trevor.  

 P.S.    If you ever need a Beta video player fixed  I am your man .  Those new VHS ones are rubbish , and I reckon Beta is ripe for a comeback .



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Reference :- The Snow in Texas is a gift to Sky News .

Reference :-   Sky News has made the most of the snow in Texas , using it to discredit the science of climate change and praise the reliability of fossil fuels for electricity generation . 

Dear purveyors of ideology free news , 

Oh how we laughed . We especially liked  those ( admittedly rerun thousands of times over the years and sourced from another country ) shots of a helicopter melting the ice from the blades of a wind generator .  

It reminded us of stories about our great grandfather . He used to show folk photos of his draft horse pulling a Model T Ford out of a bog .  "  These stupid cars will never amount to anything . "  he would say .  " Horses are here to stay if you want reliable transport ".  

It was also shrewd of you to not mention the fact that 2 out of 5 fossil fuel powered generators in Texas also  fritzed out because they were not made to cope with extreme cold .  Just like those wind generators . Ticking the " still functions in cold weather " option on the order sheet would have cost the power companies too much , and eaten into profits . 

Texas prides itself as a state unfettered by government interference in private industry  .   ( Except for the tax breaks and subsidies naturally. )  And one can see how the business model for power supply self adjusts in a free market .     Although millions of folk are sans electricity , the ones who still have access to electrons are being charged up to one thousand dollars a day to keep the stove working so they can boil some water . 

 That will stop profits from falling too far .  (  Although it might take some time to get the money from those customers who only make  8 quid an hour working for Walmart . ) 

 As with the Pandemic , we can see how the USA , as the bastion of free market capitalism , nurtures its shareholders ... I mean citizens ....through every crisis. 

 You comrade , Ken . 



Monday, February 22, 2021

Reference :- Sky News host , Rowan Dean , demonstrated the clarity of his thinking .

Reference :-    Rowan Dean believes that songstress Madonna is being hypocritical for condemning " the so called patriarchy ".  

Damn good point Rowan . I like the way you think . Madonna is a woman , and she certainly has done well for herself despite " the so called patriarchy. "    There is such an elegant logic to this , that I reckon you should pursue the idea further .

For example , the great jazz trumpet player  Louis Armstrong made a packet in the USA during an era of  " so called racial segregation ".   

 And hedge fund manager John Paulson made billions during  " the so called Global Economic Crisis " of 2007 . 

 And Englishman Douglas Bader became one of the most successful fighter pilots  of WW2  despite his " so called paraplegia ".  

I could go on , but that should get you started with your theme , best summarized as ....

 '" It's pretty obvious that if somebody appears to succeed when the odds are stacked against them , it is not because they are exceptional , but because the odds were not stacked against them in the first place ". 

  Bertrand Russell must be rolling in his grave thinking  " Why didn't I come up with that first ? "

 Your comrade , Ken . 




Sunday, February 21, 2021

Reference :- Furrow browed Sky News weatherboy , Rowan Dean , sure is angry these days .

 Reference :-   Rowan Dean is inclined to resort to name calling when he is flustered . 

 Those watching Rowan Dean rant about the current cold spell in the northern hemisphere could easily become confused by his terminology .  The team at the Sky Reply has taken the time to list  the following definitions , as a service to the community . 


  CARPETBAGGERS     .................97 %  OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS 

  COWARDS ....................................97%   OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS 

  CROOKS .......................................97%  OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS 

  CLOWNS .......................................97 %  OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS 

  CONMEN .......................................97 %  OF CLIMATE SCIENTISTS 

Ken junior noted that all these monikers start with the letter "C"  .    

 " There is another pretty obvious "C" word Rowan forgot to use ."  ,   Ken junior said . 

 "  I can't think of one . What is it ? "   ,    I said . 

  "  Chicanery ."    Ken junior said . 

  Anyway ,  looking back at Rowan's enlightening presentation , he had not overlooked chicanery , but had used the more colorful expressions  " sleight of hand " and " garbage ". 

 SLEIGHT OF HAND  .......................................  CLIMATE SCIENCE 

 GARBAGE ...........................................................CLIMATE SCIENCE 

 We hope you find this simple guide useful . 

