Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Reference :- The Sky News Anchors' predictions throughout 2020 were largely delusive .

Reference : -  This is the last of our appraisals of Sky News for 2020 . 


It was just my luck to get landed with the topic of Coronavirus , otherwise known at Sky News as the fake pandemic .   It's a difficult topic to research .   All one has to do is type the letter " C" into a search engine and about 5 million coronavirus articles come up.  Plus a few about Andrew Bolt  . 

 Fusty commentator Alan Jones informed us that there " is not now , and never has been a pandemic " .   And witty weather boy Rowan Dean questioned the death rate , while outspoken nemesis of the ABC  ( AKA as the taxpayer funded ABC ) Chris Kenny laughingly suggested that people were dying "with coronavirus but not from it " .  

 As we draw to the end of the annum , the USA has recorded over one third of a million deaths . A figure which is rapidly growing .  The number of clapped up folk in the birthplace of democracy ( excluding a few hundred other societies going back thousands of years )  will soon  equal the entire population of Australia . And the death rate is six times that of the previous worst flu season .  

I guess that means Sky News has once again been breathtakingly wrong . 

But Sky News tells us the figures , like those for the Presidential Election , have been rigged .  They tell us that folk who pass away from any cause are labelled as Covid deaths , and the total death rate is largely unchanged from previous years .   Could that be true ? 

 No it's not , but uncovering the figures that unambiguously proved  this to be untrue was a tedious business .   Ken junior said he could have saved me the trouble . " Why not look at the number of morgues that have had to hire refrigerated trucks to store the bodies ?  "   he said .  The lad has an annoying  knack for belatedly coming up with great labour saving ideas . 

Anyway , the last news from Kooralya for the year is that our mate Trevor crashed his ute on the way home from the pub .  Nobody was hurt , but the ute is a write off .   That won't bother him for now , since the local cop  booked him for drink driving and he has lost his license .  Trevor reckons the cop gave him a hard time , and wouldn't listen to reason after he blew into the breathalyzer .  

" Look mate , I didn't crash the ute " because "  my blood alcohol is .15 ....  I crashed it " with " a blood alcohol of .15 .  It was the bloody substandard road that caused the crash ! "  Trevor said . 

" It's probably not worth paying a lawyer to run that defense before a judge . "   the cop said . 

 Have a great New Year .    Your comrade , Ken .

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Reference :- The lads at The Sky Reply have run amok .

Reference  :-   With no Sky News to reply to over the Christmas break , Ken junior , Gabbo and Monte have spent too much time on the internet . 

Each of the lads has become obsessed with a conspiracy theory .   Possibly fueled by munching too many of Ken junior's herb cookies .  

It all started with Gabbo, who reckons the murder of President Kennedy was a CIA operation . Then Monte told us that the moon landing was faked in a movie studio .  Ken junior is convinced that the Twin Towers attack was an inside job .  These days you can't trust the media , so I told the lads that there are all kinds of weirdos out there inventing conspiracies .  

"Why would they do that ? " ,   Monte said 

" Maybe to distract us with fake conspiracies so we don't notice what is really happening ."  ,  I said .

"  That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me .  "   Gabbo said . 

"  Just shut up and give me one of those cookies  . "   I said . 

   As time passed , things started to get out of hand . 

 ken junior decided that president kennedy had been assassinated  because he had discovered they were going to fake the moon landings and monte reckoned all the moon landing budget was used to spray chemtrails from commercial aircraft so the aliens at roswell could breathe in our atmosphere then gabbo said passengers on some of those aircraft saw the chemtrail canisters so they crashed them into the twin towers to prevent them from talking and now the fake coronavirus pandemic means there are no passengers on aircraft and they can load them with even more chemtrail substances so the alien reptilians can establish a new world order once the fake global warming hysteria has convinced us to stop burning fossil fuels and devastated our economies but then gabbo wanted to know if I had a favourite conspiracy theory and I said I had uncovered  my own and it wasn't crazy like the others and ken junior wanted to hear it so I told him that brexit and the fake covid pandemic were related and they said how is that and I said the only reason either occurred is because boris johnson needed to settle a wager he made with dominic cummings back in his oxford days about how many lorries could fit on the manston airport runway and the lads all thought that it was obvious now I had pointed it out and it said volumes about the lack of integrity in the media the way that this oxford wager conspiracy has been suppressed for over thirty years anyway that's all for now the lads have just fried our entire months supply of sausages and I had better grab a dozen before they are all eaten off the table by the dog your comrade ken . 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Reference :- Sky News has had nothing to say for days , so we have little to do at The Sky Reply .

