Monday, February 1, 2021

Reference :- Thinly disguised Liberal Party spokesperson , Peta Credlin of Sky News has apologised .....again . This time to former Prime Minister , Kevin Rudd .

 Reference :-  It might have been part of a defamation settlement , but how nice of Peta Credlin  to admit that she was wrong . 

Well done Peta .  That was a great apology , and I liked the way you kept both your arms fully visible  to illustrate that one wasn't being twisted behind your back .   That is your second apology in recent times , the other being the apology you made after  falsely blaming  Melbourne's South Sudanese community for spreading the deadly Covid germ . 

As we revealed in a previous post , Sky News has been wrong about practically everything for the last twelve months .   Wrong about the pandemic being a beat up . Wrong about the climate . Wrong about Trump winning the election . Wrong about Brexit being Britain's path to lost glories .  The list goes on .

Which makes me think that your research team isn't up to scratch .  In fact , perhaps you only have one person making up , I mean writing , all the news for you .  That would explain why you sound exactly like Alan Jones .    ( A more masculine version of Alan Jones , of course , and I say that as a tribute . ) 

Anyway Peta , don't be discouraged . The untruth you told about Kevin Rudd using his petition as a data harvesting scheme was not very bad in the scheme of things .  The trouble is , Kevin has the cash to pony up for a lawsuit . You can always  abuse  and vilify those of modest means with impunity , but you should fight shy of folk who can afford a team of credible pettifoggers .

One last thing .  When you apologized to the South Sudanese last year  , you didn't quite manage to look remorseful .  This apology was much better in that regard .  You didn't look very happy at all , which would have appealed to the many in your audience with a taste for schadenfreude . 

Stay chipper , we have a long year ahead . 

Your comrade , Ken 


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