Friday, February 19, 2021

Reference :- The Sky Reply was tempted to run a risky headline .

 Reference :-   The Sky Reply was going to run " Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned " as a banner headline . 

Sometimes a chap of advanced age can become out of touch with modern standards of courtesy  , and unintentionally offend the rules of political correctness .  Fortunately Ken junior put me straight . 

"  I wouldn't  use ' Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned ' .  " ,  Ken junior said . 

  I thought about it and could see he might have a point . 

  " What would you suggest then ? "      I said 

   "  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned , especially if it is Peta Credlin . "    Ken junior said . 

The undisputed matron of Sky News ,   Peta Credlin , wasted no time in castigating former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd after he had presented his call for a Royal Commission into the Media to Parliament . 

 And fair enough too Peta .  Losing a court battle with him , and copping a fine for unintentionally lying about him is enough to irritate anybody . You deserve to take revenge , and it was fun watching your response . The actual discussion with Mr Rudd in parliament was so calm it was boring . What a relief it was to flick on Sky News and have the usual venomous diatribe hilariously spat at us . 

 But Peta , do be careful.    Your seat in the courtroom is still warm from your last visit and it is unwise to risk  another punitive litigation . As Schopenhauer told us , fury can tempt one into the use hyperbole , and lies . 

 You started venting by calling the petition a " narcissistic sideshow " .   But the largest e -petition in Australian history , with over half a million signatories calling for action is not a  " sideshow ".   And those signatures were accrued in less than one month , with computer glitches a limiting factor . 

 Dull though it was , we watched Mr Rudd's introductory speech , with a critical eye peeled for evidence of narcissism .   Strangely he didn't mention himself once , referencing instead  , other political figures who had suffered unfair treatment by the Murdoch media .  Perhaps you use a less common definition of "narcissism "?     One that does not include appearing on the front of a video called " Dangerous Decisions " pretending to be Glenn Close . 

  Another point you made concerned the current kerfuffle surrounding the power of Facebook and Google  .   You said that Kevin Rudd is so busy admonishing the Murdoch media that he has not bothered to express concern about those companies .   That would have been a good point if it was true . In fact Mr Rudd mentioned his concern about those companies in the first five minutes of his appearance, so you were unintentionally mistaken again .

  Anyway Peta , at least you did make one sensible remark . Your  " sticking a knife in the back " of Mr Rudd statement was clever ,  since you referred to the knife as being in the hands of Julia Gillard , which left you innocent of violent intent . 

And we sure laughed when you accused  Mr Rudd of having a " creepy Credlin obsession ".    There was a none too subtle sexual flavor to that remark  .    Ken junior laughed . 

"  I reckon quite a few blokes might have an obsession with " creepy Credlin " .  Ken junior said . 

He might be right , but don't let it go to your head .  

 Your comrade ,  Ken .




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