Reference :-   The Sky Reply is enjoying a Christmas break . 

 Although we are not religious here at The Sky Reply , we do enjoy observing some  religious festivals . And Christmas is one of them  .  We tend to avoid the festivals that involve fasting or abstaining from alcohol and pleasurable pastimes. 

 Ken junior is currently baking a batch of his special herb cookies , and we have been exchanging gifts .  Mostly jars of home made jam , since the mulberry tree was particularly fecund this season . 

 Gabbo found a good second hand sheet of corrugated iron  and gave it to me so we can fix the leaking roof , but it wouldn't fit under the Christmas tree .  

Monte bought a spray can of silver paint , and we used it to touch up the rust on the Christmas tree . There is still enough left to paint the sheet of corrugated iron  as well , so it was a perfect gift . 

We prefer to have a big Christmas breakfast here in Kooralya , before the day gets too hot .   We do have  have an air conditioner  but it is so old it sounds like a diesel generator , and nobody is convinced that the air it blows out is any cooler than the air it sucks in .   Monte reckons it makes the place smell funny , and Ken junior reckons it's probably full of something he calls Legionnaires Disease , whatever that is . 

 So anyway , while the saveloys were boiling we got to talking about how lucky we are .  There are folk all over the world in dire circumstances and we should spare a thought for them .   Gabbo reminded us that some people will be hungry over Christmas . That started an argument with Monte over the inequality manifest in the capitalist system .  Monte slammed  his fist on the kitchen table , breaking my favorite tea cup , and stormed out of the house .  Ken junior  rushed outside to calm him down . Monte reluctantly came back  , trampling mud all over the rug .   I reminded the lads , sternly , that we had promised nobody would dust anybody on Christmas Day .

That left Ken junior in an agitated frame of mind , and when he pulled his tray of herb cookies out of the oven he set it down on the kitchen  table by mistake and melted  the laminex. 

 Anyway , after awhile everybody calmed down . Gabbo , hoping to start a less political conversation , reminded us that some folk will be spending Christmas all alone . 

 "  Do you ever spare a thought for old folk who are spending their Christmas all alone ? "    Gabbo said . 

   "  I sure do ,  and it's hard not to feel jealous . "   I said . 

  Merry Christmas  to one and all . 

   Your comrade , Ken

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reference :- Another of our reports on the performance of Sky News has been completed .

Reference :-    Sky Reply contributor , Gabbo , has done his assessment of  Sky News' predictions regarding the planet's climate . 

 The Sky News anchors maintain that the planet is not warming , and  adorable weather boy Rowan Dean asserts that the planet is actually cooling .   They have accused " crazy leftists " of deliberately alarming us about the climate for their own evil purposes .   But in reality , perhaps Sky News is deliberately alarming us about fictitious crazy left insurgents.  ( Also for evil purposes . )

Gabbo respects the importance of sound methodology , and he has made the following points . 

He  admits that he has been unable to interview any " crazy lefties " .  We don't seem to have any such folk out here in Kooralya  . Stanley , who has been president of the Kooralya Workers Cooperative for the past 47 years , has never laid eyes on one .  But Gabbo has emphasized that any assessment of the climate must be based on science not ideology ,  hence mere opinion is irrelevant .  

 Furthermore  , since the weather is notoriously hard to predict on a short term basis ( especially when choosing a date for the annual Kooralya School Fete )  Gabbo has looked at the overall trend for the past decade . 

 But firstly ,  Gabbo has provided a brief description of the complex methodology scientists use for measuring climate change .You are not expected to grasp this fully , but it may be of interest to technophiles . 

Temperatures are measured using devices called " thermometers " . 

 The area of polar ice is measured using satellite photographs and a device called a "ruler ".  

 The results are as follows . 

