Thursday, December 10, 2020

Reference :- Exhumed shock jock Alan Jones hasn't said much about the fake pandemic lately .

 Reference :-   Six weeks have passed since Alan Jones told us there was no pandemic . 

That was a brave call Jonesie .  In October you claimed that " this is not and never was a pandemic " .   I mean , you could have waited a bit longer before saying anything , but at least you have sidestepped the topic lately .  That could mean you are no longer watching the progress of the fake pandemic , so Gabbo thought he would fill you in with the latest figures . 

Gabbo notes firstly that nobody in the Aboriginal community has died of the dread contagion .  That is a pretty good record , so as far as Gabbo is concerned there is no pandemic .  That means you are at least correct on that front .  But what of  the USA ?    Back in October they were chalking up 50,000 news cases  daily , and that figure is now over 200,000.    Plus the hospitalization rate keeps hitting new records , along with the daily death rate . 

However ,  as you point out , hardly anybody does die  , so what's the problem ?    Apparently even if you don't become critically  ill , being treated for Covid in the USA costs about 30,000 quid on average .   And speaking of average  , the average family has about  400 quid in the bank and inadequate health insurance .   A family of four might find themselves sans jobs and 120 large out of pocket even if nobody dies . 

But that's not the point is it ?   Pandemics are about death , not illness and financial ruin  . 

It must please you that our indigenous brothers and sisters have handled the disease so well . Andy  Bolt , sadly missed , must also be thrilled .  Young Andy thought it was silly when they locked down " isolated communities "  and perhaps he was right after all , since not a single person in those communities  has died from Covid .

Anyway Jonesie , Gabbo sends his regards , and encourages you to spruik your "fake pandemic " position further .  He urges your loyal followers to heed your advice . 

Your comrade , Ken


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