Sunday, December 13, 2020

Reference :- The Sky News reporters were horrified by the behaviour of American Airlines .

 Reference :-   A two year old was thrown off an American Airlines flight for refusing to wear a mask .  Shrill Sky News anchor Rita Panahi was horrified . 

That sure seemed unpleasant Rita .  But then again one has to take into consideration the cultural norms in American society , which differ from our own .  The land of the free has a rich tradition of chucking folk unceremoniously off aeroplanes , even if they have a paid ticket and a seat booked months prior .   One of your astute Sky News comrades in the UK recently pointed out that it was quite common for passengers to be ejected from their seats in the USA , since airlines deliberately overbook flights to compensate for the occasional " no show " passenger and thus maximise profits .  Your comrade explained that such a customer service policy is simply economic common sense .  And who can argue against the assertion that shareholder profits and hence CEO bonuses take priority over somebody who thinks that a fully payed fare entitles them to a seat ?

Naturally if everybody does show up , somebody has to be chucked off the flight . This is just business as usual in the land of the free , so while we may view the sight of an anguished passenger being dragged off an aeroplane with alarm , its not such a big deal in the USA.  

Ken junior recently uncovered some footage on something he calls You Tube , which sure made us uncomfortable .  It shows a doctor on an American Airlines flight being dragged down the aisle with a bloodied face because he had refused to surrender his seat to somebody else . He had tried , spectacularly unsuccessfully ,  to explain that he needed to take his flight so he could keep an important rendezvous with his patients .

The poor doctor had a couple of his incisors smashed in .  But  Rita , there was obviously no risk of that happening to the two year old girl .  She would not have grown any teeth yet . 

My advice , Rita , is don't let it upset you .   When we watch a baby wildebeeste  being eaten by a lion , we have to console ourselves by admitting that such a spectacle is normal for the Serengeti .

Customers being thrown off their flight is likewise normal for American capitalism . 

We should not stand in judgement . 

Anyway Rita , if you google You Tube " Doctor dragged off United Airlines flight " you will see that the two year old girl was treated very well by comparison . 

 That should make you feel better . 

 Your comrade , Ken . 

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