 The last decade has been the hottest since records began .  The past five years have been the hottest  within that decade . 

 The rate of ice loss  in the Antarctic has tripled in the past decade . 

 Arctic ice declined by 13% in the last decade .  Only 5% of the oldest and thickest ice now remains . 

 So it looks like Rowan Dean and his compadres are breathtakingly wrong about an imminent ice age . 

   Monte was shocked by Gabbo's  figures . 

 " Why would the Sky News deceive us about climate change ? ", Monte said . 

 " Do you think it's so the public will let the burning dumpster of vampire capitalism blaze away  until  the  elite are so rich they can buy the entire universe ? "  ,  I said .

  " Yeah , I think so . "  ,  Gabbo said . 

Your comrade , Ken  





Monday, December 21, 2020

Reference :- Sky News made a dog's breakfast of covering Donald Trump's performance in the Presidential Election . How well did they assess Daniel Andrew's performance as Premier of Victoria ?

Reference :- Sky Reply contributor , Monte  , has researched the recent performance of Daniel Andrews,  and compared it with the predictions of Sky News . 

 Monte found the subject more difficult to research than he first thought .  But then he discovered he could find more information by searching  " Comrade Dan "   " No Plan Dan " or   " Dodgy Dan "   on the always respectful Sky News website .  However ,  he  did fail to look up " Stockholm Syndrome " .

Sky News predicted that Mr Andrews would be unable to contain the spread of Covid in his state . 

But Victoria has now gone 52 days without a single new local transmission .  Possibly the best result in the world . 

Sky News predicted that Mr Andrew's performance during the pandemic would destroy voter confidence .

But the latest polls show that he has over 70% voter approval .  

Of course , Sky News has been quick to explain that 70% of Victorians are clearly suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome ".     I mentioned this to Monte . 

" Don't forget to take into account 'Stockholm Syndrome ' , Monte  " ,  I said . 

 " What's that ? "  ,  Monte said .

 "  It's when a captive is psychologically manipulated to bond with their abuser "  I said . 

 "  Oh , well that definitely did happen . " , Monte said.

 " How so ?  "  I said 

 " It's pretty bloody obvious that anybody who swallows the garbage on Sky News suffers from full blown galloping tertiary bandicoot Stockholm Syndrome " , Monte said . 

 I wonder if you can get a vaccine for that ?  

Your comrade , Ken .







Sunday, December 20, 2020

Reference :- How well did Sky News predict the USA election result ? Ken junior has done the research .

 Reference : -    The Sky News anchors , especially unpretentious everyman Paul Murray , predicted a landslide win for Mr Trump.  When that didn't happen , their prediction was that voter fraud on a massive scale would be uncovered .   Veteran commentator , Alan Jones  ( AKA Frankenjonesie ) , suggested that the fraud was blatant and that scammers had counted more votes than there were actual voters . 

 Here is a summary of Ken junior's research  . 

 Ken junior found that  Mr Biden won the electoral college votes with  a score of 306  to Mr Trumps 232.  

 Mr Biden also won the popular vote by over 7 million votes , achieving the most votes in the history of the USA.

  Despite 50 or so law suits contesting the election results , there has been no evidence of systemic voter fraud . 

 The total vote count  reveals that more than 70 million eligible voters  didn't bother voting . 

I guess that means Sky News were a bit off the mark with their coverage of the Presidential Election . 

I asked Ken junior to rate their coverage of the election and he said he would give them a   " 3"  . 

" We are running a one hundred point scale . " ,   I said . 

 "  I know . "  ,  Ken junior said .  

Your comrade , Ken .



Saturday, December 19, 2020

Reference :- Since the end is nigh ...ahem...of 2020 we mean , it's time to look back at the prognostications of Sky News .

Reference :  Through 2020 , how accurate were  the predictions of the world renowned " news we can trust and opinions that matter " team at Sky News ? 

The Sky Reply Team wrote the major news items  of 2020 on cards , and drew them from a hat to see who would research each topic .  Normally we would have spent the day watching the latest stories from Sky News , but half the shock jocks and shock frocks are away at present . Possibly because of yuletide celebrations , although they might be hiding in shame after being wrong about practically everything for 12  miserable , misleading , misinformed , mendacious months . 