 Your comrade , Ken 




Saturday, February 20, 2021

Reference :- When you play the game , you must keep score .

Reference :-   Sky News is not a news service , but an ideological  battle ground .  Although they don't always tell us who is winning .  Peta Credlin isn't doing very well at present . 

 Gosh Peta , I see that your segment berating former PM Kevin Rudd was not as well received as you might have hoped . 

 I daresay you have turned your back on the whole shabby affair , rather like Liberal Senator David Van  ,who abandoned his post at the inquiry and rudely walked out when his attempt to humiliate Mr Rudd dismally failed .  ( I wonder if he was still paid for attending ? )

 And indeed , the less said now the better .  Nonetheless, here at The Sky Reply we like to keep our fingers on the pulse of public opinion . Accordingly we profer herewith  a few statistics to shed light upon the outcome of your recent diatribe . 

 Number of views to date on You Tube of Mr Rudd's Senate presentation .  ........... >  69, 000

 Number of views on You Tube to date of your riposte ............................................> 12,000

 Ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down for Mr Rudd's speech .. approx 40 thumbs up for each thumbs down 

Ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down for your riposte ..........approx 1 thumb up for each thumb down . 

I guess that shows the clear winner , Peta . 

 I reckon you are smart enough to drop the subject now .  But if not , how about this for a headline ? 

 "   Australians are not interested in having their taxpayer dollars wasted on a Media Royal Commission triggered by a petition filled with fake signatures . " 

 That should get the ball rolling for you .   

 Your comrade , Ken . 

 Disclaimer :-    The Sky Reply accepts no responsibility for this post and warns that it should not be accepted as advice , and that you should consider your own personal circumstances and consult a reputable law firm before taking any action .






Friday, February 19, 2021

Reference :- The Sky Reply was tempted to run a risky headline .

 Reference :-   The Sky Reply was going to run " Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned " as a banner headline . 

Sometimes a chap of advanced age can become out of touch with modern standards of courtesy  , and unintentionally offend the rules of political correctness .  Fortunately Ken junior put me straight . 

"  I wouldn't  use ' Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ' .  " ,  Ken junior said . 

  I thought about it and could see he might have a point . 

  " What would you suggest then ? "      I said 

   "  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned , especially if it is Peta Credlin . "    Ken junior said . 

The undisputed matron of Sky News ,   Peta Credlin , wasted no time in castigating former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after he had presented his call for a Royal Commission into the Media to Parliament . 

 And fair enough too Peta .  Losing a court battle with him , and copping a fine for unintentionally lying about him is enough to irritate anybody . You deserve to take revenge , and it was fun watching your response . The actual discussion with Mr Rudd in parliament was so calm it was boring . What a relief it was to flick on Sky News and have the usual venomous diatribe hilariously spat at us . 

 But Peta , do be careful.    Your seat in the courtroom is still warm from your last visit and it is unwise to risk  another punitive litigation . As Schopenhauer told us , fury can tempt one into the use hyperbole , and lies . 

 You started venting by calling the petition a " narcissistic sideshow " .   But the largest e -petition in Australian history , with over half a million signatories calling for action is not a  " sideshow ".   And those signatures were accrued in less than one month , with computer glitches a limiting factor . 

 Dull though it was , we watched Mr Rudd's introductory speech , with a critical eye peeled for evidence of narcissism .   Strangely he didn't mention himself once , referencing instead  , other political figures who had suffered unfair treatment by the Murdoch media .  Perhaps you use a less common definition of "narcissism "?     One that does not include appearing on the front of a video called " Dangerous Decisions " pretending to be Glenn Close . 

  Another point you made concerned the current kerfuffle surrounding the power of Facebook and Google  .   You said that Kevin Rudd is so busy admonishing the Murdoch media that he has not bothered to express concern about those companies .   That would have been a good point if it was true . In fact Mr Rudd mentioned his concern about those companies in the first five minutes of his appearance, so you were unintentionally mistaken again .

  Anyway Peta , at least you did make one sensible remark . Your  " sticking a knife in the back " of Mr Rudd statement was clever ,  since you referred to the knife as being in the hands of Julia Gillard , which left you innocent of violent intent . 

And we sure laughed when you accused  Mr Rudd of having a " creepy Credlin obsession ".    There was a none too subtle sexual flavor to that remark  .    Ken junior laughed . 

