Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reference :- Sometimes a gift can be an insult .

Reference :-  Prime Minister Scott Morrison has decided that a sensible increase in the JobSeeker allowance will be $3.57 per day .  The Sky Reply has asked a local identity , Trevor , who once made a living fixing broken Beta video players before the franchise was closed , to express his thanks .

Dear Mr Morrison , 

 What a great blessing it will be to receive that extra  $3.57  each and every day . That is the kind of generosity that turns a bloke's life around .  It's not just the money , but the realization that people in power care for those who find life a struggle .  For years folk like me have felt that they have been fobbed off , and treated as failures and a drag on the economy .  But you have changed all that . 

You would be amazed by how my sense of self respect and optimism have been buoyed . Now that I am financially secure , anything seems possible .

 The lads at The Sky Reply tell me that the overall cost of the increase will be a massive 9 billion dollars each annum .    A figure like that seems astronomical to me , but the lads put it into perspective by explaining that taxpayer subsidies to the fossil fuel industry amount to more than 12 billion each annum . 

I hear coal is on the way out , so I figure 12 billion can't be very much , which makes me feel better about the figure for the JobSeeker increase . 

 Anyway , thanks again Mr Morrison .  You are a true gentleman and a model Christian . 

  Not everybody who benefits from your decision will write to you , since  stamps are expensive these days . But if you look around the next time you go for a stroll in a poor neighborhood ,  the abundance of cheery folk and happy faces will remind you that you have made a huge difference to our lives . 

 Kindest regards , Trevor.  

 P.S.    If you ever need a Beta video player fixed  I am your man .  Those new VHS ones are rubbish , and I reckon Beta is ripe for a comeback .



1 comment:

  1. It's so refreshing to hear some appreciation from a true battler, instead of the usual bellyaching from bludgers. With $3.57, Trevor can buy a loaf of bread and 1L of milk every day. The food of kings.