Ken junior , the cheeky bugger , posed the question . 

 " How can you tell when a Sky News anchor is talking rubbish ?  "  he said 

 " I don't know . "  I said 

 "  It's when their lips are moving . "   he said . 

Anyway , we drew the cards from the hat .   They were a bit soggy because somebody had left the hat under a drip from the leaking roof .  It panned out like this . 

'Gabbo  drew  " climate change " .

Monte drew     " Daniel Andrews " 

Ken junior drew  " Donald Trump " 

That left me with the hardest one  " Coronavirus ".  

I reckon Ken junior rigged it , because  even with my good glasses I couldn't read the soggy cards with the running ink . 

 The team decided to run an individual Sky Reply for each topic and these will follow in future posts .  

 Meanwhile we had to deal with the bogged ute in the back yard .  Gabbo  said he would just rev it like crazy while everybody else pushed . Five minutes later the ute had only moved about 12 inches ....... straight down into the mud .  Ken junior said he knew it wouldn't work , but Gabbo  said it would have worked fine if Dog hadn't jumped in the back thinking we were going somewhere and weighed it down .    He yelled at Dog , who stopped panting with enthusiasm , licked his chops nervously , and slunk under the house to watch from a safe distance .   " Stupid bloody Dog "  said Gabbo .

The next technique was suggested by Ken junior , who jumped in the ute and said he would "rock it out " by continuously going from first gear to reverse on the column shift as fast as possible .  Mud flew , gears crunched , wheels spun . Dog couldn't bear to watch and vanished completely under the house . 

I couldn't bear to watch either . " You are stuffing the gearbox ! " I yelled .  

In the end we got our mate Trevor to tow it out with his old Landrover .   

" I will leave it parked on the road ".   Ken junior said . 

" Well you better lock it then . "     I said . 

 " Who would be bothered stealing an old ute with a stuffed gearbox  ? "  Ken junior said . 

  I hate Christmas . 

 Your comrade , Ken . 





Friday, December 18, 2020

Reference :- At last some good news about job creation . Perhaps .

 Reference :-   Over the past 6 months there have been over 734,000 new jobs created in Australia , we are told . 

This is indeed good news .  Out here in Kooralya  employment trends are different from those in the big smoke .  Fortunately cousin Nick is visiting for Christmas , and he has been filling us in regarding life in the metropolis .   The Sky Reply lads enjoy Nick's stories about the habits of city folk , which have been especially interesting during the fake pandemic .  

It's a rainy Christmas here , and we are annoyingly housebound .  Nick borrowed the ute to make a mercy run to the pub but got it bogged in the back yard .  . Gabbo points out that we are now experiencing  lockdown , despite being free of contagion .  There's not much to do here , so we watch a lot of television and take turns emptying  the saucepans that collect the drips from the leaky roof .

These days you can't trust the news , and 734,000 new jobs sounds a tad optimistic to me , but young Nick reckons the figure is probably correct .   He reckons he has three of those jobs himself ,  although apparently you have to have at least four jobs if you want to live in your own house . 

Ken junior said Nick must be pretty cashed up , what with all those jobs and their weekly pay cheques .  But Nick said he is broke .  Unfortunately he doesn't get holiday pay , and still has the rent and all his bills to cover while he kicks back and relaxes here in Kooralya .  

Nick is a fairly upbeat young chap , and he says that at least out here he doesn't have to spend money on  road tolls or 100 quid every week for petrol to commute between his trio of insecure jobs . 

"Well"  I said  " It looks like I will be saving on petrol myself now you've got the bloody ute bogged in the back yard ! " 

That's all for now , it's my turn to empty the saucepans . 

Your comrade , Ken . 


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Reference :- Sky News seems confused regarding the credentials of Greta Thunberg .

 Reference :-  In their eagerness to disparage Greta Thunberg , Sky News has failed to get their story straight . 

Dear climate experts at Sky News , 

                                                           Once again you have failed to present a coherent argument .    You say that Greta is a teenager with no life experience  , and hence her opinions carry no weight . But at the same time you believe she is a pawn who merely reflects the opinions of those who control her  .  You can't have it both ways  , and certainly not on the same programme .  