"  I reckon quite a few blokes might have an obsession with " creepy Credlin " .  Ken junior said . 

He might be right , but don't let it go to your head .  

 Your comrade ,  Ken .




Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Reference :- Not many folk are watching Sky News these days .

 Reference :-   Is belligerent,  name calling , biased , proselytizing journalism becoming outdated ? 

It was Monte who alerted us first . 

" Have you noticed how almost nobody is watching Sky News these days ? "  Monte said . 

  So we looked at the figures , and more people would would probably tune in to a rerun of " The Phyllis Diller Show ". 

  But we did find a glimmer of hope in the otherwise appalling viewer numbers  . It seems that when  " The Outsiders "   ( Rowan Dean's glittering effort ) interviewed former Fox host , Megyn Kelly , more than one hundred times the usual number of viewers were glued to the tube . 

"They have to get her back then ." ,  Ken junior said . 

 But after watching the segment , it was obvious that as the interview progressed ,  Megyn had  started to feel like someone  being questioned  by the gay revellers from " The Rocky Horror Picture Show "  . 

Megyn is a skilled journalist , and remained  buoyantly polite , to her credit . 

 I doubt she will be back . 

Since the Sky hosts mostly interview each other , perhaps somebody could take a fall for the team and commit some kind of deplorable turpitude .   Preferably something of a prurient nature .  There is nothing like a filthy scandal to get the viewers in . 

Your comrade , Ken



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Reference :- Sky News suffered another defeat in their war against " lefties " (whatever they are ) .

Reference :-  You would think the Sky News hosts would would tire of being wrong .  But no . 

Dear purveyors of fearless opinions , 

Can you imagine our surprise when we discovered that Premier Daniel Andrews has been nominated for the 2020 McKinnon Prize for political leadership ?    Your cadre at Sky News has been telling us that Mr Andrews is an incompetent leftie traitor .    ( About 9 million times at last count ) . 

Well obviously our first thought was that  the McKinnon Prize must be a tool of the woke latte sipping lefties . But as it turns out , the award is independent and non- partisan .  The award has been dished out to folk on both sides of the so called 'political divide ". 

 One of the linchpins of your team , Rita Panahi , was so shocked to hear of the nomination that she could only resort to that overused  cliche  " this must be an attempt at comedy " . 

( Tut tut Rita ... very disappointing .  What has happened to your amusing alliteration ?   You could have run with " pathetic premier's prize proposal ") .

 Annoyingly , Ken junior reckons that the recent polls showing Mr Andrews has the overwhelming support of his electorate might have swayed the judges . 

 Anyway , maybe he won't receive the award despite the nomination .  He has said he is not interested in the award , only the best interests of Victorians . Furthermore , he said that he would prefer to see the nurses and grocery workers and food delivery folk and all responsible citizens recognised . 

 And that kind of selfish hypocrisy is bound to annoy the judges . 

Your comrade , Ken . 



Monday, February 15, 2021

Reference :- Sometimes Sky News can be confusing .

Reference :-   Sky News host , Peta Credlin  , ran two consecutive segments that contradicted each other . 

Well Peta ,  that  sure confused us a bit here at The Sky Reply . In the first segment you revealed to us  that Victorians are " absolutely livid " with the incompetent management of Premier Daniel Andrews . 

In the second segment ( your trademark " razor sharp " interview with fellow Sky  host Rita Panahi )  , you informed us that Mr Andrews has a " cult like following " , and in the eyes of Victorians he " can do no wrong ".  

Ken junior was confused .  

 " Peta Credlin has lost the plot . "   , Ken junior said . 

 But of course , you hadn't lost the plot at all .    I explained this to Ken junior . 

"  Peta Credlin hasn't lost the plot at all "  ,  I said . 

 Ken junior looked confused . 

" Look ,  her sole purpose is to discredit Mr Andrews  ( AKA  Dodgy Dan ) .  Using contradictory arguments does not bother her , provided they serve that purpose ",   I said 

Anyway Peta , that set him straight I think .  The two most annoying things about Ken junior are , firstly , that he never thinks for himself , and secondly , that he is always coming up with his own crazy ideas . 

 Your comrade , Ken .





