Reference :- It seems that Alan Jones still believes the term 'Marxist " is useful for scaring folk .
Indeed Jonesie , the term " Marxist " ( applied to anybody you dislike ) does still fill the hearts of some folk with dread .
The Sky News anchors have been avoiding the term of late , but why remove a perfectly useful sinister word from your lexicon for no reason ?
Of course it behoves one to know what the word means before splashing it about with gay abandon . Personally I haven't a clue myself , but since you said you prefer democracy to marxism I assumed that marxism must be undemocratic .
But imagine my surprise when Ken junior informed me that one of Mr Marx's strongest beliefs was that countries should have a fully democratic constitution .
Doubtless Mr Marx was full of devilish notions, but a desire to crush democracy was not one of them . Mind you Jonesie , nobody will immediately rush off and google " Marx and democracy " to fact check your assertion , so there is no need to worry just yet . But maybe returning to an expression less easily defined would be wise .
" Crazy latte sipping inner city leftists " is a good one , and vague enough to evade a clear definition .
Keep it in mind .
Your comrade , Ken
Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week and has a daughter, a son and four grandkids, received the vaccine from nurse May Parsons at University Hospital in Coventry. Known to family and friends as Maggie, Mrs. Margaret Keenan said: “I feel so privileged to be the first person