 I see you have stopped accusing her of being insane because she accepts the views of 99% of the world's climate scientists , and indeed that is wise .  In fact it's probably wise to simply leave her alone for now . If you bide your time there will inevitably be an occasion when somebody snaps a polaroid of her riding a jet ski or using a chainsaw .   Be patient .

It's a shame she doesn't have a weird hairdo , or Chris Kenny could discredit her in a flash . 

Your comrade , Ken 



Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Reference :- Petulant Sky News weatherboy Rowan Dean isn't much interested in icebergs .

 Reference:-    An iceberg covering more than 4000 square klms  has broken off an Antarctic ice shelf and is melting fast as it drifts north .

That's a big chunk of ice Rowan .  There must be a story there for your Ice Age Watch program .  Ken junior reckons you are avoiding this news item  because it doesn't support your theory that the globe is actually cooling .  But climate science is a rich tapestry from which many a story can be gleaned  , so don't despair. 

Here's a tip.   The gargantuan ice block is drifting towards the South Sandwich Islands , which are British territory .  The pommies have been watching it from sea and air and satellites .   Their scientists are concerned that the melting ice will cool the oceans around the islands and trash the fragile ecosystem .   

And  there is your opportunity  Rowan .   A banner headline could read " Oceans Cooling around the Sandwich Islands " . You could then launch into your usual witty rant about grand solar minimums and the suchlike. 

Ken junior points out that this year the Antarctic recorded temperatures of over 20 degrees centigrade for the first time on record .   I tell the lad that one errant statistic does not an argument make. And what with 4000 square klms of ice melting in their backyard I reckon those Sandwich Islands  might be chillier than usual come winter . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Reference :- The Sky News reporters were horrified by the behaviour of American Airlines .

 Reference :-   A two year old was thrown off an American Airlines flight for refusing to wear a mask .  Shrill Sky News anchor Rita Panahi was horrified . 

That sure seemed unpleasant Rita .  But then again one has to take into consideration the cultural norms in American society , which differ from our own .  The land of the free has a rich tradition of chucking folk unceremoniously off aeroplanes , even if they have a paid ticket and a seat booked months prior .   One of your astute Sky News comrades in the UK recently pointed out that it was quite common for passengers to be ejected from their seats in the USA , since airlines deliberately overbook flights to compensate for the occasional " no show " passenger and thus maximise profits .  Your comrade explained that such a customer service policy is simply economic common sense .  And who can argue against the assertion that shareholder profits and hence CEO bonuses take priority over somebody who thinks that a fully payed fare entitles them to a seat ?

Naturally if everybody does show up , somebody has to be chucked off the flight . This is just business as usual in the land of the free , so while we may view the sight of an anguished passenger being dragged off an aeroplane with alarm , its not such a big deal in the USA.  

Ken junior recently uncovered some footage on something he calls You Tube , which sure made us uncomfortable .  It shows a doctor on an American Airlines flight being dragged down the aisle with a bloodied face because he had refused to surrender his seat to somebody else . He had tried , spectacularly unsuccessfully ,  to explain that he needed to take his flight so he could keep an important rendezvous with his patients .

The poor doctor had a couple of his incisors smashed in .  But  Rita , there was obviously no risk of that happening to the two year old girl .  She would not have grown any teeth yet . 

My advice , Rita , is don't let it upset you .   When we watch a baby wildebeeste  being eaten by a lion , we have to console ourselves by admitting that such a spectacle is normal for the Serengeti .

Customers being thrown off their flight is likewise normal for American capitalism . 

We should not stand in judgement . 

Anyway Rita , if you google You Tube " Doctor dragged off United Airlines flight " you will see that the two year old girl was treated very well by comparison . 

 That should make you feel better . 

 Your comrade , Ken . 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Reference :- Exhumed shock jock Alan Jones hasn't said much about the fake pandemic lately .

 Reference :-   Six weeks have passed since Alan Jones told us there was no pandemic . 

That was a brave call Jonesie .  In October you claimed that " this is not and never was a pandemic " .   I mean , you could have waited a bit longer before saying anything , but at least you have sidestepped the topic lately .  That could mean you are no longer watching the progress of the fake pandemic , so Gabbo thought he would fill you in with the latest figures . 