Friday, February 12, 2021

Reference :- Is it us ? Or has Sky News jumped the shark ?

Reference :-   Sky News is more hilarious than usual of late .   

Last night we cracked the popcorn and switched on the tele for our daily dose of Sky News . 

The recent rains have filled the water tank . The paddocks are green .  The lads have fixed Monte's motorbike so it does wheelies better than ever .  The latest batch of home brew is a true vintage . And Dog had enjoyed a hoot of a day chasing a couple of cheeky hares down by the creek . 

Ken junior  crammed his mouth full of salty caramel popcorn , flicked the switch on the tele , and flopped back into the chaise longue . 

"  I wonder what happened today ? "   Ken junior mumbled as he chomped away . 

   A moment later Peta Credlin , plastered with more make up than a pantomime witch , loudly announced ( in her trademark disgusted tone )   "  Woke madness is destroying the West ! " 

Ken junior laughed so suddenly that he sprayed popcorn across our Persian rug . 

" Hey , don't trash the Persian rug ! " ,  I said 

 " It's a fake anyway . "  ,  Ken junior said 

 " But it's a good fake . They don't make them like that anymore .  Clean it up " ,  I said 

  Ken junior nodded in the direction of Dog who had jumped into action immediately and was slurping up the popcorn . 

 " Already done" , Ken junior said . 

 Dog glanced about furtively , hoping for more popcorn .  As it turned out , there was plenty more to come . 

 " I wonder how long it will take for them to say " Marxist ? " ,  Gabbo laughed . 

  Suddenly Peta's comrade at Sky News , Rowan Dean , was banging on about " woke identity politics " and " the left wing agenda " .

 "They are interviewing each other again ! " ,   Monte burst out , and sprayed another mouthful  of popcorn over the rug .  Dog leapt into action , tail wagging . 

 Gabbo had his stopwatch running , and 27 seconds into the show Rowan warned us of the 

 " dangerous neo- marxist creed "  .    

Well that was all we could take .  Popcorn flew everywhere , and we ended up throwing handfuls at each other while we rolled about laughing hysterically . 

 Dog loved it . 

 Anyway , on a more serious note , it is very noble of Peta to risk her credibilty like that .  

She gets well paid to stir fear among us so that the elite sucking the planet dry go unnoticed .  And she gives it her best .

I explained this to the lads . 

 "  What about Rowan Dean's credibilty ? "  ,  Monte said . 

"  He never had any credibility in the first place "  , Gabbo said . 

 Dog could see what was coming , and was ready . 

  Your comrade , Ken

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Reference :- Burley Sky news host Paul Murray has attacked young Greta Thunberg again .

 Reference :-    In one of his many manly gestures , Paul Murray has berated Greta Thunberg for scaring children . 

You are right Paul.  That young Greta girl has fair put the wind up a lot of folk with her grim news about the state of the aerosphere .  How dare she . 

And to what purpose  ?   Doubtless the aerosphere is all sooted up , but why go on about it ?   We don't have to worry about it ourselves , since we will be dead long before the looming climate catastrophe hits it's stride . 

( I will probably die of terminal crankiness , though I suspect you will succumb to a coronary thrombosis if you keep stacking on the avoirdupois . )   

Contributing editor at The Sky Reply , young Monte , reckons that he is not worried about the climate either . He says that now all the plastic microparticles are becoming so small that they can cross the blood brain barrier and clog up everybody's cerebral fluids , we are as good as extinct anyway . 

 Everybody here believes he is right on the money with his gruesome prediction  , but at least he doesn't go on about it all the time . 

  Your comrade , Ken



Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Reference :- The World Health Organisation has produced it's report on the origin of Covid 19.

Reference :-    According to the WHO , the Chinese authorities have been most cooperative regarding their investigation into the origin of COVID 19.  

The WHO  tells us that they don't believe the dread virus was first produced in a Chinese laboratory . They say it was most likely transferred from  bats . 

But of course , one can't rely upon the WHO to tell the truth .  

In such situations , I always tune to Sky News for some informed insight .  Especially when one of their news anchors is interviewing yet another of their news anchors . What better way could there be to avoid the lies of epidemiologists,  and get to the truth ? 