Gabbo notes firstly that nobody in the Aboriginal community has died of the dread contagion .  That is a pretty good record , so as far as Gabbo is concerned there is no pandemic .  That means you are at least correct on that front .  But what of  the USA ?    Back in October they were chalking up 50,000 news cases  daily , and that figure is now over 200,000.    Plus the hospitalization rate keeps hitting new records , along with the daily death rate . 

However ,  as you point out , hardly anybody does die  , so what's the problem ?    Apparently even if you don't become critically  ill , being treated for Covid in the USA costs about 30,000 quid on average .   And speaking of average  , the average family has about  400 quid in the bank and inadequate health insurance .   A family of four might find themselves sans jobs and 120 large out of pocket even if nobody dies . 

But that's not the point is it ?   Pandemics are about death , not illness and financial ruin  . 

It must please you that our indigenous brothers and sisters have handled the disease so well . Andy  Bolt , sadly missed , must also be thrilled .  Young Andy thought it was silly when they locked down " isolated communities "  and perhaps he was right after all , since not a single person in those communities  has died from Covid .

Anyway Jonesie , Gabbo sends his regards , and encourages you to spruik your "fake pandemic " position further .  He urges your loyal followers to heed your advice . 

Your comrade , Ken


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Reference:- Sky anchor Chris Kenny has reassured us that the Great Barrier Reef is in great shape .

Reference :-   Chris Kenny has consulted reef expert Peter Ridd  concerning the health of The Great Barrier Reef .

 Thank you Chris . What a relieve to hear that our polyps are thriving , despite grim news from scientists.   Worldwide half the coral reefs are gone , but clearly here in Australia our tremendous efforts at conservation have been effective .  Of course , scientists here tell us that we are losing our reef , but thankfully Sky News has established a dialogue with rebel expert Peter Ridd who tells us we have nothing to fear . 

Ken junior is a cautious type , and has questioned Mr Ridd's bona fides  , although if you say he is kosher , Chris , that is good enough for me .  Ken junior says Mr Ridd is up to his frontalis  in donated money and legal complications and just lost a case in the High Court  involving a seven figure sum .  But what has that to do with the reef ?  And who better than a renegade physicist to assess reef ecology ?

 Mr Ridd wrote a book about the " input admittance of a horizontal antenna over a two layered lossy halfspace " , so nobody could question his credentials regarding polyp proliferation .  And to quote from a lawyer's submission , he has the confidence to " trivialise satirise and parody " his fellow scientists , which is always the mark of an astute expert , as you well know . 

Mr Ridd tells us that polyps are " like cockroaches " and simply move on to a better place if local conditions deteriorate .  I wonder where 50% of the world's polyps have moved to Chris ?  Obviously somewhere out of sight .  Since they are as adaptable as cockroaches perhaps they are hiding in the Simpson Desert or something ?

Anyway Chris , I beg your indulgence with this  . Ken junior has written another of his poems , and I promised to include it in a Sky Reply post .   You seem like a generous type , so I am sure you won't mind giving the lad some encouragement , despite his green proclivities . 

                                                Don't Worry About The Polyps . 

                                                                                                     by Ken junior 

                                            It simply beggars belief , 

                                            That we're losing The Barrier Reef , 

                                            So just listen to SKY,

                                            For a comforting lie , 

                                            That will save you from suffering grief . 

Thanks Chris. If Ken junior publishes his book of poems you will receive a copy gratis . 

Your comrade , Ken 



Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Reference :- Open-minded Sky Anchor Chris Kenny discussed the Olympic Games .

 Reference :-    At last something a bit lighter for The Sky Reply to tackle . 

The thought of Break Dancing becoming an Olympic sport sure made you chuckle with contempt Chris . 

An old bloke like me is too set in his ways to have a reasonable opinion on the subject . I still think they stopped making real cars when they eliminated front window quarter vents .   Accordingly , this Sky Reply is better tackled by the younger members of our team .

Ken junior really liked the footage you showed of those break dancers demonstrating their skills .  He can't understand why anybody would think that throwing a brass ball or a metal rod as far as you can  is somehow more deserving of recognition as a sport .   I pointed out that it is simple enough to measure a distance , but difficult to judge a break dancer .   But Ken junior quickly retorted that sports like diving and gymnastics are no different .  He can get tetchy at times , and told me that if they can judge two blokes going the biff with boxing gloves they can judge break dancing as well.  

Monte  ( the motorcyclist )  agrees that break dancing is worthy of a category in the Olympic games .  He also reckons that if blasting away at a target with a firearm is a worthy sport , why not motorcycle stunts ? Monte has the record for the longest wheelie ever done down the main street of Kooralya . He says it took years of practice and a lot of gravel rash to set the record .  I told Monte it is unlikely that he will ever be in the Olympic games.  Imagine the cost of constructing the main street of Kooralya at stadiums around the world .  Or the endless arguments when the organizers can't agree regarding how many potholes and empty beer cans to put on the track .

Gabbo ( the aborigine )  has a totally different perspective . He says one goal of the Olympic games is to include people of all cultural backgrounds so as to foster international fellowship and cooperation . 

Gabbo reckons that although sports like throwing cannon balls and spears or wrestling and boxing have been practised for millennia , history ceaselessly unfolds , and new sports evolve .   These need to be offered a place in the games to satisfy the goal of inclusiveness . 

Gabbo also says that there should be a category for Boomerang throwing .  He says that particular sport goes back about 50,000 years and requires a lot more skill than throwing a cannonball .  He also said something about cultural inclusivity , and wanted to know why nobody has ever thought of introducing a Woomera  category to the Javelin throwing .  Fair enough .  I reckon both those sports would please spectators more than the Shot Put . 

It was nice to see you laughing Chris , even if ( as usual )  it was at somebody's expense . 

Your comrade , Ken .

Monday, December 7, 2020

Reference :- The Chinese are looking at other countries as a possible source of Covid19.

Reference :-  Sky News is shocked that the Chinese are even considering Australia as a source of the dread contagion .  

Here at The Sky Reply we usually turn to Ken junior when we need to do some research on the computer .  It is often amazing what he finds .   After hearing that our trade partners in the Orient might end up blaming another country for clapping everybody up with the so called "China virus ", Ken junior decided to take a look at the history of international disease blaming .   

We in no way suggest that the Chinese are blameless , or even acting reasonably . We just don't know . But it is interesting to note how our species has attributed blame for spreading contagion in the past . 

For starters few scientists believe the " Spanish Flu " originated in Spain . It most likely started at a military base in Kansas USA . 

Our species has a grim history of death from pestilence going right back to biblical times , so there is no shortage of diseases we can reference .  But  Ken junior thought that syphilis makes an ideal candidate for a brief study . 

Nobody is sure where syphilis  came from , though the New World is a prime suspect .  Here is a list , by no means complete , of how different countries laid blame for the terrible disease . 

 The British called it  " The French Disease " 

 The French called it   " The Italian Disease " 

 The Dutch called it      " The Spanish Disease " ' 

 The Turks called it        "The Christian  Disease " 

 The Hindus called it      " The Muslim Disease " 

 The Muslims called it     " The Hindu Disease " 

  The Russians called it    " The Polish Disease  "

 The Polish called it         " The German Disease "     ....and on and on . 

 Of course we now live in more enlightened times . 

 I doubt we would use a pandemic as an excuse to denigrate another culture these days. Especially since we need cooperation to develop  and distribute a  "China virus " vaccine .

Your comrade , Ken

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Reference :- Alan Jones has bucked the trend at Sky News and reintroduced the term " Marxist " .

Reference :-  It seems  that Alan Jones still believes the term 'Marxist " is useful for scaring folk . 

 Indeed Jonesie , the term " Marxist " ( applied to anybody you dislike )  does still fill the hearts of some folk with dread . 

The Sky News  anchors have been avoiding the term of late , but why remove a perfectly useful sinister word from your lexicon for no reason ? 

Of course it behoves one to know what the word means before  splashing it about with gay abandon . Personally I haven't a clue myself , but since you said you prefer democracy to marxism I assumed that marxism must be undemocratic . 