On this occasion it was a grinning Paul Murray interviewing a smirking Rita Panahi .  And Rita's smirk told us all we need to know .   Apparently the entire investigation was a " whitewash " and " compromised ".  Once she informed  us of this terrible fact , it was pretty obvious to anybody ... I guess .

Anyway , after all the expense , the expert analysis , and the cooperation of the Chinese authorities , Rita laughingly told us we are " none the wiser ". 

 You would have to be batty to think otherwise . 

Which reminds me .  Sky News hasn't used alliteration in their banner headlines for a long time .  And alliteration is one of Rita's special talents  . 

Ken junior reckons she could have run a beauty for this story . 

"  Batty bogus boofheads believe baloney "  .   Not bad for the first one of the year . 

  According to Ken junior , Rita should get back into the swing with her quirky headlines . 

  " I like it when Rita's writing really rocks " , Ken junior said . 

Your comrade , Ken . 




Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Reference :- Today we decided to run a local news item .

 Reference :-   During a lull in the world news ,  The Sky Reply decided to run a story about events at the Kooralya Pub .  And the pending court case . 

Usually there is not much news to report from Kooralya . Except for the regular devastating droughts and uncontrollable infernos , not a lot happens out our way .   

Recently however , everybody in town has been talking about the dodgy barman who was sacked from the Kooralya pub .    His name is Ronald , and since he has been  whiningly out of sorts lately , we have nick-named him Ronald Grump . 

Anyway ,  here's what happened .   Ronald ran the bar for a few years.   Soon after he got the job , he started giving free beers to those he owed favors .   The publican didn't know this was happening , and Ronald kept telling him the Kooralya pub was more popular than ever , and profits were soaring .  But when the overdraft on the business account showed the opposite , the publican looked past Ronald's lies.  He then discovered the free beer racket , plus a fingers in the till racket , and the fact that Ronald hadn't been deducting his PAYE tax from his monthly wage .   Ronald was sacked on the spot .

 But Ronald needs to keep providing free beers for favors , since he owes a few hard men quite a lot of spondula ,  especially his bookie . And he is also heavily in debt to a blonde haired lady called  Cherish  who rents an upstairs room at the pub .  So Ronald decided to get the local bikies to come to the pub and force the publican to keep him on as barman . 

Things got out of hand . The bar was trashed , and the local cop ended up sustaining a broken jaw . 

 Next month there will be a court case .   Ronald says the hearing will be a farce , since he doesn't even work at the pub anymore . 

 "  They can't fire me if I don't work there anymore " ,  Ronald said . 

  The cops say that has nothing to do with being charged for provoking a civil disturbance . 

 It's all pretty exciting for a quiet little town like Kooralya ,  though obviously one would never encounter such shabby behavior in the marbled halls of global power .

 But one thing I can't understand is  .....   why has nobody  ever introduced me to Cherish ? 

Your comrade , Ken


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Reference :- The key opinion makers at Sky News have all returned , and they are angrier than ever . .

Reference :-   To quote from The Blues Brothers ,  "the band is getting back together ". 

The good thing about the Sky News anchors is that each has a unique style , and each evaluates the news from a different perspective , free of blind ideology .   No matter who you are , you can choose a style of presentation and a viewpoint that you find appealing .

Here at The Sky Reply we have listed the key opinion makers at Sky News , and indicated their particular flair . Now you can quickly choose which presenter  you would prefer to have telling you how to think . 

Peta Credlin  ...    Angry , right wing , science denier . 

Alan Jones   ...     Belligerent , conservative , anti - intellectual .

Chris Kenny  ...    Spiteful  , old guard , troglodyte . 

Rowan Dean  ...    Enraged , obstinate , ignoramus .

 Paul Murray  ...    Irate , illiberal , philistine .  

Andrew Bolt  ...    Resentful  , tory , university drop out  . 

Rita Panahi   ...     Aggrieved , anti -leftist , lowbrow . 

With such  a diverse array of opinion makers , there is no need for anybody to look elsewhere for their daily news.  Certainly not the ABC  ( AKA   The Taxpayer Funded ABC ) .

Oh .     Ken junior just told me that we should include Mr Cory Bernardi , who has recently brought  his own special style to the hallowed studios of Sky News . 

Cory Bernadi  ...   Uptight , neo-liberal , fabian conspiracist 

 A full definition of " fabian " can be found in any edition of Funk and Wagnalls .  

According to Ken junior , the fabians  do lean a tad left . 

Your comrade , Ken .


Reference:- According to the recently dusted former leader of the National Party , Australia's government debt is more concerning than climate change . 

Reference :-   Hyperlipidemic Sky News anchor , Paul Murray , interviewed Mr Barnaby Joyce . 

It seems  that government debt has hit 1.7 trillion quid .  That is serious money .  Mr Joyce has reminded us that we have to pay it back over the next generation . Nobody here at The Sky Reply quite understands what the rush is , especially since interest rates are lower than a snake's belly . 

Meanwhile , learned gentlemen at Melbourne University tell us that over three decades , climate change is going to cost the economy more than 2.7 trillion .  

I guess that means we had better pay back that  1.7 trillion pronto , so we only have another trillion to fork out as the planet to bakes to a cinder  . 

 The whole situation is hard to comprehend .  

Anyway , in other news ,  the other day  Monte decided that he couldn't afford to replace the timing belt on his motorbike .  He wanted to pay off his tab at the Kooralya pub first , even though they don't charge any interest . 

Sadly the belt broke , and he blew up his engine .   Now he has a full rebuild to pay for . 

 I told him to stop fretting . The way he is going on about it , you would think he had lost trillions . 

Your comrade , Ken .




Thursday, February 4, 2021

Reference :- Dynamic duo , Peta Credlin and James Morrow discussed the percipience of poiltical interference .

Reference :-   According to Sky News anchor ,  James Morrow ,  " a sophisticated look " should be taken before we meddle in Russia's internal politics . 

Well said James .  When we interfere with the internal politics of another country we should know what we are doing . Especially if that interference involves  , as it so often does , the slaughter of thousands and a significant  investment in expensive ordnance .  

Of course , nobody is suggesting that we stir hostilities with a major nuclear power like Russia .  That would be madness .  It would be as dangerous as .... well ....  promoting a running commentary that viciously insults the Chinese Government , for example . 

Anyway James , I approve of your assumption that political interference is quite justifiable when it is our side doing it . .  After all , we are the good guys , and when we meddle  with the internal affairs of other countries  it is for their own good .  

Obviously if another nation tries to poke a busybody nose into our domestic affairs ,  we are entitled to express our outrage .   Especially if they do so without first taking , as we do ,  " a sophisticated look " at the situation .  

 Your comrade ,  Ken .



Monday, February 1, 2021

Reference :- Thinly disguised Liberal Party spokesperson , Peta Credlin of Sky News has apologised .....again . This time to former Prime Minister , Kevin Rudd .

 Reference :-  It might have been part of a defamation settlement , but how nice of Peta Credlin  to admit that she was wrong . 

Well done Peta .  That was a great apology , and I liked the way you kept both your arms fully visible  to illustrate that one wasn't being twisted behind your back .   That is your second apology in recent times , the other being the apology you made after  falsely blaming  Melbourne's South Sudanese community for spreading the deadly Covid germ . 

As we revealed in a previous post , Sky News has been wrong about practically everything for the last twelve months .   Wrong about the pandemic being a beat up . Wrong about the climate . Wrong about Trump winning the election . Wrong about Brexit being Britain's path to lost glories .  The list goes on .

Which makes me think that your research team isn't up to scratch .  In fact , perhaps you only have one person making up , I mean writing , all the news for you .  That would explain why you sound exactly like Alan Jones .    ( A more masculine version of Alan Jones , of course , and I say that as a tribute . ) 

Anyway Peta , don't be discouraged . The untruth you told about Kevin Rudd using his petition as a data harvesting scheme was not very bad in the scheme of things .  The trouble is , Kevin has the cash to pony up for a lawsuit . You can always  abuse  and vilify those of modest means with impunity , but you should fight shy of folk who can afford a team of credible pettifoggers .

One last thing .  When you apologized to the South Sudanese last year  , you didn't quite manage to look remorseful .  This apology was much better in that regard .  You didn't look very happy at all , which would have appealed to the many in your audience with a taste for schadenfreude . 

Stay chipper , we have a long year ahead . 

Your comrade , Ken