But imagine my surprise when Ken junior informed me that one of Mr Marx's strongest beliefs was that countries should have a fully democratic constitution . 

Doubtless Mr Marx was full of devilish notions, but a desire to crush democracy was not one of them .  Mind you Jonesie , nobody will immediately rush off and google  " Marx and democracy " to fact check your assertion , so there is no need to worry just yet . But maybe returning to an expression less easily defined would be wise . 

 " Crazy latte sipping inner city leftists " is a good one , and vague enough to evade a clear definition . 

Keep it in mind .

Your comrade , Ken

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Reference :- Bearded sage and Sky News anchor Paul Murray gave China a stern lecture .

Reference :-    Paul Murray has no regrets about shirt fronting China , since we have " connections" .  

Well Paul ,  I see young Andy Bolt has vanished from the scene and retired to what he charmingly refers to as "the bush".   That means you are a man down as you face your war with China .  But as you say , the Chinese need to be aware of the fact that we have connections , especially with the USA .    

Of course , you had better check that those connections are still intact . I don't blame you at all , but laughing at the new President and calling him " Sleepy Joe " and accusing him of being a senile leftist intent on destroying America might have been too cavalier .   And following up with false accusations of electoral fraud was definitely pushing your luck .

My advice is that you run a show titled " I hope I wasn't out of line with that joke about Sleepy Joe '' and try to laugh the whole thing off.  We might need his support if Sky News manages to escalate a conflict with our oriental comrades .  

Your comrade , Ken

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Reference :- The Attorney- General of the USA , Mr William Barr has announced there is no evidence of systemic voter fraud in the recent Presidential election .

 Reference :-  Although appointed by Mr Trump , Mr Barr has not found evidence of systemic voter fraud. 

Dear manipulators of public opinion at Sky News ,

It looks like Mr Trump picked the wrong chap for the role of Attorney -General .  Ken junior wonders whether we should offer help from our own Attorney -General , Mr Christian Porter . 

According to Ken junior , Mr Porter is a bit of a pants man , and Mr Trump is likely to have some useful connections in that regard with which to return the favor .    Are you with me ? 

It would be a perfect opportunity for Mr Porter to leave the country , and the jurisdiction of the ABC , while a few things blow over .   

Your comrade , Ken  

P.S.   I meant   "the taxpayer funded ABC " of course . Apologies to Chris Kenny .

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Reference :- Australia's relations with China just keep getting worse

Reference :-    When things get you down , there is nothing like a limerick to put a smile of your face .

Ken junior has written another of his trademark limericks . 

                                                    China                                                                                                                                                                                                         by Ken Junior 

                              In times considerably finer,

                              We made great deals with China,

                              But those days are lost ,

                             At substantial cost , 

                             It's not known who was the first whiner . 

Your comrade , Ken     ( with  thanks to Ken junior  )


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Reference :- Sky Anchor Alan Jones, AKA Frankenjonesie , is having difficulties with numbers again . This time it's voter numbers .

Reference :-   The mathematics in this instance are very easily explained, fortunately . 

I know that numbers are not your strong suit  Jonesie .  Usually it's something to do with percentages of CO2 or the like , but on this occasion you failed to comprehend how the voting numbers during the Presidential election could be correct . 

"   How could Biden have got 80 million votes ?   That is a quarter of the population of the USA ! "  you gasped . 

Monte , the numbers man at The Sky Reply , explored this proposition and we are delighted to announce that we can address your confusion .  The maths are outlined below .  You probably should check  the batteries in your calculator before you run the numbers .  Young Angus Taylor has been sadly remiss in this regard and is still suffering the consequences . 

Out of consideration for your limited mathematical  skill ,  we have rounded the numbers . 

Number of voters registered in the USA ...............................................................230 million 

Number who voted for Mr Biden ............................................................................80 million 

Number who voted for Mr Trump ..........................................................................70 million 

Total number of people who voted .......................................................................150 million 

Total number of people who were registered to vote but didn't ..... ..............80 million 

Monte says if you are using a pencil for the addition , don't forget to carry the "1" . 

The numbers look very unremarkable when you see them written down , rather than having them shouted in your face . 

There is no need to thank Monte , he likes to help. 

Your  comrade , Ken